Infinite Beast Control: The Starting Pet Is A Stone

Chapter 431 Seeing The Leopard Through The Pipe

The difference between divinity and mortal nature is this. Divinity pursues the only supreme goal, but mortal nature puts survival first. Weiwei is the best example. From a biological perspective, uniqueness is not a good characteristic. But from a divine perspective, uniqueness is a must.

After listening to the scholar's explanation, Fu Han suddenly became enlightened and had a lot of ideas in his mind. I couldn't wait to leave the council hall so I could go back and sort out these thoughts.

However, after bidding farewell to the scholar, Fu Han tried to let go of the ball of light in his hand. But he found that the light ball was stuck to his hand... This was the old man restricting Fu Han's movements. It seemed that he still had something to say.

Scholars are smart people, and they knew what was going on when they saw Fu Han, who was shouting in a hurry, failed to leave the council hall immediately. So she quickly resigned with a smile. Not listening to things that shouldn't be heard is also an important piece of wisdom.

After the scholar left, the old man's figure actually appeared. He looked at Fu Han for a long time before he said, "I have something to remind you about what you asked.

"'Enemies are on a narrow road' is not just a casual talk. The 'uniqueness' of power will manifest itself in two situations. One is to prevent two identical powers from meeting each other, and the other is to encourage the two to meet... Well, the reason is, You should be able to figure it out.”

"That's it!!" Fu Han quickly bowed and thanked him.

The old man nodded slowly, and then said: "Be careful."

After saying that, the old man's figure disappeared from the parliament hall, and then Fu Han also disappeared.

The Sun Council really helped Fu Han this time. The kitten fished out a clue from the void, the scholar gave a precise explanation, and the old man simply gave the answer directly.

This is the Sun Parliament. With a little contribution from the planters, they can determine the direction of the world line.

After coming out, Fu Han thought carefully about what happened before. He discovered that he and Keira were not empowered and together at the same time.

Fu Han had entered the Holy Tomb early at that time, but he only obtained the original sequence after Keira was thrown into the fractal layer. In other words, they have not yet met each other after they both gained power. Not to mention meeting each other, they were not even on the same plane.

This thing is very mysterious, and it seems to be natural, but if you carefully observe the coincidences, you will have a feeling of destiny.

This is the first "never meet" situation mentioned by the old man. The "not meeting" here may even refer to the plane.

But the situation of never meeting will obviously not last forever.

Destiny will also bring two people with the same power to meet. The purpose is to make power unique. For example, two powerful people can be humble to each other, or merge into one, or fight to the death...

This matter is obvious to Fu Han. Of course, Fu Han would not be humble to Keira, let alone become one with her. Therefore, the outcome can only be life and death.

But with just this information, Fu Han still couldn't determine the future outcome.

In reality, only one thing is certain about a future that hasn't happened yet. Mao Mao has already told Fu Han about this. The fate line behind the key node branches into many branches. That is, only uncertainty is certain.

But Fu Han felt that the line of fate was now beginning to lead to Fu Han and Keira meeting. In other words, the conditions for an encounter are already met.

Fu Han even felt that if Keira could return to the main plane, he would be there at that time. Because fate is promoting the encounter between himself and Keira, if this thing cannot be established. The fate line should quickly collapse from "the two meet" to "never meet".

There are several changes among these that are relatively easy to foresee. It is possible that Fu Han will be sent to Keira; it is possible that Keira will return to the main plane through events related to Fu Han and meet each other; or the two will exchange situations, or maintain the status quo!

To be honest, there are quite a lot of variables. Fortunately, Fu Han knew which situation would be more beneficial to him, and Mao Mao's eager heart sensed an important piece of guidance from Fu Han.

“Never imitate others, let alone let others imitate you! Maintain ‘uniqueness and exclusivity’.”

This is a reminder that the kitten relied on intuition. Except for a special ancient character that clearly points to a specific thing, the other contents are a bit vague.

It would be useless to ask Mao Mao about the vague parts. It was something Fu Han had to figure out and understand by himself.

Fu Han guessed that the so-called "don't imitate others" may mean not trying to take the initiative to seize Keira's power. The latter sentence is, of course, don't get caught by the other party, so as to maintain "uniqueness". In other words, Fu Han should maintain the "never meet" situation.


Although the explanation made sense at first glance, Fu Han still felt vaguely uneasy. Because there is no trace of businessmen in these things.

From what Fu Han knew, the presence of businessmen was actually very low. Fu Han even thought for a time that the businessman might not know that Zhang Zhijing was a sickly saint.

But Fu Han also kept reminding himself that the situation involving the businessman was definitely not that simple. The lower his presence, the more problematic it is. Fu Han even felt that judging from the current situation, there must be some collusion between the businessman and Zhang Zhijing. Or perhaps, this Zhang Zhijing is simply the bait he released, and at this moment, he is holding the fishing rod and staring at the float closely!

In fact, the behavior pattern of a businessman is easy to judge. He is only interested in profit and will not do anything without profit. He definitely wants to benefit from it.

Is it possible that he is planning to capture Keira to gain something from the Sun Council?

Fu Han smacked his lips and mentally denied this possibility. This ambitious guy would not be so obedient as to eliminate harm for the people and then go to the Sun Council to receive the award.

If he captures Keira, then he must only be thinking about one thing...and that is Keira's power!

So what to do? Fu Han couldn't make up his mind all of a sudden. However, the option of "escape" was not on Fu Han's list.

Firstly, Fu Han didn't want to escape, and secondly, Fu Han knew that he couldn't escape.

How to escape what fate is precipitating? Do you want to hide in the Tower of Loneliness and wander in the time and space fault for a lifetime to maintain the situation of "never meeting each other"?

In fact, it would not work for Fu Han even if he hid and tried to grow up.

Once he hides in the treasure house, it means that the line of fate collapses into a "never meet" situation. But the problem is that Fu Han has already given up the main plane to Keira at this time. When Keira returns to the main plane, Fu Han may be unable to leave the treasure house for a long time!

For example, during the escape process, Luo Shen died due to some force majeure...

Even if Luo Shen is not dead. It is a variant of chaos. If something unexpected happens to Fu Han, it will lose the ability to open the door to time and space. Fu Han was locked up in the broken layer, just like Keira now.

I don’t know how long it will take to pass, and what state the main plane will change into after the vicissitudes of life, before the fate line will tend to "the two meet" again. When the time comes, when the door of the Fault Treasure House opens, it's not certain which powerful person will be waiting for him outside.

Therefore, we can only remember the guidance and proceed with caution. Continue to observe the development of things, and when the situation is more specific, try to make things develop in a direction that is beneficial to you.

The good news is that although the businessman is in the dark, Fu Han is in an even darker shadow, and luck is on Fu Han's side.

After sorting out his thoughts for a long time, Fu Han let out a long sigh. He found that he seemed to know something, but he seemed to know nothing. This is the annoying thing about prophecy abilities. Being unclear... only increases anxiety.

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