Intelligent Design: A Monster Evolution LitRPG

129 - Big Bat Boss

As the timer began to count down, David felt the familiar wave of nausea wash over him. The world around him blurred and smeared like wet paint, colors bleeding together until everything resolved into a new, alien landscape. He found himself frozen in place, reduced to a mere spectator in this ancestral memory.

The swamp vanished, replaced by the yawning mouth of an enormous cave. David's eyes struggled to adjust to the dim light, but as they did, he found himself slack-jawed at the sight before him.

The cavern was vast, its ceiling so high that it faded into inky blackness. Stalactites hung like massive stone fangs, dripping water that echoed throughout the chamber. The walls were a living tapestry of bat life, covered in countless furry bodies of all shapes and sizes. Some were no bigger than a mans thumb, while others rivaled large dogs in size. Their wings created a constantly shifting mosaic of leathery membranes.

But it wasn't just bats that called this place home. On the cavern floor, a diverse ecosystem thrived. Blind cave fish swam in crystal-clear pools, their pale scales glimmering in the faint light. Eyeless salamanders slithered between rocks, and David could have sworn he saw something that looked suspiciously like a miniature dragon curled up in a far corner.

What struck David most, however, was the surprising harmony of it all. Despite the variety of creatures, there seemed to be an unspoken truce. Predator and prey coexisted, if not peacefully, then at least with a begrudging respect.

Well, this is... unexpected. I was half expecting some kind of bat-pocalypse, not Bat Utopia.

As his eyes roamed the cavern, they were drawn inexorably upward. High above, in a section of the ceiling that had partially collapsed, hung a bat that made David's metaphorical jaw drop.

The creature was massive, much larger than David himself. Its fur was a deep, rich brown that seemed to absorb what little light there was, and its wings were folded tightly around its body like a leathery cloak. But size wasn't what made this bat truly impressive.

Every time it shifted, even slightly, a ripple of awareness seemed to spread through the entire cavern. Smaller bats adjusted their positions, cave-dwelling creatures on the floor paused in their activities, all acutely aware of the giant's presence.

Holy crap. That's one Big Boss Bat. Makes me look like a fuzzy chicken nugget in comparison.

As if on cue, a disturbance broke out near one of the larger pools. A bat monster, easily the size of a Saint Bernard, was squaring off against what looked like a bipedal axolotl with way too many teeth. Both creatures were hissing and posturing, clearly gearing up for a fight over the watering hole.

The instant the confrontation began, the big boss bat's ears twitched. A low hiss emanated from its direction, barely audible but impossibly resonant. The sound seemed to vibrate through David's bones, felt more than heard.

The effect was immediate and startling. Every creature in the cavern flinched, but none more so than the two belligerents by the pool. They separated as if yanked apart by invisible strings, the fight forgotten in an instant.

Damn. One hiss, and everyone turns into well-behaved kindergarteners. Now that's what I call crowd control.

The big boss bat began to stir, its wings shifting slightly. Then, without warning, it simply let go of its perch. David watched in horror as the massive creature plummeted towards the cavern floor, certain he was about to witness a very messy landing.

At the last possible second, the bat's wings snapped open with a thunderous WHOMP that echoed through the chamber. The sound was deafening, yet the bat's movement was poetry in motion. It landed with impossible grace, barely disturbing the air around it.

Show-off. I wonder if I could pull that off. Probably end up as a David-shaped pancake if I tried. Won't lie, this thing has style.

The boss bat began to walk towards the contested pool, its gait regal and unhurried. Despite its bulk, it moved with fluid grace, each step deliberate and silent. As it approached the water, the other creatures gave it a wide berth, a mixture of awe and fear in their eyes.

The massive bat lowered its head to drink, lapping at the water with a long, pink tongue. David couldn't help but notice the Saint Bernard-sized bat from earlier, watching the scene with an expression that could only be described as thirsty resignation.

Tough break, buddy. Guess that's the downside of living under a flying fury overlord. Last one to the watering hole is a rotten egg... forever.

As the boss bat finished its drink, it didn't immediately return to its lofty perch. Instead, it gracefully lowered itself to the ground beside the pool, stretching out its massive wings before folding them neatly against its body. The creature's presence seemed to transform the area around the watering hole into a temporary throne room.

Well, well, looks like His Royal Batness is holding court.

With the boss bat now comfortably settled, a subtle shift occurred in the cavern's atmosphere. The tension that had been thrumming through the air like an over-tightened guitar string suddenly eased.

The Saint Bernard-sized bat that had been involved in the earlier confrontation cautiously approached the pool. Its eyes never left the reclining form of the boss bat as it lowered its head to drink, lapping at the water with quick, thirsty motions.

To David's surprise, the axolotl-like creature that had also been part of the standoff shuffled forward as well. It kept a respectful distance from both the larger bat and the boss, but it too was allowed to quench its thirst without incident.

Huh, guess there's enough water for everyone when the big guy's playing lifeguard.

As if a silent signal had been given, a flurry of activity erupted around the pool. Smaller creatures that had been lurking in the shadows, clearly waiting for this opportunity, rushed forward. Tiny bats no bigger than mice fluttered down to perch on the pool's edge, while pale, eyeless fish darted to the surface, attracted to the ripples generated by the sudden activity.

The scene was chaos, but a controlled chaos. Despite the sudden influx of thirsty creatures, there was no pushing, no fighting. Each animal seemed acutely aware of its place in the hierarchy, taking only what it needed before quickly making way for others.

It's like the world's most polite stampede. One hiss from the big guy, and suddenly everyone remembers their manners.

Throughout it all, the boss bat remained still, its amber eyes half-lidded but alert. It was the eye of the storm, the calm center around which this underground ecosystem revolved. Its mere presence seemed to impose order, turning what could have been a violent free-for-all into a surprisingly civilized affair.

As David watched, he couldn't help but feel a mix of awe and, surprisingly, a touch of envy. This wasn't rule by fear alone, but by a perfect balance of respect, admiration, and just a hint of healthy caution. It was leadership in its most primitive, effective form.

Is this what it means to be 'royal' in the bat world? Less 'let them eat cake' and more 'let them not eat each other'?

In that instant, David felt a connection, a sort of primal understanding. This wasn't just about being the biggest or the scariest. It was about presence, about projecting an aura of authority so powerful that it kept an entire ecosystem in check. It was about being the fulcrum upon which this entire underground world balanced.

The vision began to fade, the cavern dissolving into a swirl of colors and shadows. As David felt himself being pulled back to reality, the boss bat's amber eyes lingered, seeming to convey a final, silent message:

‘This could be you.’

The thought both thrilled and terrified David as the world around him began to shift and blur once more.

David blinked rapidly, his eyes adjusting to the dim light of the swamp. He took a deep breath, the rich, damp air filling his lungs. It felt like waking from a dream, but the lingering sense of power and authority clung to him like a second skin.

David's attention was immediately drawn to his Cuddlebugs. They were frozen in place, but not out of fear or shock. Their tiny eyes were fixed on him with an expression of pure wonder, as if seeing him for the first time. It was as though they'd suddenly noticed something about their master that had been there all along, hidden beneath the surface.

Unable to resist breaking the spell, David reached out and gently ruffled the fur of the nearest Cuddlebug. The little creature's mouth gaped open in a batty approximation of a smile, clearly thrilled by the attention.

"What's got you lot so starstruck?" David muttered, bemused. "Did I grow a second head or something?"

Curious about the changes the Royal Bloodline might have wrought, David began to examine himself. At first glance, nothing seemed dramatically different. But as he looked closer, subtle alterations became apparent.

The most noticeable change was to his face. The once-bare, skull-like visage was now covered in a thin layer of dark fur. It wasn't enough to hide the underlying bone structure, but it softened the harsh lines just a bit.

His posture had undergone a subtle but significant transformation. David found himself standing more upright, his spine straightening in a way that accentuated his height. The change was most noticeable in how he carried his wings. Previously, they had sprawled farther out to the sides in a bat-like fashion when he walked, but now they tucked more vertically against his body.

This new configuration gave him a more regal, less lanky appearance. When he moved, his wings no longer swept low to the ground but instead remained poised and ready, like folded sails on a ship. The effect was striking - David now carried himself with an air of natural authority, his gait smoother and more purposeful.

The transformation hadn't robbed him of his bat-like qualities, but rather refined them. He could still spread his wings wide for flight or intimidation, but at rest, they settled into a more compact, elegant arrangement. This new posture not only made him look more imposing but also seemed to improve his balance and agility on the ground.

As David experimentally flexed his wings and shifted his weight, he marveled at how natural it felt. It was as if his body had always been meant to move this way, and the Royal Bloodline had simply unlocked its true potential.

The fur along his spine had grown slightly longer, blending into his mane seamlessly. When he moved, it rippled like a dark wave, catching what little light there was in the early morning of the swamp.

But perhaps the most striking change was in his eyes. The red glow that had always been present now seemed deeper, more intense. There was a new depth to them, a silent authority that spoke of power held in check.

David preened for a moment, stretching his wings dramatically. "Well," he announced to his rapt audience of Cuddlebugs, "for my first royal decree... let there be bats!"

With a grin, David flared his Wildsoul, channeling as much energy as he could muster into his Nightshade Swarm ability. The drain on his stamina was immediate and intense, like someone had opened a floodgate in his soul. Instinctively, he activated Metabolic Surge to counteract it.

The sensation was... bizarre, to say the least. It felt like someone had injected him with a cocktail of pure adrenaline, the world's strongest energy drink, and about half a bolt of lightning for good measure. The surge of energy coursed through him, pushing back against the drain from the summoning.

Grinning like a maniac, David redirected the refunded energy back into the Nightshade Swarm. He popped another Metabolic Surge, feeding the fresh burst of energy into the summoning ability once more.

As he pushed harder, David felt something give way within the ability itself. Notifications flashed in his vision, indicating that Nightshade Swarm was gaining levels at a breakneck pace. Suddenly, it ranked up, and the 'clever' Cuddlebug let out an alarmed squeak as it was engulfed in a familiar rainbow light.

By now, David was panting heavily. Even with the double dose of Metabolic Surge, the constant drain was taking its toll. Just as he thought he couldn't push any further, the ability seemed to hit a critical mass, and the drain abruptly cut off.

For a moment, nothing happened. Then, from the surrounding swamp, a swarm of empowered Cuddlebugs fluttered in. They landed all around David and the original summons, their tiny eyes glowing with newfound power.

"Holy shit," David wheezed, surveying his expanded army. "That's a lot of fuzzy death machines."

But the real surprise came when he turned his attention to the 'clever' Cuddlebug. The little creature had doubled in size, now approaching the bulk of a large house cat or small bobcat. Its ears were adorned with longer, feather-like hairs, and a fringe of similar fluff ran along the bottom of its wings. Its rat-like tail remained, but was now covered in a thick coat of dark, fluffy fur.

The enlarged Cuddlebug looked at David, then down at itself, its expression a mirror of David's own shock. When their minds touched along their mental connection, David was startled by the clarity of the creature's thoughts. There were still no words, but the concepts and feelings were far more distinct and complex than before.

"Well, aren't you full of surprises?" David laughed, his regal composure forgotten as he hustled over to scoop up his newly upgraded minion with a single wing. He hugged the creature close, grinning from ear to ear. "Look at you, all grown up and ready to terrorize the neighborhood!"

The enlarged Cuddlebug chittered happily, nuzzling against David's chest. Its increased size and intelligence only seemed to have amplified its loyalty and affection.

"Alright, my royal subjects," David announced, addressing his expanded swarm with mock solemnity. "Our first order of business is... figuring out what the hell just happened. Any volunteers for secretary? No? Tough crowd."

As David stood there, cradling his oversized minion and surrounded by his newly expanded army of Cuddlebugs, he couldn't help but feel a surge of pride and excitement. The Royal Bloodline had changed him, sure, but it had also opened up new possibilities he'd never even considered.

"You know what?" he mused aloud, a mischievous glint in his eye. "I think I'm going to like this whole 'royal' business. Now, time for a headcount. Baby steps, right?"

David turned his attention to his expanded swarm, performing a quick headcount. "One, two, three... eighteen? Holy guano, that's a lot of fuzzy minions," he muttered, impressed despite himself. The newer, empowered Cuddlebugs seemed to be in their initial rigid stage, following orders but not showing much initiative. It reminded David of when he'd first summoned the original batch.

To his surprise, the clever one – now significantly larger – didn't bother with the usual beatdown to establish dominance. Instead, it wriggled free from David's grasp and perched on his back. The weight was noticeable, and David doubted he'd be able to carry it while flying.

"Guess you're too mature for playground scuffles now, huh?" David chuckled, reaching back to scratch behind its ears. "Just don't get any ideas about being a backpack. I'm not a taxi service."

A massive yawn escaped him, the stamina drain from his earlier antics catching up. In a move that would probably make any sane person question his logic, David decided to drain his stamina even further... to help it recover faster.

"Sometimes, I swear this System is held together with duct tape and wishful thinking," he snorted, activating Siren's Call.

The ability took hold like a cool drink of water on a hot day, leaving him slightly woozy but refreshed. David plopped down on a branch of the fruit tree, letting his stamina recharge at a rapid clip while watching his Cuddlebugs mingle.

Occasional scuffles broke out among the smaller ones, but David only intervened with a wing-thump when things got too heated. "Hey, no biting below the belt! Or... whatever passes for a belt on you guys."

The larger Cuddlebug, meanwhile, seemed content to explore its new form. It flexed its wings, tested its balance, and even attempted a few short glides between branches. David watched with a mix of pride and amusement.

"Look at you, showing off," he called out. "Just remember who's the real star of this show, fuzzbucket."

As his stamina topped off and the swamp began to stir with morning activity, David decided it was time to move on. With a powerful leap and a few strong wing beats, he launched himself into the air. His swarm followed suit, creating a small storm of leathery wings and excited chirps.

The swamp fell away beneath them as David climbed steadily higher. The patchwork of murky pools and gnarled trees gradually transformed into a misty, alien landscape. Shafts of early morning sunlight pierced the fog, creating an ethereal scene that was both beautiful and slightly unsettling.

As they soared, David's thoughts turned to Claire. "Man, she's gonna flip when she sees all this," he mused aloud. "Extra Cuddlebugs, my sweet new look... assuming she doesn't squash me flat for making her wait so long."

He grimaced at the thought. "Really should've bought that long-distance communication ability. Hindsight's a real bi-"

David's self-recrimination was cut short as something caught his eye in the distance. At first, he thought it might be another swathe of flattened grass, like the trail left by those massive dinosaur-things. But as he focused, he realized this was something entirely different.

A vast group of... creatures? No two seemed alike, but there was an undeniable organization to their movement. Most traveled on the ground, following the edge of the foothills. But what really caught David's attention was the ring of flying beings surrounding the grounded group, keeping pace and maintaining a watchful perimeter.

Smaller groups darted about in coordinated patterns, clearly scouting ahead. The whole thing moved with a purpose and efficiency that spoke of careful planning and leadership.

As the realization hit him, David felt a chill run down his spine that had nothing to do with the altitude. This wasn't some random collection of mutated wildlife. This was an organized group of transformed humans, a small army on the move.

And they were heading straight for Riverport.

"Oh, shit," David breathed, his earlier elation evaporating like morning dew. "This...might be bad."

David's wings locked for a moment as the gravity of the situation hit him. The organized mass of transformed humans moving towards Riverport could spell disaster if their intentions were hostile. He shook off his momentary paralysis, his newly acquired regal bearing giving way to a more familiar confusion.

"Alright, fuzzballs," he barked to his Cuddlebug swarm, "change of plans. We're hauling ass to the Observatory. Double time!"

With a powerful thrust of his wings, David shot forward, his enhanced physique allowing for greater speed and maneuverability. The Cuddlebugs fell into formation behind him, creating a V-shape that cut through the air with surprising efficiency.

As they raced towards the Observatory, David's mind whirled with possibilities and plans. "Gotta warn Claire, gotta beat them back to Riverport," he muttered to himself, the wind whipping past his face. "But first, we need intel. Can't just scream 'invasion' without knowing what's what."

Making a split-second decision, David dove sharply, shedding altitude in a controlled fall. His wings tucked close to his body as he plummeted, the wind whistling past his ears. At the last moment, he flared his wings, pulling up mere feet above the ground.

Now skimming the earth, David's advanced camouflage kicked in, his fur rippling and shifting to match the terrain beneath him. He angled his flight path to intercept the group's trajectory, staying low and using the natural contours of the land for cover.

As they neared, David gestured silently to his swarm, directing them to spread out. The Cuddlebugs, seeming to instinctively understand their master's intent, fanned out in a wide arc, becoming additional eyes and ears.

David's new upgrades put in work to enhance his already impressive stealth capabilities. He found himself able to mask his scent almost effortlessly, the air around him becoming still and odorless. His movements were fluid and silent, each wing beat carefully controlled to minimize disturbance.

As he approached the edges of the group, David was struck by how easy this felt. What once would have been a nerve-wracking infiltration now seemed as natural as breathing. He glided along the periphery, close enough to observe but far enough to avoid detection, his presence nothing more than a shadow passing over the ground before he landed. He slithered into the bushes, vanishing almost entirely unless you knew exactly where to look.

From his vantage point, David could now make out more details of the group. The diversity was staggering – creatures of all shapes and sizes, some barely recognizable as anything that ever lived on Earth before the integration. But what struck him most was the obvious hierarchy and organization.

"Holy crap, they've got themselves a whole society on the move," David whispered, impressed despite his concern. He spotted what appeared to be designated hunters, gatherers, and even makeshift medics tending to the weaker members.

As he lurked around the edge of the group, David's enhanced hearing picked up snatches of conversation.

"...heard Riverport's got..."

"...wonder if they'll trade info? We've..."

"...hope they're friendly. Last group we met..."

David's eyes widened. "They're not invading," he realized with a mix of relief and excitement. "They're looking for a safe haven!"

With this crucial information, David began to creep away, setting a direct course for the Observatory. His heart pumped harder, fueled by a new sense of urgency. This wasn't just about warning Claire anymore – it was about preparing Riverport for a potential influx of highly organized people they knew nothing about.

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