Infinite Beast Control: The Starting Pet Is A Stone

Chapter 70 Zhuangxingjiu

Although Fu Han was prepared in his heart, he was still shocked when he summoned Boya!

Bo Ya was originally slightly bigger than Xiao Zi, but after acquiring the [Giant Individual] trait, it grew to 3 meters tall! Including the tail, the length is nearly 10 meters!

Fu Han really never expected that Boya, who was only two heads old, could grow into such a giant!

In fact, Boya's fighting power comes entirely from his strong body. The improvement brought by getting bigger is very obvious! For example, its breath comes from glands in its head. As the head gets bigger, the glands will naturally become more developed.

When fighting the Blood Blade Mantis for the first time, Boya's breath was as thin as a line of fire. And now, after its breath exits, it looks like a heavy laser cannon.

Not only that, the scales on its body are also thicker, turning into large dragon scales. Coupled with the [Scale Jade Transformation] property, its scales have a translucent texture...

It was not obvious enough just to see it, so Fu Han simply summoned Saitama, put it into the Night Demon armor state, and tried to practice with Boya!

The result shocked Fu Han...

Not only did Boya withstand Saitama's attack, he even used his breath to reduce Saitama's health by 1%!

Fu Han smiled. Boya became so resistant to beatings because he learned Saitama's [Jade Transformation]. He really taught his apprentices to starve to death!

You must know that Boya is a multi-headed dragon. It has an abnormal recovery ability, coupled with [Scale Jade Transformation]. Before Saitama mastered [Giant Transformation], there was really nothing he could do with it.

It's really tougher than Saitama and has higher output at the same time! !

After this strengthening, Fu Han began to have full confidence in exploring the fault treasure house. Boya, who is only at level 12, is even stronger than Saitama who has not yet [Gigantized]!

Of course, it is not scientific to measure Boya's strength by star magnitude. It is the core of level 12 and the physique of level 30 or 40.

Since the fault treasure house rejects all creatures with a star level above level 20, what else can be stronger than Saitama and Boya?


Although he thought he was safe in his mind, Fu Han still didn't have any carelessness in his actions. In the next few days, he still tried his best to raise the strength of the star beasts to the highest level.

Saitama has mastered [Giant Level 3], and [Levitation] has also been upgraded to level 5. Therefore, Saitama's star level has also been raised to level 19.

At this point, Fu Han didn't dare to teach any skills anymore, because he was afraid that Qiyu would suddenly reach level 20, and Fu Han would really faint in the toilet from crying.

After mastering [Giant Transformation], Saitama's combat effectiveness also increased exponentially. Saitama in the gigantic state can easily crush Boya's dragon scales! Suppressing Boya is no problem at all!

But Bo Ya's recovery ability also shocked Fu Han. Qiyu punched Bo Ya and a large piece of his dragon scales shattered. But in the blink of an eye, Boya's flesh and blood quickly grew back, and all the dragon scales returned to their original appearance.

If you think about it carefully, it seems impossible for Saitama to completely defeat Boya.

[Body of the Nine-Headed Dragon] This epic characteristic is really powerful. It's a pity that the characteristic cannot be imprinted, otherwise Fu Han would have walked sideways.

Although Xiao Zi's racial value is a bit low, the characteristic of [Dark Core] makes her dark skills very powerful. So Fu Han will not give up cultivating it.

The [Dark Veil] and [Stealing Life] engraved from Snake Man's Night Python were both taught to Xiao Zi. [Steal Life] has also been upgraded to level 3, and [Dark Blessing] has also been upgraded to level 4. Xiao Zi, who does not have [High Efficiency Core], has also been promoted to level 19.

At this point, Fu Han's star beasts have been temporarily raised to the upper limit. If they become stronger, they will no longer be summoned in the fault treasure house!

Only about 300 ml of Fairy Honey Brew was consumed. It just fits in three sealed bottles and can be taken with you.

Just when Fu Han finished upgrading all the star beasts and was about to rest for a day, something unexpected happened again.

When Fu Han woke up in the morning that day, he felt that his core field seemed to have become crowded. Upon closer inspection, this kind of crowding is not that the core field has become smaller, but that the soul connection occupied by a certain star beast has become particularly "wide"!

Fu Han knew that this was caused by a star beast reaching the second level of star brilliance.

In fact, when Saitama evolved, his star level was one level higher than that of Fu Han. At that time, Fu Han noticed that Saitama's occupied soul connection had become much bloated. However, Fu Han's core field was still empty at that time, so it didn't feel that obvious.

But this time Fu Han had more star beasts, and the feeling was very obvious.

Fu Han was startled, wondering if it was Saitama's [High Efficiency Core] that took effect and caused it to be upgraded?

If you look carefully, Saitama is still level 19!

Just when Fu Han was about to check on Xiao Zi, a huge Qiqilu suddenly appeared in Fu Han's core space!

It happily said to Han: "Hi~ Fu Han, look, I'm 2 years old!"

Fu Han's head suddenly felt as big as a bucket, and he had completely forgotten Qiqilu. Thinking back at this time, it has been holding the sacred tree seeds recently, so it turns out that it is absorbing the starlight!

Fu Han was speechless, Qiqilu, you were originally promoted to one level every 20 years on average, how come you were promoted to two levels not long after you came to my place! ?

In response, Qiqilu replied: "I feel like I'm about two years old, so I absorbed a little more starlight!"

Fu Han sighed, there is no way you Qiqilu is free, but you can't come out when you go to the fault treasure house next time!

"This is probably part of my bad luck." Fu Han thought to himself.

The day after Qiqilu turned 2 years old, Fu Han also received a notice from Professor Chu to be on standby to enter the fault treasure house.

Fu Han was about to set off, so he couldn't help but feel nervous. He didn't know what the outcome of this trip would be. After thinking about it, Fu Han felt that he still had one unfinished task, which was to teach Mu Chi's [Piranha Seedling] skills.

So Fu Han thought of a way. He called Mu Chi into the dormitory to have a drink with the excuse of giving himself strength. When the time comes, he will trick him into summoning the [Piranha Seedling], and then let Qi Qilu stun Mu Chi or hypnotize him, and then teach the seedling skills, and then hide his merit and fame.

With the plan in mind, Fu Han immediately took action. He bought food and wine and waited for Mu Chi to arrive.

Mu Chi insisted on going to some high-end bar at first, but Fu Han sternly refused. Finally, he came to Fu Han's dormitory obediently.

Then Fu Han started to pour wine into Mu Chi.

In fact, it's very easy for Mu Chi to get him to drink. You let him drink, but he still resists.

But Fu Han asked: "Are you unable to drink anymore?...Are you unable to drink enough?"

This guy was so excited that he couldn't hold back and started to drink! After a while, Fu Han felt that if he didn't trick him into summoning [Piranha Seedlings], he would get drunk himself.

So Fu Han said, "How are your piranha seedlings doing? Summon them and let me take a look."

The drunken Mu Chi replied with a loud tongue: "Don't mention it! Learn a skill for 4 times in a row... Nothing will happen except the star level... My old man's hair is falling out in bunches."

Fu Han said in his heart, for the sake of your father's hair, I'll do it.

"Then you should summon it and show it to me. Are you reluctant to part with it?"

You can't choke Mu Chi. When asked, "Are you reluctant to part with me?", he immediately summoned a piranha seedling to deal with Han and said, "Look! See enough..."

Fu Han picked up the piranha seedling and looked at it. It had grown a lot, and it was a bit fierce and wanted to bite people.

Just when Fu Han wanted Qi Qilu to take action, he found that Mu Chi had fallen under the table drunk!

Fu Han quickly picked him up and threw him on the bed, after confirming again and again that the guy was drunk to death.

Fu Han smiled and shook his head and thought: If he gets him drunk frequently in the future and then upgrades the skills of his star beast, will he think that drinking will strengthen the star beast?

Early the next morning, Mu Chi opened his eyes in a daze and found that he was lying on Fu Han's bed.

Picking up the terminal and looking at it, Fu Han left a message for him: "Notice of gathering. I'm going. We'll meet again when we come back."

After putting down the terminal, Mu Chi felt a splitting headache, and then he found that his piranha was basking in the sun on Fu Han's desk. The strange thing is that the piranha seedlings seem to have grown a lot, at least two or three levels higher.

Mu Chi thought to himself: "Damn...did this guy buy fake wine for me to drink? What a head-turner!"

Then Mu Chi turned over, covered his head with the quilt and fell asleep again...

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