Infinity and Magic

Ch 16: Diagon Alley

*Anos's POV*
Dad was pretty happy that Hogwarts did decide to send me a letter. Apparently, the letters for students were usually written by the houses they were most likely to end up in. How did they decide that? Who the fuck knows?
That's Hogwarts for you. Dumbledore does things his way and since he was the strongest wizard on the continent going against him was the same as smashing your head through a brick wall into the Ministry of Magic after using one of the 3 Forbidden curses.
'Well, this really is interesting. ' I really had the urge to go into Slytherin just to fuck with Dumbledore. I could probably do it after taking a Felix Felicis.
Dad wasn't bothered even if I went into Ravenclaw but he did say that going into Hufflepuff will be a bit 'disappointing'.
It was after I had gotten the letter that I found out that Dad had a shit ton of dirt on basically every single worker in the Ministry of Magic. Hell, he knew about Arthur Weasley's flying car. Uncle Lucius had helped him with that one and on the other Ascended houses on the continent.
Me being a Vampyr meant that if anyone found out about it then Hogwarts will be under strict restrictions by the Ministry.
So the first order of business for me was to increase my training. By a whole lot. I stopped sleeping, who the fuck needs that anyway. I needed to get strong. Strong enough that even the Ministry will fear me. I also started looking into the other Ascended house and even my own House.
Apparently, the Prince House was still strong. It was just that they were living secretively, so I couldn't technically take over but accidents were fairly common in the Wizarding world, a flying broom to the neck could do the trick. 
I already had the support of the Malfoys. The Longbottom house only had a single underage wizard. House Potter was also only left with Harriet so both of those houses didn't hold particularly sway in the wizarding world. House Black only had a single alive member who was currently in Azkaban so that was out of the picture.
There were basically no houses to support me but a lot of International houses that would love to fuck me over if they found out. Dad and Uncle Lucius were investing even more heavily in the Muggle market. The Malfoys had doubled their fortune at least the one that was open to the public and Dad had gotten as much money as an Ascended house just for himself. He didn't have any particular interest so just a small portion of that money went into making our home better and installing a Floo powder chimney in the house for me since I couldn't learn to apparate and was too busy to try teleporting. 
I did get a single galleon as pocket money each month which I promptly invested since I started getting it and only took it out when I needed it. Even my phone was bought with my own money.
"Anos do you need any extra money?" Dad asked while handing me a bit of Floo powder.
"For the 3rd time Dad. No. I have money at Gringotts. I'll just go there and take it out." I replied while adjusting my blindfold.
"How much have you really got? And don't lie. I mixed some trufulio in your coffee beans." Dad asked with a raised eyebrow. 
'Damm Potion Master. ' I thought but I was sure that I would've done the same.
" Uhh, around 2500 Galleons in guess. " It may seem like a lot but the richer of the Ascended houses had Millions in their accounts. That was the public speculation, they probably had a hell of a lot more. When you have ancestors going back to when civilization started you do get a fair bit of inheritance. 
"Okay. Don't forget the Key for your vault." Dad reminded me and apparated back to Hogwarts. I didn't wanna bother him with my shopping spree since I was fairly sure I was gonna go wild. I was gonna meet up with Draco there and we'll go from there.
"Diagon Alley," I shouted and threw the Floo Powder. I went through in Green Flames and appeared directly in front of 'Shukaku's sandy Ice cream'.
Not the best wording for a business I guess.
"Hey, Anos!!" Draco came running up to me with two ice cream cones in his hands.
"Yo," I said with a wave of my hand.
"Here." He handed me an ice cream with a bit too much chocolate on in my opinion but I took it.
"Thanks." I immediately started on the ice cream because it seemed that the worshippers of Ra were having a field day today as the Sun seemed to shine a lot more than normal. 
"Draco Lucius Malfoy! How many times have I told you to not run off. " Came a voice as a woman in an attire that could only be called 'regal' exited 'Shukaku's sandy Ice cream'.
"How're you doing aunt Narcissa," I said with a smile and the woman smiled back.
"Oh, it was you Anos. Do you want anything else dear? Maybe you'll like to wait inside and I can do the shopping for you. That Severus, even after knowing he is still busy at that dammed school." Aunt Narcissa started and I was pretty sure that Dad was gonna receive a phone call this very day.
"No aunt me and Draco can do the shopping. I've already mastered a spell so most sunlight doesn't touch me." I had explained my cursed techniques as spells so that others could understand them better. I only had to control limitless around my exposed skin so it was feasible for me. Certainly better than feeling itchy all over.
"Well if you boys are sure then fine. But do remember to be done by 3." Aunt Narcissa said and gave both me and a now very embarrassed Draco a kiss on the forehead and left.
" So what should we do first? " Draco asked.
" I think we should finish this ice cream first. " I said and continued my ear against the rapidly melting ice cream. 
Author's Note: Squid game seems pretty cool but goddamit I've only slept for four hours yesterday so I'm gonna go to sleep.
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Hope everyone has a nice Day/Night.

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