Intelligent Design: A Monster Evolution LitRPG

125 - Solo Boss Kill_Final

The waning moon cast an eerie glow over the swampland, its pale light filtering through the massive, cotton-candy clouds that drifted lazily across the night sky. From his lofty perch, David surveyed the landscape below, his keen eyes picking out every detail of the hive and its surroundings.

Hours of preparation had led to this moment. David had spent the afternoon perfecting his scent disguise, fine-tuning his plan, and even managing to squeeze in a power nap. Now, fully rested and ready for action, he hovered almost motionless in the night air, his wings beating only occasionally to maintain his position against the gentle breeze.

His gaze followed the two Empowered Cuddlebugs as they darted through the darkness towards the hive, their tiny forms barely visible in the moonlight. A savage grin spread across David's face as he watched them disappear into the distance.

"AlexA, play 'Fluffy Bunnies and Rainbows' by The Unicorn Sparkles," David commanded, his voice dripping with sarcasm. When nothing happened, he chuckled to himself. "LGood one, David."

He glanced down at the remaining Cuddlebugs clinging to his body. "How about you guys? Feel like belting out some Wagner for our impending bug-pocalypse?"

The Cuddlebugs just stared at him blankly, their beady eyes reflecting the moonlight.

"Tough crowd," David muttered, still grinning.

Suddenly, the two scout Cuddlebugs came rocketing back out of the darkness, skimming the tops of the long grass. David knew they were leaving a trail of carefully crafted scent markers behind them, just as he'd painstakingly instructed earlier in the day. It had taken some time to convey exactly what he wanted, but the little savages had eventually caught on.

As the Cuddlebugs blasted past beneath him, heading deeper into the swamp, David held his breath in anticipation. He didn't have to wait long.

Within seconds, a tidal wave of enraged insects came barreling out of the darkness by the hive. The sheer number of bugs was staggering, and David couldn't help but gulp as he took in the sight. Worker ants covered the ground in such density that the earth itself seemed to move. Above them, clouds of bee-things swarmed in numbers so great that the air vibrated with the hum of their wings.

The beetles, mixed into the leading edge of the insect tsunami, added their own cacophony to the chaos. Their wings beat so loudly that David's teeth set on edge, his sensitive hearing overwhelmed by the onslaught of sound.

As the horde surged past below him, chasing after the two Cuddlebugs and deeper into the swamp, David made a mental note.

"File this under 'How to Deal with Metric Assloads of Bugs,'" he muttered to himself. Then, after a moment's consideration, he added, "No, wait. This definitely qualifies as a full-on fuckload."

The wave of chitinous fury showed no signs of abating, and David couldn't help but feel a twinge of both awe and terror at the sight.

"Well," he mused, "I wanted to thin the herd. Looks like I'm getting my wish... and possibly a lifetime supply of a new phobia."

David continued to hover, watching the seemingly endless army of bugs thin to stragglers below. He'd spent hours preparing, perfecting his scent disguise, crafting his plan...

Now, as the insect tsunami receded into the swamp's darkness, David couldn't help but grin. His trap was set, a series of scent markers leading to the pièce de résistance - a loogie pile so massive and pungent it'd make a skunk blush.

It had taken hours of concentrated spitting to create, leaving him so dehydrated he'd half-expected to start seeing mirages of convenience stores with their blessed oases of Slurpee machines. But having to chug gallons of swamp water was worth it. The regular version of his Corruptor's Touch, infused with bug-enticing pheromones, would be doing its nasty work by now.

David imagined the smaller bugs succumbing to the debilitating effects, being crushed under their larger brethren. A vicious cycle, but one that'd keep Her Majesty's expendable children occupied. After seeing that swarm, he was pretty sure he could've spent all day Miasma-ing them into oblivion, but he'd doubtless be an exhausted bat puddle by the end of it.

No, better to play it smart. Let them chase ghost scents while he paid Her Highness a surprise visit. Of course, he wasn't naive enough to think the hive would be completely unguarded. There'd be enough left to turn him into bat paste if he wasn't careful.

For a brief moment, David wished he'd had time to snag one more Fusion Token, maybe slot Metabolic Surge. But he quickly shook off the thought. He wasn't cut out for drawn-out heroic battles anyway.

After giving it another minute just to be safe, David began to move. He knifed through the dark sky towards the top of the hive where his Summons had found the ventilation opening. As he drew closer, the familiar warning chimed in his mind again:


–Entering Area Boss Territory–

–Quest Available: The Queen's Gambit–

–Reward: Fusion Token–

–Bonus Objective: Claim Boss Trophy–

–Reward: Special Evolution Bloodline–

David rolled his eyes at the repeated notification. As if he needed reminding of the task ahead.

As he approached, he could make out the hulking silhouettes of the wasp-like guardians. The sight of their angry, twitchy silhouettes made his heart beat faster in his chest as his stomach twisted with anticipation.

Showtime. Just a normal, slightly oversized flying bug coming through. Definitely not a bat on a mission to overthrow your queen. Nope, not at all.

The hive loomed before him, its organic architecture somehow even more unsettling in the pale moonlight. David steeled himself, knowing one false move could spell disaster.

Well, here goes nothing. Time to crash this bug party.

David landed on the hive's 'roof' a short distance from the wasp-like guards. He couldn't help but smirk internally, even bug royalty has bouncers. He was momentarily glad that they were incapable of checking IDs. Just pheromones.

As he approached the group, he tried to ignore how the wasps twitched towards him aggressively. Their antennae waved like angry, living sensors, and those massive compound eyes glowed with an eerie, reddish light that made David's fur stand on end. The mandibles that looked like they could shear through his limbs like paper clicked menacingly, setting his teeth on edge.

Every instinct screamed at David to flee, to take to the sky and not look back. But he pressed on, willing his wings to stay steady and his scent disguise to hold. After a moment that felt like an eternity, the guards relaxed. David let out a silent sigh of relief, his chest unknotting ever so slightly.

Thank fuck bugs seem to run on simple programming. Gotta admit though, it's effective. Nature's had a long time to work out the kinks.

The guards slowly went back to fanning the entrance of the ventilation shaft with their wings. David had known it would be loud, but this... this was ridiculous. The sound hit him like a physical wall, making his sensitive ears twitch in protest. He half expected to see the air rippling from the sheer force of it.

Well, no time like the present. Let's hope my improv skills are up to snuff.

He joined the guards, shaking his wings as if he too was a vent-bug-guardian. He knew that he likely looked like a child pretending to be a bug, unable to vibrate his own wings nearly as quickly. Instead, he just flailed them as if trying to shake something loose…which he was.

As he fanned, David channeled his Wildsoul into his wings, coaxing the Miasma into reality. Wisps of the toxic fog began to form, drifting free into the air around him. The caustic vapor swirled violently in the turbulence created by the wasps' own efforts, creating a dizzying, deadly dance.

A few seconds later, the Miasma had built to where it couldn't be blown away even by the bugs' relentless fanning. If David could sweat, he'd be drenched. This was it. No turning back now.

The caustic reaction began to destroy the insects' delicate wings almost immediately. To David's surprise and relief, they didn't seem to notice, likely due to the analgesic effect of his concoction. At least at first.

A few moments later, the notification he'd been waiting for flashed in his mind:

–Hive Guardian has been afflicted by |Empowered Miasma| |Paralysis| |Sleep| |Corrosion|–

The wasps seemed confused, their movements becoming erratic as they slowly realized they weren't moving any air. Their bodies began to lock up almost immediately, mandibles clicking in what David imagined was alarm or frustration.

He was kind of shocked at how effective the Miasma was on them. But then, he rationalized, bugs were always kinda susceptible to sprays in the 'old world.' This is basically the 'up to 11' version of an insect spray. Even superpowered, Overseer engineered bugs couldn’t escape their roots.

Suddenly, one of the bugs lunged at him from behind. David's heart leapt into his throat, but a watchful Cuddlebug's shriek of alarm gave him just enough warning. He dodged, twisting away with a grace that surprised even him.

The insect seemed totally disoriented, its attack more desperate flailing than coordinated assault. It was attacking hallucinations, David realized, a grim smile spreading across his face. The bug waffled the lunge and lost its grip on the roof almost simultaneously, rolling away into the darkness in a flail of armored limbs and snapping mandibles.

Well, that's my cue. Time to blow this popsicle stand. Or bug stand. Whatever.

David decided it was time to move. He easily tore through the covering that protected the ventilation shaft from debris, the organic matter already weakened to the point of crumbling by Miasma exposure. Without a backward glance, he barreled into the shaft, leaving the guards to their Miasma-induced 'fun.'

They'll die if they stand in it for too long, and they don't seem to be moving. So. Win-win there.

Once inside, David blasted Echolocation ahead of him. The returning sound waves mapped the tunnel with eerie precision, revealing a passageway that was equal parts fascinating and revolting.

He fit, but just barely. The shaft was a nightmare of organic textures, its walls pulsing with an alien rhythm that made David's skin crawl beneath his fur. Bioluminescent growths cast an eerie, sickly glow, revealing strange, caterpillar-like creatures methodically repairing and expanding the tunnels. They looked nastier in person, and David quickly trashed his earlier daydream about maybe trying to pet one of the docile creatures.

The air was thick with moisture and the musty scent of decay, making each breath a challenge. David tried not to think about what exactly he was breathing in, focusing instead on the task at hand.

As he crawled through the claustrophobic space, David couldn't help but feel a twinge of panic. The walls seemed to press in on him, the organic nature of the hive making it feel like he was being swallowed alive.

Get it together, bat boy. You've faced worse than this. Probably. Maybe. Omega counts as ‘worse’.

Suddenly, David hit an intersection he didn't remember from the Cuddlebugs' scouting. Panic threatened to overwhelm him as he stared at the branching paths, each one disappearing into darkness.

Just as he was about to pick a direction at random, one of his Cuddlebugs made a noise to get his attention. To his surprise, it wasn't the veteran clever one. The little fuzzball hopped off of him and darted a short distance down one of the branches before turning to look at him expectantly.

Well, won't look a gift Cuddlebug in the mouth while they're leading me to water to drink... or however that saying goes.

Relief washing over him. He followed his tiny guide, marveling at how even the newer Cuddlebugs were stepping up to the plate.

For about five minutes, David moved as fast as he could in the cramped space. The journey felt like an eternity, each twist and turn of the organic labyrinth bringing new challenges. More than once, he had to flatten himself against the tunnel floor to squeeze through particularly tight spots, his wings scraping uncomfortably against the pulsing walls.

Just when David thought he couldn't take another second of the claustrophobic nightmare, he saw it. The opening into the Queen's chamber loomed ahead, a yawning maw of darkness that promised both danger and the space he so desperately craved.

As he approached the exit, David's heart pounded in his chest, a mix of anticipation and dread making his fur stand on end. He could hear the constant drone of insect activity beyond, punctuated by wet, squelching sounds that he really, really didn't want to contemplate.

This is it, David. No turning back now. Time to introduce Her Majesty to the joys of pest control.

With a deep breath that tasted of decay and alien pheromones, David prepared to launch his nefarious plan.

Pausing just inside the shaft, about ten feet back from the opening, he steeled himself. A quick Echolocation revealed the two guards from earlier had added another wasp to their duo.

Extending a single wing down toward the opening as he clung to the wall, David was mildly surprised to find the tips of his wing spikes only a few feet from the entrance.

When did I become such a lanky bastard?

He flooded the end of the tunnel with Miasma, watching as the dense vapor fell slowly out of the opening. In his mind's eye, David imagined it looked pretty sinister from below. Too bad the bugs couldn't appreciate the aesthetic.

After a moment, he cut off the flow of his Wildsoul, noticing the caustic fog was eating into the walls of the ventilation shaft and expanding the opening more than anticipated. Huh. The material on the outside of the hive apparently sturdier than on the inside. Odd, but not an actual problem.

A couple of minutes crawled by, each second feeling like an eternity. Finally, Davidboth 'heard' and 'saw' via Echolocation the guards fall off the ceiling and plummet to the floor below.

Well, that's one way to make an entrance.

He mentally set a timer, knowing this marked the actual start of the battle. No way the hive would ignore three guards falling off the ceiling and probably splattering on the ground below. There would be a response, and he was now on a time limit before they noticed and began to react.

Alright, David. Time to make like a bat out of hell. Or a bat into hell, in this case.

He deftly slithered out of the shaft, clinging to the roof and scrambling to make distance as he craned his neck 'up' to look down. Sure enough, the beetle-like creatures were still in the chamber, already moving aggressively toward where the three wasps had cratered in the floor below. Their limbs twitched in what David thought were death throes rather than attempts to right themselves.

The Queen seemed to be paying attention now, her massive ugly head turned towards the commotion but otherwise immobile. David hoped she wasn't entirely as tough as she looked, banking on the huge expanse of heaving flesh being as gelatinous as it appeared. Most of her body seemed geared towards making and laying as many eggs as possible, not weathering direct assaults.

Releasing his grip on the ceiling, David glided towards the nearest support pillar, his swarm of Cuddlebugs in tow. He latched on with a bit too much force, his talons sinking into the material and getting stuck for a terrifying moment before he managed to pull them free.

Great. Nearly fly papered myself on bug architecture. What a way to go that would've been.

Taking a deep breath to steady himself, David exploded into motion. He slammed his Wildsoul into his throat and mouth, feeling the bubbling surge of a massive Empowered Corruptor's Touch building as streams of smoking saliva ran from his jaws.

He fired the blast directly in front of the Queen's body, hoping the rising vapor would manage to reach her head before she began to move... if she even could. Unsurprisingly, she didn't react immediately, the wet splat not drawing much attention over the noise of the beetles investigating the dead wasps.

Seizing the moment, David fired a volley of shots all around the Queen, attempting to box her in like he'd done to the owl. It had worked beautifully in that fight, and he saw no reason to fix something that wasn't broken. The shots arced through the air, leaving streamers of Miasma behind them as they flew. David made a mental note that people with a brain would likely follow those right back to him, but filed it away for the future.

His ultimate plan was simple: melt her with Miasma, avoid or disable the guards when they responded. The killing part of the plan was straightforward, once he'd figured out how to draw away her huge amount of protection. Viktor had taught him that beings who rely entirely on armies were desperately vulnerable without them.

As the Queen finally began to notice the vapor swelling higher, her weak flesh bubbling and splitting below her line of sight, David couldn't help but feel a twinge of satisfaction.

It wasn't until a tendril of vapor brushed her eye, shriveling and darkening the countless facets almost instantly on contact, that she shrieked in alarm. The sound was like a thousand nails on a chalkboard, amplified to eleven and mixed with the dying scream of a freight train.

David winced, his sensitive ears ringing, but grinned savagely as the notification flashed in his mind:

–Hive Queen has been afflicted by |Empowered Miasma| |Paralysis| |Sleep| |Corrosion|–

"Alright, Your Majesty," David muttered, readying himself for the next phase of the battle. "Let's see how you like being on the receiving end of a pest control service."

As the Queen's shriek echoed through the chamber, the hive erupted into chaos. David had expected resistance, but this... this was way beyond what he'd expected. Beetles and smaller insects swarmed from every crevice, their numbers defying belief.

Launching himself from the pillar, he used Nocturnal Strike to propel himself towards another vantage point. As he moved, he fired a volley of shots, aiming to create a barrier between the Queen and her reinforcements.

The chamber quickly filled with a toxic haze, Miasma billowing from every point of impact. David's Cuddlebugs darted through the chaos, their size working to their advantage as the rocketed off into the fray.

This is it, one oversized bat versus an entire hive. Just another day in paradise.

"Fuck," David snarled, launching himself from his perch. He used Nocturnal Strike to propel himself towards another support pillar, narrowly avoiding a glob of acid spat by the Queen. The caustic liquid ate through the floor where he'd been standing, sending up noxious fumes.

David didn't hesitate. He unleashed a barrage of Corruptor's Touch, aiming for the Queen's exposed flesh and the swarms rushing to her aid. His Cuddlebugs continued their campaign of harassment, tiny terrors harassing larger insects and creating vital distractions. He felt a few of them wink out in the chaos, and hissed viciously in response to their deaths.

The Queen's bulk heaved as she attempted to drag herself away from the encroaching fog of death. Her shrieks took on a different timbre, and David felt a surge of dread as the horde around her seemed to move with renewed vigor.

"Oh, come on!" he growled, narrowly dodging a beetle that nearly took his head off. "Since when do Bosses get power-up screams?"

He was forced to push his Wildsoul to its limits, empowering every aspect of his being. His flight became a blur of motion, wings trailing concentrated Miasma that corroded anything it touched. When a particularly large wasp tried to flank him, David unleashed an empowered Screech, almost point-blank, that shattered its exoskeleton and sent it plummeting.

Decoys peeled off him with dizzying regularity, each one drawing fire and buying precious seconds. David wove through the air in a deadly dance, using Nocturnal Strike to both dodge and counterattack. He slammed into passing bugs at every opportunity, the impacts jarring but effective.

A group of flying beetles formed up, their synchronized wing beats creating a turbulence that threatened to tear David from the air. He gritted his teeth, channeling everything he had into his wings. The Miasma pouring from them thickened, forming a protective cocoon that the beetles couldn't penetrate.

"My turn," David snarled, bursting from his toxic shelter with explosive force. He tore through the beetle formation, leaving a wake of corroded wings and twitching bodies.

The constant affliction of targets began to take its toll on David, but his Apical Mutagen kicked into overdrive. Tiny bursts of stamina and health replenished him, barely keeping pace with the drain of his all-out assault.

David circled the Queen, raining down Corruptor's Touch in an ever-tightening spiral. The massive insect thrashed in agony, her screams oscillating between pain and rage. With each shriek, her minions seemed to gain new purpose, forcing David to adapt on the fly.

When acid-spitting termites began to scale the walls, David improvised. He used Nocturnal Strike to ricochet between pillars, leaving trails of Miasma in his wake. The termites, unable to navigate the toxic maze, fell by the dozens.

A colossal centipede burst from the ground, its segmented body armored and bristling with venom-dripping mandibles. David barely had time to form a Decoy before the monster's jaws snapped shut where he'd been hovering.

"Seriously?" David panted, unleashing a concentrated burst of Corruptor's Touch into the centipede's eyes.

As the creature writhed, David saw his opening. He dive-bombed the centipede, using its thrashing body as a shield against a wave of smaller insects. At the last second, he pulled up, leaving the horde to crash into their own ally. The resulting thrashing from the large insect crushing swathes of its own allies.

The Queen, despite her wounds, managed to swipe at David with one of her massive legs as he passed above her. He twisted in mid-air, feeling the wind from the near-miss ruffle his fur. In retaliation, he fired a Screech into her face, the sonic assault visibly cracking her compound eyes.

David's Cuddlebugs, proving their worth a thousand times over, formed living barriers against the smaller insects trying to overwhelm their master. They moved with uncanny coordination, ripping the wings off of each bug in turn before moving on.

As the battle raged on, David felt himself approaching his limits. His wings ached, his throat burned from constant ability use, and even with Apical Mutagen, he was running on fumes. But the Queen was weakening too, her movements growing sluggish, her empowering screams becoming ragged and less frequent.

In a moment of desperate inspiration, David corkscrewed through the air, spiraling around one of the chamber's massive support pillars. Miasma coiled around the structure like a serpent, eating away at its base. Insects that tried to follow found themselves trapped in the toxic coils, adding their death throes to the growing instability.

David landed on a nearby mound, panting heavily. He surveyed the battlefield, taking in the devastation. The floor was littered with insect corpses, Miasma swirled in thick banks, and the Queen... the Queen was still alive, but barely mobile.

That's when he saw it. The support pillar he'd wrapped in Miasma was beginning to sway, cracks spider-webbing across its surface. David's eyes darted between the pillar and the Queen, a plan forming in his exhaustion-addled mind.

"Hey, Your Majesty!" he shouted, mustering his remaining strength. "Ever play Jenga?"

Before the Queen could shriek in response, David unleashed a final, massive volley of Corruptor's Touch. The empowered liquid sprayed across the pillar's weakened side, hissing and bubbling as it ate into the base,dissolving the last of the support's integrity.

For a moment, everything seemed to hold its breath. Then, with a groan that David felt in his bones, the pillar began to topple. It fell with agonizing slowness, as if the very air was trying to hold it up.

The Queen, her bulk pinned by her own wounds and the sea of Miasma, could only watch as the massive structure descended upon her. Her final shriek was cut short as the pillar crashed down, crushing her with a sound that made David physically gag.

The impact shook the entire chamber. Chunks of the ceiling rained down, and the remaining insects fell into total disarray. David clung to his perch, ears ringing, as dust and Miasma billowed outward in a choking cloud.

As the dust settled, David stared at the mountain of rubble that had once been the Hive Queen. His chest heaved with exertion, wings drooping as the adrenaline roiled in his system.

"Well," he mumbled, feeling lightheaded from the combination of fatigue and fumes, "that's one way to make a royal flush."

The silence that followed was deafening after the cacophony of battle. David's Cuddlebugs gathered around him, chittering softly in what might have been concern. He gave them a weary smile, absently petting the nearest one.

"Good job, team," he said, his voice hoarse. "Remind me to never complain about regular exterminator work ever again."

But the moment of quiet victory was short-lived. A new sound began to rise from the rubble and surrounding hive - a frenzied buzzing that quickly grew to a deafening roar. The remaining bugs, far from disappearing or becoming docile, were going absolutely apeshit.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me," David groaned, pushing himself back to his feet.

That's when he noticed it - a new smell cutting through the Miasma. It was strong and bitter, so potent that even the caustic fog couldn't destroy it. The Queen's Death Marker.

A horrible realization dawned on David. He'd planned meticulously for killing the Queen, but hadn't given a single thought to what would happen after. He'd just assumed, like an idiot, that the bugs would simply... vanish or something once she was dead.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid!" he berated himself, watching in horror as swarms of insects began pouring into the chamber from every opening. Their movements were erratic, driven by pure instinct and rage rather than the coordinated attacks from earlier.

As David prepared himself for another round of combat, a series of notifications flashed in his mind:

–Area Boss Slain!–

–Quest: The Queen's Gambit complete!–

–Received: Fusion Token–


–Received: Egg Production B–


–Received: Royal Bloodline–

–Gained 2,500xp–

The notifications barely had time to register before David was forced to dodge a kamikaze attack from a beetle the size of a motorcycle. He unleashed a Screech, shredding its wings and sending it crashing into a group of smaller insects surging towards his exposed back.

"Okay, new plan," David panted, using Nocturnal Strike to propel himself towards the chamber's main exit. "Get the hell out of here and figure out the rest later!"

His remaining Cuddlebugs formed a protective swarm around him as he fought his way through the chaos. Miasma poured from his wings, creating a toxic barrier that bought him precious seconds.

As he neared the exit, David risked a glance back at the devastation he'd wrought. The chamber was a nightmare of broken chitin, caustic fog, and frenzied insects. The collapse of the pillar had destabilized the entire structure, and cracks were spreading across the ceiling at an alarming rate.

"Must go faster, must go faster, must go faster," David chanted, pouring every ounce of his remaining strength into his flight.

He burst from the chanber just as a massive section of the roof caved in behind him. The sound of collapsing organic architecture and the dying screams of countless insects followed him all the way out through the twisting corridors and into the night sky.

As David soared away from the crumbling hive, his mind raced with the implications of what he'd just accomplished - and the challenges that still lay ahead. He'd won the battle, but the war was far from over.

"Next time," he muttered to himself, "I'm bringing a really, really big can of bug spray."

Before he had time to begin to relax, his vision swam, and everything took on a deep crimson hue as the world froze.

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