Infinity and Magic

Ch 29: Explore

*Anos's POV*

As I was talking to Dad professor McGonagall arrived and then gave a somewhat sad nod to Dad.

"Anos we'll talk about this later." Dad suddenly said and tried to shoo me off.

"Uh, I'll talk to you later then. Just try to get some fresh air alright. And don't stay cooped up in the Dungeon." I said as I had already seen Harriet sneaking off 2 minutes ago.

'Hmm, why did those old geezers decide to come back now. And sending their grandchildren here?' I thought as I walked outside the castle.

This was one of the most interesting aspects of the Wizarding war because despite what the name might imply not all wizards took part in it. Sure it was a scary time for most European wizarding families but for most wizards, it was just a nuisance that they'll have to homeschool their children because the no-nosed teen girl was going mad throughout the continent hunting for the next Tiara to spit a part of his soul onto.

That's what made Voldemort a powerful force. By some sheer miracle, all the most combat-oriented houses decided to go into their gamer Masturbatorium when his uprising occurred.

So without the Romanian houses who was gonna keep the werewolves in check. Suddenly Voldemort had Pack after Pack of Werewolves sniffing his ass because what else was there to do?

That's how little Tom had gathered his army of creatures since there was only so much the Aurors from the Ministry could do.

And the little shit still lost and that too to a baby that couldn't speak. He had a silver spoon put deep in his ass but still managed to lose.

Before I knew it I was walking towards Draco standing next to a still sleepy Ron.

"So what happened?" Draco asked but was cut off by Hermione.

"Did you get the timetable?" Hermione asked anxiously.

"Yes. We just have to follow the other first years going around the castle with books in their hands."  I said with a sigh.

" Sorry I hit my toe on a table and completely forgot about it. " I lied through my mask.

" That's okay. We can always ask later. " To my surprise, Hermione didn't act like the world was gonna end.

" Draco I'm pretty sure uncle's gonna send you a letter or he might just give you a call. Who am I kidding he still trusts owls more than his phone." I said and watched Draco's face turn grim.

It was a weird quirk of his. He didn't like surprises. If he did any noteworthy task worth either reprimands or praise then he had to evaluate it. Clog the toilet? Well, there goes the promised PlayStation. Cleaned the dishes? Well, that's worth a goodnight kiss.

A letter when the school hadn't even started was certainly something. Good or bad would be decided by how fast it seemed to be written and if Uncle Lucius had used half of the Thesaurus Dictionary on it or not.

"Well, I suppose all of us wanna go explore on our own. We'll meet at noon near Hagrid's Hut. And since that's the only Hut I see in the surroundings there's no way someone will not be able to find it. Especially since it's next to a fucking medieval castle." I said and looked at Hermione though with my blindfold it looked as if I was looking at everyone.

In the end, Ron went to find his brothers since they probably would have a lot to talk about. Draco went to the owlery to await his letter.

This left me, Harriet, and Hermione. The latter had decided not to go to the library because 'Knowing the Campus better will help reduce time wasted from going from one classroom to another.' even though I had said that I would just be roaming around the school lake.

"Well, I suppose sitting around the lake won't bother you," I said with a smile as we found an empty spot with quite a few trees to sit down at.

"Uh, what are you doing up there?" Hermione asked as I was halfway up a tree. Practicing tree climbing was fun as hell, especially when you didn't need to use your hands.

"I'll give you one better. Why are you up there? " Harriet asked and I tilted my weight from one leg to the other.

"I'll give you one even better. How am I up here?" I said and chuckled as I walked to the very top of the tree and sat down. It had taken a lot of practice to do this so I didn't end up with 8 orifices instead of the usual 7.

"Try to relax and sense the Mana around you. It'll help in learning spells faster." I shouted from the top of the tree knowing full well that it'll be damm near impossible for them to truly sit still for a couple of minutes. Hell, it was torture for me and I was the one that suggested they do it.

Unlike the books, you don't just learn fancy words and perform a spell. If that was the case then the students would be studying a Dictionary.

For a spell to occur you must first have enough energy to perform it. Most spells take simple stamina from the user's body while the more offensive ones could take something as precious as life force if the user didn't recover enough.

The most powerful spell that didn't ask for an absurd bloodline or conditions was Avada Kedavara and that spell required one very special thing. Killing something after it's used. It was like a sword that just wouldn't return to its sheath if it didn't taste blood and if the condition was not met then it would absorb some of the user's life force.

Voldemort had been smart in splitting his life force into his little-priced possessions. A Horcrux from what I could catch the snippets in the Malfoy library didn't just split your life force into a perfect percentage and split it up nicely. No, it took a certain part of your life force and stripped it out of your body completely. Meaning that Avada Kedavara couldn't really absorb his incomplete life force which led to him being able to Spam the Killing curse. He was like a fucking hacker while the world was the game.

Missed two thousand times? Well, let's try the same shit four thousand times. It would have to hit someone or something.

As I closed off all thoughts and tried to gather Cursed energy from my surroundings my body went extremely quiet. So much so that if a human looked at me It would seem as if I had passed away even more so with my mask on.

Of course, animals and beasts knew better since they could feel the Cursed Energy from the surroundings flowing into me.

*2 Hours later*

I opened a single eye at first as all my senses started to return. I looked around and could feel someone new coming towards the castle. And this someone was Fast since I could see that it was a person running who hadn't mounted a broomstick or anything.

'It seems someone's late to the party.'


Chapter 37 is already out on Patreon. It's a lot farther ahead.

There's also a link down below

Author's note: A single chapter this time. I could've written more but I don't want to destroy the story by writing shit just for the sake of it. From now on it'll be a break well not really a break since I'll deliver the pending chapters plus the bonus chapters after the 12th of December. I hope to write fun stories for all of you to enjoy.

Hope everyone has a nice Day/Night and thanks for everything. I've probably said this a thousand times but it's great to be able to write for all of you.

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