Injustice Superman Breaks Through the Second Dimension

Chapter 35 - come forward

The meeting with a limited number of places made the media who were not invited very dissatisfied, so they gathered a lot of protest news about the meeting, as well as petitions from the public, demanding that it be expanded.

This is the first time aliens meet, how could only a few default media take all the benefits. And the public is also watching the fun without thinking it’s a big deal. The government’s restrictions on the scale are psychological. They also want to see Superman, and if they don’t see it, they will block the door.

Of course, even if we met, some people blocked the door. Peter Parker did not go home immediately after leaving the Daily Bugle. Instead, he changed into Spider-Man’s uniform and went to the hotel where the meeting was held to check the situation. There must be a lot of people on the day of the meeting. Gathered, as New York City’s vigilante, Spider-Man felt compelled to take a look.

“Get out of the earth, the earth does not welcome aliens.”

“The alien invaders get out, the earth belongs to the people of the earth.”

When Spider-Man arrived, it seemed that not everyone welcomed Superman, and there were many anti-alien groups holding signs against Superman at the entrance of the hotel.

In fact, it was completely possible not to arrange the meeting in the hotel, but in the military camp or other government agencies, but in the end, the high-level officials felt that this was too political, so they chose a hotel, although the security issue may not be 100% guaranteed. , but it can show that aliens are aliens and are not a secret weapon of the United States, and they can block the mouths of caring people. Besides, even if there are safety issues, no one can hurt Superman, so don’t worry.

However, as the meeting approached, more and more people approached the hotel spontaneously. On Friday, the whole street had to be closed, because there were too many people, and some people even came from Europe just to meet On the Superman side, after learning that they couldn’t enter the hotel, they stayed at the door and didn’t leave.

By noon on Friday, tens of thousands of people had come from all over the world to get a glimpse of the aliens, and the anti-alien group was like the ink dripping into the lake was completely washed away.

The enthusiasm for aliens is completely beyond what most people think. It’s just that a meeting has attracted so many people, and there are many people who are interested but can’t come. It can be seen that aliens will definitely be the biggest hot topic this year.

Countless people have already put on Superman T-shirts and held up Superman’s posters. I have to say that their map-cutting skills are very good, and some people just put on red capes. Anyway, it looks like some kind of big carnival. amazed.

Young people in this era really like to chase new things and are always on the cutting edge of trends.

After seeing all this in the S.H.I.E.L.D. branch, Superman said that New York now feels a bit cosmopolitan. The agents of SHIELD also saw the meeting in front of the hotel. They never expected to face such a scene. They felt that they were not so excited when they saw Superman.

That’s because they saw the live Superman directly, while the people outside can only see the photos, which is very different. These agents are the first human beings to come into contact with Superman, and they are simply human pioneers. But now these people belong to the bottom layer of the intelligence acceptance chain.

This is the case at this time, and it is always the same. It’s just that the public doesn’t have a clear sense of this kind of information inequality, but now I clearly tell everyone that if you want to see Superman, go home and watch the news, and wait for the media to filter it again, such an obvious discriminatory behavior. Naturally, there will be dissatisfaction among the masses, who also want first-hand information.

So this time it’s not just about seeing Superman, it’s also about people’s dissatisfaction with information asymmetry. With such an important event and the attitude of the government, isn’t this treating the public as monkeys?

In fact, if only a few media reports were made at the beginning, there would be no need to publicly say that there would be a meeting. Everyone wanted to be a watchman and an archway, but everyone disagreed.

So by Friday night, the entire hotel was surrounded, no one could get in or out, and it was useless for the police to maintain order.

“We want to see Superman, we want to see Superman…” Wanmin petitioned with great momentum.

The officials in charge of the meeting turned pale. This is the end. Do you need to change the location of the meeting? But if it is revised, I am afraid they will rush in and the scene will be uncontrollable.

I’m so worried, obviously someone is fanning the flames, otherwise they wouldn’t be able to unite, those **** media reporters. You guessed right, there are indeed some media who have not been invited to stir up everyone’s emotions. If you can’t grab the news of Superman, can’t you grab other news, such as the news of disregarding the people’s willingness to fight against the people.

“Superman, Superman, Superman…”

The cries were like angry waves, and with a bang, half the city was overturned, and the lively scene at the scene attracted more onlookers who didn’t know the truth. The scene was really uncontrollable.

It’s all a good thing that Superman did. Go to Times Square when you have nothing to do. Chief Nick has been ordered to put Superman on the scene immediately to quell the frantic rally, and must control the situation before causing damage.

“No, then we can’t ensure Superman’s actions. Maybe he will say things that go against the interests of the country. I don’t agree to let Superman come forward.” must not go wrong.

“If Superman is not allowed to come forward, tomorrow’s news may be a riot in downtown New York. These people gather spontaneously. They just want to meet the aliens, and nothing will happen.” Nick said, in fact, he couldn’t figure it out. Why did it become like this.

It can only be said that people’s hearts are like water, and they are fickle. One second is a good citizen and the next second is a thug.

“I firmly disagree. If something goes wrong, no one can take responsibility.” In the end, Solo was still afraid of taking responsibility.

Director Nick said in his heart that he already had a lot of black pots, and he didn’t care about one more: “If Superman really told the secrets of the United States, then the responsibility is also my director of S.H.I.E.L.D. I didn’t do a good job of keeping secrets, and you It doesn’t matter.”

Solo agreed.

“Superman, are you able to act?” Nick asked Kent, hoping Kent would save face: “The people who want to see you have already lined up a few streets.”

“Then you owe me a favor.”

“Okay, I owe you favor.” Kent has no image at all in Chief Nick’s eyes. It’s not surprising that he said anything, he owes favor if he owes favor.

“Then I’ll go too.”

In the splendid neon lights, first one person raised his head and stopped calling, and then the people around him also raised their heads and opened their mouths wide, and could no longer close their mouths, like the ripples of a lake spreading out layer by layer, more and more people saw the sky in the sky. A red cloak unfolded by the night wind.

The perfect body shape of the inverted triangle, the steel arms that clenched fists and hung down, and the handsome facial features, all describe the man who fell from the sky and stood in the void, and was the superman who responded to their call.

At this moment, all those who saw Superman descend lost their words. An indescribable shock filled their chests. They were all shocked by Superman’s aura. At this moment, silence is better than sound.

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