Injustice Superman Breaks Through the Second Dimension

Chapter 49 - friend

“Natasha, you are the first ‘friend’ that Superman has publicly admitted so far.” This is also supported by video evidence. In the dock, Superman said it himself.

Natasha knew that agents had no privacy, but she still felt suffocated by this pervasive intelligence network. Apparently, after the kidnapping incident, these interrogators believed that they had an unusual relationship with Superman, and that calling them here was probably to give them tasks other than surveillance.

So far, the only person on earth that Superman has shown affection and care about is Natasha, so Natasha is very important. After this incident, the mutual assistance between the two also made everyone believe that Superman and Natasha have a friendship.

In the eyes of others, Superman really regards Natasha as a friend. He must be very concerned about Natasha after being beaten up so that he can rescue Natasha in time when she needs help.

“On February 3rd, you went to China together. You said in the report that it was for supper together, didn’t you?” Every time she and Superman returned from going out, Natasha would write a dozen pages of reports, covering the entire The process was recorded, what they ordered, how the dishes were placed, which direction to sit in, whether Superman used a spoon or chopsticks, and Superman’s expressions. Natasha’s reports were all handed directly to Director Nick.

Since the other party can get the report, it is obviously Director Nick’s superior or someone from the Ministry of Defense. After thinking about it, Natasha nodded: “Yes.”

“This is the first time, so on February 8 the day before yesterday, Superman invited you to dinner for the second time. You chose a famous restaurant with a very good atmosphere, which is of course the place where you were kidnapped by terrorists. Do you think Superman is right? What are your thoughts?”

It’s really direct, and Natasha is also very straightforward: “He probably wants to increase friendship with me.”

“Enhancing friendship? Very good answer, Agent Natasha.” “And what about your attitude towards Superman?”

“He is my mission target and an important surveillance target.” Natasha answered in a straightforward manner, which was also her truth.

The interrogator was silent for a while, seemingly surprised by Natasha’s answer.

In the face of Superman’s friendship, it’s not easy for Natasha to stick to her principles, but it’s really chilling. Such an agent has no feelings at all. I really don’t know if she is loyal to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Such tools can only be used, never trusted.

I really don’t know what’s wrong with Superman, or whether he just saw Black Widow as beautiful, that’s why he said she was a friend.

“Superman has said he’s as lonely as you, and he’s willing to talk about the past when he’s with you, do you think you can continue that relationship with Superman, or even go further?” the interrogators asked, apparently their goal was already Manifested, hanging Superman with Black Widow.

“If this is an order.” Natasha was also unequivocal.

“If this is an order, how far can you go to make Superman a friend of America?”

Natasha had a lot of thoughts in her heart. In the end, she still wanted to use Superman’s power, but this time, instead of using force, she hoped that she would give Superman eye drops and deceive him to serve the United States.

Sure enough, trouble has come. The previous danger of life is just the first trouble. If Superman’s attitude towards himself is completely exposed, then all those who are hostile to Superman or have ideas about Superman will do it to themselves in the following time. Not being as invulnerable as Superman himself is obviously a better entry point.

She was really hurt by Kent. It can only be said that Natasha did not foresee this, and although Kent did, at the beginning he thought Natasha would be safe as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, but ignored the status of someone who really coveted superhuman power. Unusual, the identity of the agent is nothing to them.

In the DC universe, the government can only be regarded as a supporting role. It can never affect the choice of superheroes, nor can it lead the hero team. At most, it is cooperation. But more often DC heroes are the earth watchers who are above the global government. The only team related to the government is the suicide squad composed of criminals arrested by heroes. Kent grew up in such an environment and has long been accustomed to ignoring the dark forces within the government.

However, in the Marvel universe, the dark forces of the government cannot be underestimated, and their influence directly threatens Natasha.

“Agent Natasha, what’s your answer?”

“…” Silence, Kent is not the first person to say that he wants to be his friend. In the past, there were many men who were bewitched by their beauty and were willing to give everything for themselves, but Kent was definitely the most special one so far.

Kent was the first person who could fly and say that they were all lonely. He was also the first person he couldn’t figure out, and he was the one who saved him one after another. It can be said that Kent has done more than all the men before combined, which is a real life saver.

So about the originally simple things have become complicated.

Although Natasha said it was just a mission, when the mission went further, she also hesitated in her heart.

Are you really Superman’s friend? Can I have friends?

“Agent Natasha, you defected from the Soviet Union.” So Natasha’s essence is a Mao girl with a long shelf life: “What kind of sins have you committed in the past, you know very well, you have no shelter The agents here are the ones who gave you shelter and a platform for you to play your specialties. You owe us not only a life, but also the grace of erasing your painful past. Don’t forget it.” “And Superman , he is just a powerful alien, will he understand human friendship? I doubt it. So you say superman is your mission goal, I feel very happy, because this is your professional judgment as an agent, and it is worth affirming “But why are you hesitating now? Don’t be fooled by the rhetoric of aliens. Superman is just an alien, and he is also an alien who may threaten the existence of all mankind at any time. He doesn’t understand people’s hearts, do you understand? ?” They sincerely hope that Natasha can firmly control Superman, and they are very confident in Natasha’s ability. This task can only let Natasha go, who made her the only friend recognized by Superman, not even Director Nick.

The interrogator is waiting for Natasha’s answer.

Kent sat on the rooftop with Erlang’s legs crossed and heard Natasha’s interrogation clearly. Only then did he realize that he had caused trouble for Natasha. He didn’t expect that his enemy in this world turned out to be someone in the government.

I really didn’t expect it. I thought it was a billionaire or a superhuman in the middle school. I really didn’t expect the government to be the first to do something to myself and the people around me. This is the worst thing Superman has ever seen. one government.

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