Injustice Superman Breaks Through the Second Dimension

Chapter 90 - Witness the Avengers

Boom, Natasha was thrown out again, fell into the hangar, and smashed three or four planes. Although Natasha punched Hulk a few times and made Hulk scream, but the more Hulk hurt, the more angry he became, the more severe Natasha could only become in the end. She really wanted to continue fighting, but Now she is in pain.

“I really shouldn’t choose this opponent.” Natasha smiled wryly as she looked at the approaching Hulk, a protracted battle was too bad for her. The Hulk was at least twice as strong as when he started, and couldn’t stop him at all.

“Hulk—” Tear apart the wall, Hulk glared at Natasha.

“Dr. Banner, don’t let your anger control you.” Natasha hopes that Dr. Banner can wake up. How can he be a wise scientist when he is normal? How can he become completely irrational?

Approaching step by step, he pushed the trailer next to him a few meters away and smashed into the wall and turned into pieces. It was obvious that Hulk did not exert any force at all.

Natasha reluctantly stood up. Although she was not injured now, Hulk’s attacks were all bludgeoning blows, and the remnants of the impact could still affect her body. But thinking about her performance, Natasha feels very good, the other party is a monster.

Huh – just when Natasha was determined to fight the Hulk for 300 rounds, the Hulk suddenly flew out and passed by Natasha.

“Need help?” There were camera-sized floating cannons floating around Ganata. There were roughly sixteen of them.

The Hulk flew out after being attacked by the floating cannon on the back.

“Hulk hates hurting people in the back, roar—”

“You’ve completely lost your mind.” Ganata said, “Go outside and calm down.” With his right hand raised, sixteen floating cannons aimed their muzzles at Hulk.


Sixteen golden rays of light hit Hulk’s chest, and the green skin instantly turned yellow. The moves used by Ganata are equivalent to the wide-area light of swallowing stars. It’s just that the swallowing star uses ten fingers, and Ganata is lazy to attack with armor.

Minimum power output.

Even if Hulk was directly hit by a cosmic-level ultimate move, he still roared in pain. The wide-area light attack continued, pushing Hulk back and hitting the wall with his back.

Let’s work harder, Boom! Cracks appeared in the walls. The wide-area laser continued to output, and the cracks in the wall became wider and wider. Coupled with Hulk’s struggle, soon the solid wall could no longer withstand such a strong pressure. The minimum output of wide-area light is also like a thousand trains hitting a little.

Hulk disappeared. It flew away from the hole. Because the air pressure inside and outside was different, the moment the wall was broken, the air pushed Hulk far away, and then Hulk grabbed a few handfuls of air and fell helplessly, the biggest crisis. lifted.

Ganata’s first battle was completed perfectly, and the small fist was clenched very excitedly. Of course, there are some regrets. It would be good if Hulk’s energy is sufficient to eat.

On the other hand, Team America and Iron Man’s cooperation to restart the engine was also successfully completed. The crisis seemed to be resolved, but Thor was not seen.

Loki escaped, and Thor was gone. Naturally, Thor was deceived again and was tricked by Loki into the column prison and was thrown into the sky by his younger brother who had been unwilling to give up, while Loki went to New York to prepare for the final attack.

“Director Nick, how do you explain this?” Although the storm has passed, Captain America’s heart disease has not been resolved: “These are the evidences that you used the Rubik’s Cube to develop weapons.”

Where is Director Nick in the mood to say this now: “You have also seen what kind of enemy we have encountered. It is a legendary god, an invulnerable alien, and our weapons are useless against them. We humans need to protect ourselves. It’s the same weapon that made you in the first place.” Chief Nick said angrily.

It was a mess. The team that originally thought they could save the world, did not expect that not only did they fail to save the world, they almost buried them all here.

Captain America had a lot of words in his heart, but he was turned back by Captain Nick. Of course he knew the desperation of being powerless, just like in World War II, when he was thin and thin, he had no way to join the army and serve the country on the front line. He did not fulfill his wish until he became Captain America by injecting serum. Now it’s the same as World War II, only the enemy has changed from Nazis to aliens.

Although he understood the feeling of being powerless, Captain America stared back: “If you don’t salvage the Rubik’s Cube, how could aliens invade the Earth through the Rubik’s Cube?” As expected, Captain America caught the point.

“This is for the country!” Director Nick was at a loss for words. He didn’t expect that the US team was not only strong in combat, but also first-class in eloquence: “And even if we didn’t salvage the Rubik’s Cube, wouldn’t there be no aliens? Superman came to Earth before we salvage the Rubik’s Cube. “

“I can prove this.” Kent said, “Okay, let’s stop arguing. If human beings want to progress, they can’t rest on their laurels because of risks. Director Nick did the right thing.” I know, but since I have already studied it and know the dangers of the Rubik’s Cube, I suggest that after recovering the Rubik’s Cube, throw it in Asgard and keep it well.”

This guy can’t be blamed. Captain America and Nick agree with Superman’s words.

Hawkeye woke up, and the mind control of the Mind Stone was released by a heavy blow, but he couldn’t remember what he had done for Loki before.

“Have a good rest, leave it to us.” Natasha said.

“Did I do something terrible?” Hawkeye felt bad: “When he touched me with his spear, I felt like I wasn’t myself anymore.” The experience of being controlled is like recovering from a serious illness .

“It’ll be fine.” Natasha could only comfort her like this.

However, it was not all right. A huge portal opened over New York to connect to the other side of the universe, and Chitauri’s army rushed out of the portal like a tide and started the invasion.

“Natasha, we’re going to attack.” Captain America came over and told Natasha to get ready.

“I’ll go with you.” Hawkeye stood in front of Team America: “I’m sorry no matter what happened before, but I hope to make up for my fault, please let me come with you.”

Captain America looked at Hawkeye, and finally found that the other party’s eyes were sincere: “Can you fly a fighter jet?”

“Very skilled.” Hawkeye replied quickly, he didn’t want to lose the opportunity to make up for his mistakes.

“Then take your weapons, we’re going.”

Tony has already returned to the Stark Building first, and found that Loki is here, and the portal is also on the top of the Stark Building: “The world is king, supreme.” The newly built Stark Building is the tallest building in New York.

Loki looked at Tony and didn’t seem to have any thoughts of attacking.

Tony’s heart skipped a beat. He needed to replace the damaged steel suit. He was hit by the propeller dozens of times while repairing the engine, and he almost bleeded to death. Will Loki attack? No, Tony thought, because Loki looks down on humans, so if he takes off his steel suit, he will not only not attack himself, but also possibly bribe himself.

Because Loki wants to be the king, the king cannot live without ministers. Tony believes that his abilities are among the best in the human world, and Loki has no reason to dislike it. So take the plunge.

He stepped onto the specially-made mobile robotic arm and took off the steel suit on his body.

Loki really didn’t attack: “ You are very courageous.”

“Maybe we can have a drink.” Tony pretended to be calm and walked to the bar. The bar had a hidden compartment. Just in case, he hid the remote control bracelet of the Mark 7 there.

“Why not.” “Celebrate my victory in advance, and you are honored to be a witness to history, my country will rise up on the earth.” Loki is very confident.

However, Chitauri’s army was simply attacking randomly, just roaming around New York City, like a hillbilly entering the city. One does not attack communication towers, two does not attack military facilities, and three does not destroy transportation hubs. It is just flying around the city and attacking moving targets on the ground indiscriminately. They have absolutely no idea what they are trying to do, just like a primitive army.

It’s worse than the devil entering the village. The devil at least knows what he wants when he enters the village.

Tony tried his best to delay time, poured two glasses of wine slowly and gracefully, and said, “You don’t know human beings, even if you conquered us, but as long as human beings exist, we will not forget what you brought us. Pain, then one day we’ll crawl out of **** to avenge you.” “We’re all avengers.”

Loki made a sincere sneer: “It’s just you?” Taking the wine from Tony, Loki put his spear on Tony’s chest: “I will control anyone who has a heart, and there will be no avengers. “


Tony watched the other party keep stabbing the reactor in his chest with pointed objects, and knew that the other party couldn’t control him, so he couldn’t help laughing: “It seems that God sometimes miscalculates.”

Loki looked bewildered, then became angry and threw Tony out of the building.

Wow – a shadow caught up with Tony, it was the armor Mark 7 called from a distance, like an iron coffin but something that could save Tony’s life.

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