Injustice Superman Breaks Through the Second Dimension

Chapter 659 - grandmother

Longhu Mountain is full of rays of light, and there is a long-lasting sound of cranes and dragons.

This general phenomenon of immortals descending made everyone dumbfounded. Everyone respected the statue of Sanqing in the treasure hall even more, and rushed to enter the incense to worship, because they believed that it must be the appearance of a god.

“What did you see?” Kent, who was also in Longhu Mountain at this time, said to Chu Xuan.

Chu Xuan had nothing to say. In the vision just now, he saw that the data of the entire world had been rewritten, and all the numbers had changed into Chinese characters. Yes, although it is not very clear, the data that make up the world has really been changed into Chinese characters. Completely inexplicable.

“It’s too difficult for you. You can’t understand these saints’ methods at your current level.” “I’ll tell you what happened in the past few minutes. It was the saint who used some methods to send things to this place from other universes. Planet.” Kent said: “You may not have noticed that the three saints have different methods. The method used by Taishang Laojun is the most complicated and safest. He hid things when the planet first appeared, and then waited until needed. The time will blossom and bear fruit. The method of Yuanshi Tianzun is much simpler. He forcibly tore the universe apart. In order to avoid destroying the planet, he threw the things into the universe and let them fall on the planet by himself. The Tongtian Cult Master did not send the things directly, he First turn the thing into a ray of light, and then he edits the same ray of light on this planet, so the ray of light contains a lot of intelligence, and then the ray of light is combined, and the thing is delivered.”

“I don’t understand.” Chu Xuan said that he couldn’t understand what was hiding in the past, what was tearing apart the universe, what was Xiaguang programming.

Kent could only pat Chu Xuan on the shoulder, he had a long way to go. The sage’s methods are really superb, and it is not something that Chu Xuan can understand at this time.

The sage tried his best not to destroy the planet because of his actions. Kent understood them. Why didn’t he always beat him politely before because he was afraid of killing people? The saint is too strong, and it is possible to crush the planet with a little force, so the gift is also carefully given.

Send it in the safest and safest way for the planet.

Ling’er was in love with the three treasures, smiling all over her face. The three uncles are really generous. These things are also first-class treasures in the wild.

Liu Yanyan was petrified at this time, and she remained motionless as she watched Linger put away all the things, and all the rays of light in the sky were taken into the small world by Linger, and everything returned to normal.

The mountain also returned to normal. The ten masters rushed to the top of the mountain in an instant and saw two girls present, but they ignored the girls and focused on the purple bamboo that broke out of the ground.

This purple bamboo has been hidden underground for hundreds of millions of years and is full of spiritual energy. Even if the mission is completed, it is definitely the most powerful magic weapon in the end of the law.

There is nothing unusual about Zizhu, there are many such bamboos in Linger’s family.

“So strong, is this the innate treasure in mythology?” A squat old man said greedily: “The plant that absorbs the essence of heaven and earth and is born will accompany the vision. This must be the innate treasure.”

“Wang Ai, it’s a baby and it doesn’t count for you. It grows on Longhu Mountain.” Lu Jin couldn’t stand the short fat man’s expression, so he could not help but stand by his friend Zhang Tianshi again.

Zhang Tianshi was calmer than everyone else. He glanced at Zizhu and found that it was indeed very powerful. If it was refined into a weapon, it would definitely be able to dominate the alien world, but he finally noticed Linger. Obviously, the growth of bamboo is inseparable from external factors. The master’s residence has been in Longhu Mountain for two thousand years and will not be unaware of the existence of bamboo.

“Can you explain what happened?”

“One of the best, two heroes.” Liu Yanyan’s words were incoherent due to the continuous stimulation. ‘One of the best, two heroes’ are the three recognized masters in the Inhuman world, and Zhang Tianshi is the ‘one of the best’, representing the peak combat power of the Inhuman world.

Even being able to talk to Zhang Tianshi, Liu Yanyan felt that she had not woken up from her dream. But she still thought that she should not be rude, she had to answer the question of the old senior: “It’s like this, we are here to watch the Luotian Grand Ceremony. After lunch, I will visit the scenery of Longhu Mountain with Linger, and we will arrive at the ‘three Qing Guan’, Ling’er put incense on the statue of Sanqing, and then the statue of Sanqing laughed…”


Several big figures said that the little girl was stupid, how could the statue smile?

Hearing Liu Yanyan continue to say, it was even more exaggerated, and then it was Sanqing who gave gifts to Ling’er.

Although everyone doesn’t believe it, they also found that the surrounding environment is indeed different. Some dead trees have really sprouted, and the messy bamboo has really bloomed. Everything looks so strange, not to mention the wild beasts in the surrounding mountains and forests. .

Sanqing gave this little girl a gift? The adult’s mind can’t turn around.

Zhang Tianshi also looked at Linger suspiciously, and heard the youngest person in the ten people say, “Is she the Linger who defeated the Liu family in Xiangxi?”

Linger only did some small work, but it was remembered by people.

“Little girl, why don’t you talk?” Zhang Tianshi also remembered that a very powerful female doll had recently appeared. Could it be the little girl in front of him who was carved in pink and jade?

“Sister Liu is right, I have nothing to add.”

“Then aren’t you going to explain your identity?”

“She is Daluo Jinxian.” Liu Yanyan really believed that Ling’er was an immortal this time, so she hurriedly replied, “It’s Sanqing’s niece, her name is Uncle Sanqing.”

Everyone was shocked, how high was that senior, they had to give it up.

They looked at each other, and everyone looked at Zhang Tianshi. He was the head of the Tianshi Mansion, and he was also a person in charge of Taoism in Longhu Mountain. He had to ask him about religious matters.


If Linger is really Sanqing’s nephew, then the relationship with Longhushan will be close. Zhang Tianshi deflated a sentence: “Are you the same sect master?” This old man is also quite cute.

Ling’er said, “I’m from the line of Nuwa, and I came out of Xuanmen. Sanqing is my uncle, so you Longhushan are indeed my descendants.” Then she took out the gourd and poured out a thousand-year-old Lingzhi. To Zhang Tianshi: “A gift for you.” He has already regarded himself as an elder.

The scent of Ganoderma lucidum is so fragrant that it can bring the dead back to life.

“It’s all gone. If you want this bamboo, I advise you to give it up. The strength of you aliens can’t even pick off the leaves of purple bamboo, so don’t waste your efforts.” The fighting power of aliens in this world is really Just scum.

“Are you really the grandmother of the patriarch?” “My name is Chen Jinkui, and I am also a disciple of Xuanmen.” The shameless person played a role at this time, completely disregarding the appearance of the little girl Ling’er, and called her cheeky She said, “” but Ling’er was very happy: “You are also from Xuanmen. Well, you also have gifts.”

The bald head with a full beard didn’t mind the surprised eyes of the experts around him at all, and took Xue Lian with a smile. Chen Jinkui also said: “Grandmother, why don’t you go back to the ‘shuzimen’ with me. We have a lot of delicious and interesting things there, and there are many scenic spots to visit.”

As soon as everyone heard it, they knew that this guy had a bad mind.

“No, I have money and I will buy whatever I want, but I have received your filial piety.”

“Yes, yes, honoring you is honoring your parents, no, I don’t care so much about honoring your parents.” Chen Jinkui was a bit too much, not only did he lose his face, but he didn’t even want his lining.

However, Ling’er was quite useful, but she still said, “The flesh and blood are given by the parents, and they still have to be supported by the parents.”

“Yes, my grandmother taught me a lesson. I will definitely change it.” “I saw my grandmother and found out that my old Chen has so many flaws and shortcomings. I decided to follow your grandma to listen to your teaching and strive to correct more. The shortcomings, be a good young man who contributes to the construction of society.” He is over half a hundred years old, and he is embarrassed to say that he is a young man.

How could such a scum come out of the top ten? They are the most authoritative elder organization in the Inhuman World, with huge influence, and they are even on an equal footing with national leaders. Why is Chen Jinkui so shameless?

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