Infinity and Magic

Ch 19: Boarding the Train

*Anos's POV*

"Hey, Hagrid I'm gonna be borrowing Harriet for a second," I said to the Bushy bearded man talking to Draco, grabbed Harriet, and yeeted to the clothing shop.

As we entered the shop the old man was standing behind the counter waiting for us. He handed us the clothes happily.

"Here let me pay," Harriet said and rummaged through her pockets.

"No need," I said and carried her back to Hagrid.

"But but...." Harriet started.

"Nope. No need for that." I said and returned back to Hagrid.

" Got all your stuff, Harriet." A beaming Hagrid asked and I could see a tired Draco behind him but it did seem that he had forgotten about the incident at Ollivanders. Harriet was already fussing about how I didn't let her pay.

After a small, while I bought all of us 'Breeze in a glass'. A drink that made your throat experience a summer vacation in a single sip. Me and Hagrid ended up drinking four glasses.

"Ahhhhh thanks for the drink little Anos. Stuff's great." Hagrid said and seemed to melt into the bench he was sitting at. Harriet and Draco were talking about their wands and since I had mixed a drop of blood with my drinks I was happy as hell.

"Say hello to buckbeak for me," I said to Hagrid who chuckled.

"Sure. He still has a mark on his ar.. behind from you." Hagrid did a good save with his words and left.

Uncle Lucius came to pick us up and we left Diagon Alley with a lot of shit in our bags but without two drops of human blood.

*1 Month Later*

I was getting ready to go to King's Cross right now. Dad had already left around 2 Days ago so I would be booking a cab to the station.

"Got the charger, Got the Phone. Ooh got the underwear." I pushed everything into my trunk and left the house.

*30 Minutes later*

"Do you want me to drop you off Kid?" The cab driver asked.

"Nope. Thanks for asking." I gave the guy a 200 pound tip and stepped into the station.

Inside the station, it felt like I was a Monkey on display as everyone kept staring at me. I just put my earphones on and hummed myself to the wall between the platforms and casually strolled my trolley into the wall.

I passed through the Charmed wall and into station 9¾. Everyone was rushing through towards one place or another and the station was busy with mother's crying and .... and is that a Monkey throwing shit at the train?

I carefully stepped onto the train and waited till Harriet showed up all sweaty as if she just ran cross country track.

"Yo! Get inside." I said and helped her get her stuff onto the train. We strolled through the compartments and finally found an empty compartment to sit down in.

"Here." I threw a book towards Harriet as she barely caught it

"Read up on it till page number 30," I said and began setting our stuff into the storage.

"Why?" Harriet asked incredulously as she looked at the heavy book.

"What do you mean why? You know who you are right? Even with your limited interactions with the wizarding world, you can understand your position right." I said and she looked at me confused.

"I guess I'm a bit famous," Harriet said while adjusting her glasses.

"A bit famous? You're basically a princess Harriet. The last remaining member of the Potter house, the girl who lived. Those titles shouldn't matter to you if you don't want them to but there are a lot of people out there who would love to get a chance to even pinch your cheek so they can show how cool they are and I'm sure there are others who would like to do a lot worse." I said and Harriet slumped her shoulders.

" I know that you didn't choose to be born like this and I know that it's a lot of bullshit but you'll need to get through this and I'm gonna be here to help you. I mean just look at me, I'm a Vampyr. Someone that both Vampires, Humans, or any other magical creature would love to hunt just so they could find out how my eyes taste." I said and put a hand on Harriet's shoulder.

" Wait... You're a what now?" Harriet asked.

" Oh, I'm a Vampyr. Kinda like a vampire but much cooler." I said and chuckled as her eyes widened.

" Don't worry I only need a single drop of blood a couple of days to remain sane. Garlic doesn't do anything to me, I can't turn into a bat, I'm still working on the stake through the heart, I'm maybe immortal, and thank god that I don't shine in Sunlight." I said with a bit of relief at the end.

After that Harriet seemed to relax her guard and started asking me about what I can and can't do as someone entered the compartment.

" Uhhh... There isn't room anywhere so can I sit here." A redheaded boy who I immediately knew was a Weasley probably Ron stepped in and asked.

"Sure," Harriet replied and Ron simply slumped into the seat and began talking.

"Hi, I'm Ron. Ron Weasley." Ron started.

'Woah the guy got real comfy real fast.'

"Harriet. Harriet Potter." Harriet introduced herself with a handshake.

"Woah. THE Harriet Potter?" Ron said with a gasp.

"Yup. The same one." I said from beside Harriet.

" do you have the scar," Ron said with excitement.

"Oh, here." Harriet pulled up her hair and showed a lightning shaped scar. I could feel extreme amounts of cursed energy coming from it but there was something else too. Something extremely opposite to cursed energy. Small but certainly powerful. After Harriet pulled down her hair again the energies disappeared.

I had never asked Harriet to show me her scar before. I definitely did not just forget about it.

"Wicked," Ron said with exasperation.

"Anything off the cart, dears?" An elderly woman pushing a trolley asked.

"No. I already have mine." Ron said and showed me a packaged sandwich.

"I'll have a bit of everything." Me and Harriet said at the same time and pulled out 2 Galleons each.

The Lady gave both of us a box of each type of chocolate and after she had gone off into the train our compartment was left filled with Wierd Magic sweets.

Ron looked at all the candy around us with a hint of what I assume is envy.

"Here I'll trade ya," I said and pushed a dozen boxes of candy towards Ron. I had only bought most of them for fun anyways. Magic was great but Magic and Sweets just felt weird. I only kept the Chocolate that were just that. Chocolates. I wasn't gonna eat any Chocolate Frog that moved or Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans.

I gave some to Ron and kept the rest for Draco or for anyone in candy box throwing vicinity.

"But I don't have anything to trade with," Ron replied

"I'll take the sandwich," I said.

"This thing. But it's just Ham and Cheese" Ron said and held up the wrapped sandwich like it was a piece of garbage.

"Yeah and I'll trade with you so give me that," I said and did the transaction.

I unwrapped the sandwich, took a bit, and..."Holy hell." I exclaimed.

"What," Ron said sadly and was already getting ready to return the chocolate back to me.

"This is super good. Say thanks to your mom for me will ya." I said and began eating the sandwich. I was really getting bored with my own cooking and Ms. Weasley certainly made good sandwiches.

" Really?" Ron asked surprised.

" Yup," I said and we all began to eat with Ron explaining to Harriet about the different candies.


Author's Note: Read upto 8 chapters ahead on my Patreon. The link will be down below. 

Hope everyone has a nice Day/Night.

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