Insane Descension

Prologue – World Destruction? Nope, See You Later!

Once on a far far away land... or realm, two Goddesses were chilling with absolutely nothing to do.


Goddess of Order - "Hey In-chan, why do I have nothing to do huh?"


The Goddess of Order was known to be the busiest one. Always working and working, and some more working, and not to mention working... did I forget to tell you she always keeps working?


Anyways, this was one of the rare times Order has no work to do. And why is that, you wonder?


Goddess of Insanity - "Aaaah..."


The Goddess of Insanity, or how Order likes to call her, In-chan, is the main reason Order has a lot of work. I mean, without some chaos and insanity, there is no need to have more order don't you think?


Did you ask why Insanity is not doing anything insane? No? Well, I'll tell you either ways:


Goddess of Insanity - "I'm quacking bored Order..."


Simply put, Insanity did every possible insane thing she could do on this world of theirs. On a world without magic, with almost no wars, and only a few small demi-human tribes around the whole world still surviving, Insanity didn't have enough things to play with.


Worried for her friend, and also afraid she would cause the destruction of the world out of boredom, Order came up with an idea.

Order - "In-chan, let's play truth or dare! You have no right to refuse. I'll start, truth or dare?"


Insanity - "You know I always go with dare, Order."


Order - "In that case, create a doll that looks almost identical to you, give it a fraction of your powers and send it to another world! That way your boredom will be satisfied."


Insanity - "That's an actually great idea... I'll do it. Give me a decade and I'll be ready!"


And that way, a decade of carefully detailing every millimeter of her new doll's body and pushing as much power she could inside it with her not breaking flew by like it was just a paragraph on a story.


But something Insanity did not know was that, right before sending off her doll to another world, Order put Insanity's conciousness and a part of her soul inside the doll. Honestly, I would do the same. Better sending a timed bomb that could destroy the whole world to another than your own. Don't you think?


Thank you for reading this! This is my actually first story and I really suck at writing, and english is not even my native language! Any tips or corrections will be gladly received. I'll try to post at least 1 chapter a week on a length about double of this one minimum.  As someone wise who totally is not me said before: "Welcome all, see you later all, but never good bye all."

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