Injustice Superman Breaks Through the Second Dimension

Chapter 45 - kidnapping

In the restaurant, the two were very low-key this time, and they were not recognized, and Natasha also brought money, so they didn’t have to eat the Overlord’s meal this time.

“The environment here reminds me of my past.” Kent said, “Don’t mind listening to me nagging about the past.”

“Whatever you are willing to say now, please do it yourself.” In fact, Natasha is willing to listen, because now they know too little about Superman and too little about other planets in the universe. It’s best if Superman is willing to tell his own story.

“I used to be a food reporter for a while. I would go to such a restaurant and write comments while eating. Often when half of the food was cold, I would use the heat eye to warm the food while the people next to me were not paying attention. Little secret I never told anyone else.”

“I heard you talk about the past occasionally. It seems that you had other identities besides being a superman. You have adoptive parents and a normal job, so you used your spare time to be a superman?”

“It should be said that I work in my spare time. I am still a white-collar worker. When I sit in the office, I rest completely. It is much easier than wearing a uniform. Even if my work level is poor, there will still be a boss who will pay me, but if I am fighting against the enemy. Negligence can cause a lot of damage.” “You know what they used to call me?”

“Isn’t it Superman? You mentioned it before.”

“It’s not all, the people there call me – Unrighteous Superman.”

Unjust Superman, you can tell it’s not a good comment after listening to it: “Unjust Superman?”

“Yes, that’s what it means.”

Natasha didn’t understand: “Aren’t you saving them all the time?”

“Yeah, but I also kill people to save people. I have killed a lot of people like Stryker before, that’s why I have the name Unrighteous Superman.”

“Then their requirements are really high.” Natasha could feel Kent’s grievance.

But Kent smiled: “I am grateful to them, because there are many heroes like me on that planet, with the same skills, but they never kill people. They show me the highest moral example, and let me kill criminals. When I think about them, I don’t expand the killing, and I have to thank them.”

A hero who doesn’t kill? “I can’t imagine that if there is such a person, it is either a lunatic or a mental cleanliness.”

That’s right, only a lunatic can attract a lunatic. Kent thought of Batman and the Joker, the old enemy: “When I’m with you, I’d love to talk about my past.”

“It’s an honor, but unfortunately I don’t want to talk about my own past, so I can only let you talk about it alone.”

Don’t mind, Kent knows a lot about Black Widow: “I have no opinion. Although you are a friend, you also have the right to keep your privacy.”

The waiter pushed the dining cart to Superman and Natasha.

The two of them are very strange, aren’t their dishes ready? “Waiter, you got it wrong.” “You seem familiar.” Kent looked at the woman in front of him. Although her face changed a lot, her figure was unusually familiar.

“Guests, this is the main dish for you.” The upright waitress opened the plate. There was no food on the tray but a green stone.

Wow, Superman grabbed the tablecloth and fell to the ground, the plate and wine glass fell to the ground.


Natasha was shocked why Superman suddenly fell to the ground, was hit by a stun gun in the neck, and immediately lost consciousness.

Armed soldiers rushed in and drove the unresponsive diners to the corner.

Mrs. Viper pulled down her wig and looked at the stone in surprise. I didn’t expect it to be so effective, and the famous Superman could not fight back in front of kryptonite. I was really surprised.

Picking up the stone and approaching Kent, Kent’s face was full of pain: “Are you from S.H.I.E.L.D.?”

“Wrong answer, we are enemies of S.H.I.E.L.D.” Kent also fainted as he put his foot on Kent’s face.

He actually kicked Superman unconscious, but no one believed it. He put the stone in the pocket of Kent’s suit and turned his head: “Take them away.”

This is a sturdy box car, and Kent thought that there was no one to guard it. They were really careless. How could they have thought that Kent was pretending to faint.

“Natasha, Natasha…” Wake up Natasha.

Sure enough, it was the same enhanced agent as Captain America. Although he was electrocuted, he quickly woke up: “Where is this, what’s wrong?”

“We were kidnapped.”

“Kidnapped? You?” Natasha didn’t believe it: “What about your super power?”

Kent was speechless and took out the kryptonite: “This stone can weaken my power.”

“How is it possible? How did they know?” Natasha was shocked: “Who did you tell me about this?” Natasha didn’t even know about such an important thing, but someone who was hostile to Kent knew first. Well, this is a mistake by SHIELD.

“I told Commissioner Nick, but don’t worry that he won’t betray me.” “The woman I saw in the Thor incident just now and seduced me. At that time, I thought she was only interested in Thor’s Hammer. , but she disappeared after the Destroyer appeared, and I didn’t care, I didn’t expect it to come out again today, and I just planned to find out her origin.”

“You don’t have superpowers anymore, but they are fully armed. Just the two of us are either going to be a planner or a sheep.” Natasha was speechless.

“Don’t worry, there is always a way.”

The car drove all the way, and when it was about to arrive, Mrs. Viper took out a thermal imaging goggles and glanced at the carriage, and found that the people inside were already awake, which was not surprising. Proceed carefully after parking.

Originally wanted to attack the careless enemy, but now it seems to be impossible, Natasha found that the other party is very professional and extremely cautious.

Superman still pretended to be very weak. Fortunately, Natasha supported him when he jumped out of the car.

“Go!” I don’t know where, it’s far away from the city, and now they seem to be in an underground space. The underground space is lit by a lot of lights, and Kent and Natasha are separated when they are brought to a crossroads.

Superman continued to move forward, passed several and came to a closed space, half of which was shrouded in shadow.

Gululu~~ There seems to be something breathing from the shadow on the opposite side.

After bringing Superman, all the soldiers quickly evacuated, as if they didn’t want to stay in this space for a second.

“Welcome to the underground prison of superpowers, Superman.” There was a large piece of glass on one side of the room, and Mrs. Viper watched every move in the enclosed space from behind the glass.

“Who are you.”

“I am Mrs Viper, the human who defeated you.”

Kent said that only his old friend Batman could beat him, and that was still when he released water: “How do you know the effect of kryptonite?”

“That can only blame yourself for not being able to keep secrets. You trust S.H.I.E.L.D. too much.” “Now I’ll give you a chance, and I hope you can use your power for a greater cause.”

“What do you think.”

“Rule the world with me, you will be the king and I will be the queen.” Madame Viper said, “You are a good man.”

“But you’re not my type, so I’m sorry.” “But don’t be sad. You’re good looking. You can definitely find other suitable men. There are still many honest men.”

… You were dumped? Even ignoring her own charm again, Mrs. Viper was really angry: “It seems that you chose the second way.”

“What is the second way?” Kent asked curiously.

“Fight the monster in front of you!”

Boom! There was the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground, clattering, the sound of iron chains rubbing, and a tall monster slowly walked out of the shadows, its golden eyeballs piercing the darkness like copper bells: “Abomination—” yelled him. The sound was like the roar of a dragon and a tiger, and the entire space was shaking.

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