Infinity and Magic

Ch 12: Silver Hates Red

*Anos's POV*

It had been a couple of months since I started school and everything was going pretty well. I had completed 3 Potions making books and was getting better at using Cursed energy.

I was trying hard as hell to convert the energy into punches and kicks but it didn't seem to be working that well. Sure it was more powerful than before but it just wasn't cutting it. I couldn't exactly even practice it safely. 

The Investment was going extremely well. Dad had invested a lot and it was good returns. Sure I wasn't making money by the second but it was enough for Dad to look into it a bit more. Even uncle Lucius was interested, he did find the fact that I was going to a Muggle school a bit distasteful but decided that 'learning more about Muggles' and 'The Extra Grades' I could get were enough reason. He also thought that it would be worthwhile to learn more about Muggles so maybe I could reach a higher place in the Ministry of Magic. Arthur Weasley was the face of the Muggle Interaction Department in the Ministry and despite how much uncle Lucius disliked Arthur he did see the point that power could be acquired through Muggles, Father supported the idea regarding the Ministry.

I had asked him why he so severely distrusted the Weasleys and he had told me something quite unexpected.

*Flashback No Jutsu*

"Uncle why does every Ascended house hate the Weasleys? I mean if they were one of us then shouldn't we be helping them return to grace?" I asked curiously while tilting my head. Draco also seemed interested in the topic as he poked his head up from the Nimbus Catalogue to look up expectantly.

Uncle Lucius held his cane so hard that his knuckles turned white and I was pretty sure that if he had gone on then it would've broken. 

"Maybe they're just stupid?" Draco suggested.

Uncle Lucius then gave a sigh.

" No that's not it Draco. Ok, what I'm about to tell you kids can't go out of these four walls okay." Uncle Lucius gave us a stern glare.

" 'Kay," I replied.

" Pinky Promise." Draco chirped in.

" We don't hate the Weasleys. In fact, we respected them a lot. Even though they may look like they are in shambles now they were as rich as us at one point in time. The Weasleys and the Malfoys had a friendly rivalry in Merlin's age. In fact, both of our houses were the only ones that were rich enough to pay Merlin to change our bloodline hair. The Weasleys even though weak minded had a lot of children. We could make a single big business but the Weasleys could pop seven small ones up in the same time, my god those people had a lot of children." Uncle Lucius said as if reciting a particularly weird history story.

" Then those idiotic gargoyles decided to dump all their money into the Goblins' banks." Uncle Lucius gritted his teeth.

'Fuck, I think I know where this is going.' I thought.

" 2 Years later there was a Goblin rebellion and all their money was used up by the Goblins. Then they tried to expand overseas and an individual Weasley is as strong as a kitten so their numbers dropped like flies against other Dark Wizard clans." Uncle Lucius explained.

It did seem that Goblins had a habit of doing a rebellion every couple of Decades. That's why no Wizard put their whole earnings in Gringotts. If the Goblin decided that he had enough funds then he would launch another rebellion and all the money would vaporize. Dumbledore had calmed the Goblins down and there was no rebellion for the last century but old habits die hard.

" But isn't some centuries in the timeout corner enough punishment?" I asked and Draco looked from me back to uncle Lucius.

" Well, my father had also thought that. He was a Prefect in Hogwarts and in the same year as Arthur's father. But but..." Uncle Lucius seemed to be balancing between anger and embarrassment.

" But what?" Draco urged.

I also wanted to know what could've broken down the relationships and ties so badly.

" But the Damm Weasley thought that it would be a good idea to piss from the Astronomy tower and my Father who was on guard duty as a Prefect was directly below that tower standing guard."

'Yup that'll do it. ' I thought while controlling myself to not burst out laughing.

*Flashback Kai*

Most people from wizard families don't do anything at my age. Wizard schools didn't require you to learn anything Muggle related. Just know enough about calculations and basic knowledge about Magic and that was enough qualifications to study.

The Ascended houses did teach their heirs a lot during this time though but it was mostly about the family's specialty. Draco was learning about business right now. There was also House Rowan that taught Beast Taming to their heirs at this time.

I for one was getting better and better at potions. Dad had given me enough material for a lifetime and I had a whole lot of notes from Dad to try and practice the recipes.

I had also found that people really do fear Voldemort. At his peak, Voldemort was a propaganda machine. I had found one old Newspaper and the article was such bullshit "He who must not be named doesn't fart, He just passes winds of Terror.' I really did want to know who the fuck wrote that.

The homework from school took minutes to complete for me and I noted down Potion Recipes to make my writing better. Harriet was fun to hang around with. I was helping her with work and her grades were getting better. I may or may not have slipped some packed sandwiches and cakes into her bag. I didn't even like sweets.

I went back to the house library to put back a book I had finished. I put the book back in the shelf and turned around.


I looked up and saw that the book was just an inch above my head. It hadn't touched my head but I had felt a slight breeze-like feeling on my head. Guess my training was beginning to work.


Author's Note: Red upto 8 chapters ahead for both my novels if you want to on my Patreon. The link will be down below.

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