Infinity and Magic

Ch 14: Bloody F*cking M-

*Anos's POV*

Apparently, I had overestimated how big the closet was and ended up falling on top of a sleeping Harriet.

"Ouch." Harriet jerked awake.

"Sorry." I took my phone out and put it directly beneath my face and turned the flashlight.

"Hehehe." I laughed weirdly and moved the fingers of my free hand in the air.

"Ahhhhh," Harriet screamed and I quickly covered her mouth with my hand.

"Woah it's me, my lady. If you shout then the whole castle shall awaken." I said but quickly turned on the light.

'The Dursleys are fucking disgusting. ' It seemed I should've broken a few of Petunia's bones.

The closet was not even enough for me to stand up straight and Harriet was just a bit shorter than me. The whole thing was covered with dust and I could see spiders crawling around the closet. Just a fingers distance away from where Harriet had been sleeping the wrappers of the sandwiches and cakes I had slipped into her bag were nearly wrapped.

"Oh hi, Anos. Wait what if uncle Vernon sees you!" Harriet started panicking again.

"I entered the house with his permission. I'm pretty sure that your uncle would've shot me if I tried to break into the house." I said while chuckling. Limitless was strong enough to block bullets now. I hadn't tested that particular theory but I took no damage other than a sore leg after falling from a height of 12 feet so it certainly had at least some power.

"What're you doing here?" Harriet asked.

" What can't visit my only friend? " I said with a little laugh.

Despite how many years I had spent in the Muggle school Harriet really was the only friend that I had made. Dudley and his bullying didn't work on me and usually resulted in him getting punched in the face but unexpectedly the other kids were bullied by him into not talking to me. I was no saint to stop him from bullying others. Each to his own was the ideology I had grown up with so that's what happened. Dudley only feared me and Harriet for very different reasons that's why he never bullied her.

"Thank you for the sandwiches. I wanna ask you something." Harriet said while looking a bit shy.

" Shoot. " I said while thinking of what to do with the closet.

" Do you know Santa? " Harriet asked with stars in her eyes

" Well, what brought that up?" I asked surprised.

"Well, the sandwiches and the cake always refill the next day after I eat them. " Harriet said hurriedly.

'Well, that's actually the Odin's feast enchantment from Norway but whatever. '

"Oh yes. He's a bit of a drunkard though but the guy has a really soft spot for animals." I said while chuckling.

In a distant shack, a Half man Half Giant sneezed loudly.

"Oh." Harriet seemed to want to ask more questions but I took out a box from my Jean's pocket.

"Well Happy Birthday in advance Harriet," I said while pushing the box into her hand.

She looked at me then at the box surprised. She then opened it with shaking hands and almost screamed again when she saw what was inside.

"This... this..." She stuttered.

"That's a new smartphone for you. The same model as mine although there are three covers inside choose whichever one you like. I took the liberty to get a yearly recharge on it so go nuts. " I said with a chuckle and as Harriet was examining her new phone I quickly modified the sandwich and cake wrappers to change flavors every once in a while so her taste buds don't get stale eating the same thing again and again and just for a bit of fun it would make a Dragon spice one once a month.

As I was modifying the wrappers I saw something move. At first, I thought that it was a spider but then I decided to really focus on it and saw the something move inside the broken mirror on a shelf.

"Hey, Harriet what's up with that mirror," I asked while pointing at the half-broken red mirror.

Harriet was about to reply when I saw a woman in the mirror. She was combing her hair and as I watched her eyes she seemed to sense me, her hair seemed to start dripping with blood.

I calmly approached the mirror.

The woman in the mirror seemed to be taken back by me approaching it.

'Well, I can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer. '

The woman seemed to mock my actions and seemed to be inviting me towards her.

I came close to the mirror, charged up my fist with Cursed energy as the woman suddenly seemed to be terrified, and blasted the shit out of the mirror so it broke into pieces.

"What did you do that for?" Harriet asked startled by the noise.

"Nothing just didn't like the mirror. What was it all about though?" I asked Harriet.

"Well Dudley and his friends kept saying Bloody Mary in front of it and then decided to throw it here so I'll be scared of it and I .. I." Harriet seemed to be contemplating if she should speak further or not but my mind was on a different topic.

'I just bitch slapped Bloody Fucking Mary!!!! That's what I've been waiting for! That's what it's all about! Aweee!!!! ' I shouted inside my mind.

Bloody Mary is one of the harmful ghosts. One of those that actually liked to harm humans and gut them in their sleep type and now I had broken one of the mirrors she resided in and she'll be back for vengeance.

"Well, I think I see something in the mirror and that's why I kept it there ." Harriet continued.

'Oh yeah, she was from one of the Ascended houses wasn't she. ' Because Bloody Mary was from an Ascended house she liked it better to fight and scare wizards but if Muggles annoyed her enough then she'll just pull their insides out.

She most my likely was seen by Harriet because the Potter house was also an Ascended one and Harriet was the last of her house which was even better but Dumbledore's ward just made the Blood Mary a spectator. She couldn't actually Manifest here.

"It's fine Harriet it happens to the best of us," I said while pulling a finger prickler out and made a hole on my Middle finger. I took the blood and began drawing symbols on all four walls of the closet.

"What are you doing?" Harriet sounded interested and scared at the same time.

"Giving my final gift to you," I said with a smile on my face.

"You know that we can write with pen or ink right?" Harriet asked thinking that it hurt me a lot but just a little bit of cursed energy into the Reverse Cursed Technique and my fingers will be as good as new.

"Okay done," I said after drawing countless symbols on the four walls and the ceiling of the closet. I hadn't actually bled a lot. I had just mixed a lot of my Cursed energy with the blood so a single drop spread as much as a small vial.

Me and Harriet stepped out of the closet and stood outside it after closing the door. It seemed the Dursleys had been too fearful of me after what I did to Petunia and had left the house altogether for the night. Leaving Harriet alone.

After both of us stood outside the closet for a couple of minutes as I did the incantations.

"Domain Expansion: Stellar space," I said and there was a huge crash inside the closet.

"Fuck I forgot that there was other stuff inside. Forget it let's go outside Harriet. " I took Harriet by the arm and took her outside as we sat on the grass.

" Here let me teach you how to use the phone. " I offered and after that me and Harriet spent the next few hours playing around with her new phone.

" I won't be coming back to the school after summer. " I said to Harriet and got ready to leave as the sun began to set.

" I know. I'm most likely going to have to change schools too" Harriet said with a sad smile.

" Won't it be crazy if we change into the same school? " I said while chuckling inside.

" Yeah. It'll be fun to meet you again. " Harriet said sadly.

'I bet my left eye that we're gonna meet in the next few months.' I thought with a fond smile on my face.

"Happy Birthday again Harriet."

*3rd POV*

That day Harriet said goodbye to Anos from the gate of the Dursleys house. He told her to lock all the doors and be a bit careful when entering the closet again.

"Oh, also your uncle and aunt will be a bit nicer from now on." Anos had said as the boy faded into the rising night.

Harriet had entered the Closet with anticipation and after she entered she felt as if she had put on uncle Vernon's glasses instead. She rubbed her glasses again and again but the close that had seemed to be too small even for her seemed to have become as big as half of the Dursley house instead. The whole ceiling, floor, and walls of the room seemed to be made up of the night sky as stars shone in them. Whenever she wanted to read something the stars seemed to collect at an angle to give her better light.

That was the best day of Harriet Potter's life. This was the First time she got any kind of gifts at all for her birthday even in advance and just now she got 3 amazing and one Magical gift.

That Night when Dudley had finally finished his fourth ice cream cup in the restaurant the Dursleys decided to return to their home. When Vernon went ahead to open the door he found a letter pasted on it. He opened the letter as Petunia and Dudley came behind him to get a better look. Vernon's face paled after he saw the letter.

"You know where I'm from and what I can do. Those that you hate I'm from them and if you dare touch Harriet.." Vernon could feel himself being suffocated by an unknown pressure " then you better not decide to share the same planet as me because I'll bash hour skull in fuckface. " Uncle Vernon understood better his instincts screamed at him to take this seriously.

The letter was signed as "All along the Heaven and Earth I alone am the Honoured One"

At the end of the note, a shape was drawn a shape that quite resembled a Penis in uncle Vernon's opinion.

The next day Harriet had been confused when no one decided to wake her up at the break of dawn to make breakfast. She had been even more shocked when uncle Vernon hadn't pulled her by her hair to explain to her to cook food like 'Normal people' when she had hummed while making the food.

The whole Dursley household felt like scared puppies against Harriet.


Author's Note: Sorry the chapters were a couple hours late. Since things are opening up now and I have exams next month I had to go outside for some studying and my legs were killing me, so I'm sorry about that.

Seriously I've got limbs weaker than noodles.

Read upto 8 chapters ahead on my Patreon. The link will be down below.

Hope everyone has a nice Day/Night.

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