Infinite god outfit in the city

Page 10

Then he opened the car refrigerator in the back seat, paused for a moment, his face darkened, and then closed it silently.

Oh shit!It's full of mineral water!

Can Evian riding a horse be eaten as a meal?

"Brother Liu, please find the nearest cafeteria, I'm a little hungry."

Swallowing two palm-length Snickers bars relieved the hunger in Li Rui's stomach a little.

As a thrifty and good young man, he instinctively chose the buffet at this critical moment.

Just kidding, now I'm so hungry I could swallow a cow!

How much would it cost to eat in a normal restaurant?

Although Brother Lei gave himself 100 million, and the reward for the competition, he can still have 10,000+ after paying taxes!

But it is estimated that it will cost a lot to see a doctor from a celestial master, so Li Rui must save the money.

Although Brother Liu was a little strange, he didn't ask any further questions and took Li Rui to find the nearest cafeteria.

"Brother Liu, you go back first, I'll just take a taxi by myself after I finish eating later."

After getting out of the car, Li Rui hurried into the restaurant after explaining to the driver.

Brother Liu behind him desperately wanted to stop him, only to see his back disappearing through the automatic door of the restaurant.

Forget it, the boss just said to give him a ride, he didn't say that he must be delivered home, it's better to go back and rest early.

The car quickly turned around and disappeared into the traffic of the Modu.

On the other side, Li Rui sat on the table with a face full of pain.

Buffet for more than 300 people!

What a money grab!

"Sir, what would you like to eat?"

A young lady with a round face was holding the menu, and stood beside Li Rui attentively, her eyes glowed pink, and her voice was dripping softly.

"Give me every dish on the menu!"

Li Rui swallowed and said urgently.

The burning sensation in the stomach started to spread again!

The young lady's smile froze for a moment, and she forced a smile and said, "Sir, are you sure? If you can't finish eating, we will charge extra for each dish."

"Sure! Come on, I'm hungry."

Li Rui nodded frantically like a woodpecker, and poured himself a cup of tea to dilute the sour water in his stomach.

The waitress stopped persuading her and silently withdrew.

In less than 2 minutes, the freshly made cold dishes were served first.

"This is Japanese-style cold beef."

"This is white meat with garlic paste."

"This is local flavor chicken."


"There are still dishes that are being prepared, please take your time."

The cold dishes alone cover the table for four people to the brim, and the plates are piled on top of each other, and there is almost no room for anything else.

Infinite god outfit in the city

Chapter 13 Greed and Gluttony

"and many more."

Li Rui stopped the waiter.

The young lady sneered in her heart, laughing at his overreaching.

If you don't listen to the old man's words, you will suffer in front of your eyes!


The cold dishes are not finished, and there are hundreds of hot dishes!

Plus desserts and snacks, this is enough for dozens of people!

But she didn't show any dissatisfaction on her face, she turned around and said with a sweet smile, "May I help you?"

"Please put away these plates and keep them in the way. By the way, add two catties of rice and two pinches of freshly squeezed juice."

The young lady's smile froze, and before she noticed, Li Rui had already emptied several plates.

There was not a drop of oil or water left on the plate that was cleaner than a dog had licked it!

He took a few empty plates tremblingly, and under the terrified eyes of the young lady, Li Rui inhaled the dishes on the table like a storm.

With two slaps on his cheeks, a plate was empty, and for a while, Li Rui ate faster than he could serve!

The steady stream of waiters draws the attention of other guests in the restaurant.

Fortunately, it is a relatively high-end independent restaurant, and the guests are all of high quality, only occasionally turning their surprised eyes to Li Rui's table.


Where did this starve ghost come from?

This is the first time in my life that I have seen a man of God who can get back the cost of the buffet!

Half an hour later, the young lady stared at Li Rui with bright eyes, took out her mobile phone and secretly took a picture, and sent it to Moments.

More than an hour later, the manager of the restaurant stood beside Li Rui and served him himself, with strong interest in his eyes.

But at this time, the hunger in Li Rui's stomach had eased a lot. He slowed down his eating speed, no longer swallowing dates, but savoring the dishes carefully.

"The beef is a bit old, but this sushi is not bad, huh? It seems that the quality of the Japanese food is not bad. The Japanese food chef hired by the boss is a bit good!"

Every dish contained the chef's unique imprint, and Li Rui obviously tasted four or five chefs of different levels.


After swallowing the sweet watermelon juice, Li Rui burped happily, stood up and walked to the toilet.

The restaurant manager winked at the man in casual clothes not far away, he nodded, and followed Li Rui into the toilet.

But unexpectedly, Li Rui did not enter the toilet cubicle, but stood in front of the urinal.

Amidst the sound of rushing water, the man froze for a moment, but immediately came to Li Rui's side as if nothing had happened, and started to turn on the water.

Li Rui looked suspiciously at the other empty urinals, with black question marks all over his face.

There are so many vacancies, why does this dude stand next to me?

The corners of his eyes twitched twice, Li Rui ignored him and carefully cleaned up the waste water in his body.

But the man next to him couldn't help the curiosity in his heart, urinating side by side, a length and a short are indispensable.

With a flick of the eyeballs, the man withdrew his gaze, staring blankly at the void in front of him, enduring the shock that a little life shouldn't have to bear.


Negative emotions +!

After finally breaking free from the shadow, the man shook twice and was about to call it a day.

Suddenly he froze.

The sound of rushing water continued continuously, with no intention of stopping at all.

Ma Dan, came before me and left after me, doesn't it show that my kidneys are not good enough?

I don't want to be ashamed?

Frozen in embarrassment, the man couldn't hold back a drop with all his strength, so he could only ignore Li Rui's suspicious gaze and stare at the slogan on the wall with all his heart.

"Don't laugh at others' shortcomings, don't show off your strengths! Don't be superstitious about your own length, take a step forward bravely!"

I have never noticed that the slogan in my toilet is so embarrassing, the man's face is black and purple.

Li Rui beside him finally frowned.

What's the matter with this force?Prostatitis?His face is so ugly...

Frequent urination, urgency and incontinence?

What are you shaking all the time?

Is it a pervert?

Whispering in his heart, Li Rui quickly resolved his physical problems, washed his hands and left the bathroom.

It wasn't until Li Rui left that the man standing there let out a long breath.

He glanced at his little brother, and a glimmer of light flashed in the corner of his eyes.


"Brother Xiaorui, you are a big eater who has eaten all over our restaurants. Can you leave a WeChat message? We will let you know what activities we have in the future."

"Hey, don't dislike me as long as I can eat."

Li Rui stroked the back of his head honestly, his way of eating was a bit unethical.

"Haha, you don't have to be afraid of big bellies when opening a store. Satisfying customers is our highest purpose. We only ask customers if they are eating well, and we never care whether they eat too much or not."

The manager waved his hand with great pride.

Li Rui gave him a big thumbs up. Seeing what he said, it's grand!

The guests who were quietly paying attention around him also nodded secretly when they heard the manager's words, and couldn't help but develop a good impression of the restaurant.

"Add a public account, I will give you a gold membership, and you will get a [-]% discount when you come to us in the future. There will be activities on birthdays and special festivals, and you will take care of your business in the future."

Looking at the manager's sincere eyes, Li Rui finally paid attention to the restaurant's official account.

To be reasonable, shouldn't you put yourself on the blacklist?

Why doesn't this manager play his cards according to the routine?

He walked out of the restaurant in some confusion, Li Rui, who was full and full, quickly put this little matter behind him.

The stomach is warm, and the happiness brought by the feeling of fullness fills the whole body.

Eating is the most basic survival need of human beings.

It is also the simplest source of happiness.

When you are hungry, a few steaming buns can bring you an unparalleled sense of happiness.

The food was digested and absorbed by the intestines and stomach, and the energy released from the decomposition circulated through the whole body. Li Rui couldn't help but smile on his face.

Eating when he is hungry, he seems to have never felt such a simple joy since he was born!

But it's also easy to understand, no matter in the previous life or in the present life, Li Rui lived in the affluent Heavenly Dynasty, he had everything he wanted to eat, and never experienced real hunger.

It was because of the moth in the system today that he experienced the feeling of a hungry person.

When he was in the car, he really wanted to tear off the leather upholstery and eat it!

Thinking of the system, Li Rui's face darkened.

"What happened to the hunger just now?"

System: "Because your body is in a state of injury and there are still a lot of undigested extra health points, the body judges that it needs a lot of energy recovery, and sends you a reminder of the need to eat through hunger, but due to [greedy and gluttony] Passive skills, this hunger is amplified a little."

More than a little!I almost gnawed someone just now!

Rolling his eyes fiercely, Li Rui suddenly remembered something, picked up his clothes suddenly, saw the eight-pack abdominal muscles on his lower abdomen wriggling like steel armor, and blinked his eyes suspiciously.

"System, where did the food I ate go? What about the conservation of mass and energy as promised? Isn't this scientific?"

The food he ate in these few hours was tens of kilograms at least, and the combined volume burst his belly and he couldn't put it down!

Infinite god outfit in the city

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