Infinite Beast Control: The Starting Pet Is A Stone

Chapter 425 Xiao Zi’S Second Evolution

On the surface, the Titan's demonic blood seems to be a solid shadow. But when I picked it up from the throne, the slight shaking caused it to quickly condense into a liquid form.

Only then did Fu Han realize that it was really blood. Weiwei seemed to be interested in this dark blood too, so she got closer and sniffed it.

Fu Han also asked her opinion.

But Weiwei said bluntly: "It feels very dark..."

Dark is right. Fu Han stopped thinking and asked Xiao Zi to raise his head and open his mouth, then poured the Titan's demonic blood into its mouth. This is how the "instructions" on the treasure table describe it, "drink to release the power of the blood." Xiao Zi is a good boy who doesn't shy away from being cold, so Fu Han won't prepare some flavoring for him.

Of course, Fu Han still carefully watched Xiao Zi's status, whether it was the soul connection or the original sequence.

After a while, the dark elements in Xiao Zi's body began to be purged crazily, and Fu Han could even detect that its starlight was being rapidly converted into dark elements in order to invest in some kind of physical change.

At the same time, Xiao Zi began to experience strong soul fluctuations! The surrounding energy, dark elements, starlight, and source matter began to gather at a high speed, especially the surge of dark energy, which even made Fu Han feel burning pain!

Tuanzi and Qiqilu retreated outside the door, and Weiwei also took two steps back, but Fu Han couldn't retreat, he was still guarding here. Fortunately, this level of burning pain was nothing compared to Star Marrow, so it had no effect on Fu Han.

Xiao Zi was obviously evolving, which was not beyond Fu Han's expectation. After all, the Titan demon blood is something left by the Zhimu people, and it will definitely not be a common thing. And once Xiao Zi started to evolve, Fu Han felt relieved.

Fu Han, who knows the secret of life, knows it very well. "Evolution" is a very magical natural phenomenon. It can cause star beasts to undergo all-round changes from body to soul. Even if it is a power like the original sequence, it can only induce evolution at most, but it cannot directly allow star beasts to evolve.

And the reason why it is called "evolution" also means that the star beast will definitely undergo positive changes. In most cases, they become stronger and more adaptable to survival and challenges.

Even if some star beasts undergo changes that the beast master doesn't like due to evolution, that's just because the beast master doesn't like them. The star beast itself must be in compliance with nature and logical and self-consistent.

Therefore, Xiao Zi has begun to evolve, which means that the Titan demon blood will not harm it at all.

However, when Xiao Zi evolved, due to the large accumulation of dark elements, there was almost no visible light. Therefore, its shape changes cannot be seen. Fu Han recalled that the last time Xiao Zi evolved, it was the same situation, so he could only wait patiently.

After a moment, the darkness around Xiao Zi gradually dissipated, and its new form appeared in front of Fu Han's eyes!

First of all, Xiao Zi has grown in size, and her standing height is almost the same as Fu Han. Its hair is still the same dark purple as before, but the lingering shadow flames are more powerful.

The most obvious change in this evolution is the addition of a vertical pupil on its forehead. In addition, it has an evil eye around its neck!

These evil eyes are suspended, appearing and disappearing. His pupils turned around, peeking at everything around him!

Xiao Zi's cute character remains unchanged, but after growing taller and having an extra eye on her forehead, it is no longer convenient for her to use her forehead to keep out the cold. However, it learned to put its chin on Fu Han's shoulder...

To be so intimate with him, he is still the same Xiao Zi. Fu Han also hugged its neck, and then began to sense Xiao Zi's information through the soul connection.

Name: purple

Race: Demon blood wolf family

Evolution level: Mutated second-level evolution [Three-Eyed Demonic Wolf]

Attribute: Demon blood

Race value: 489→978 (Emperor level)

Fu Han was a little surprised when he saw this. The Titan's demonic blood directly doubled Xiao Zi's race value.

Infinite-level star beasts will not be measured by things like race value. In the final analysis, race value is just an evaluation value of the star beast's potential. Infinite improvement in star level means that star beasts have unlimited possibilities. At this time, any numerical weakness will be completely compensated when the star level is high enough.

Usually, those with a race value over 600 are considered emperor-level star beasts. In fact, there are very few god-level beasts with a race value close to 1,000. Seven or eight hundred is already very high, and eight hundred or more is already the best of the best.

I didn’t expect Xiao Zi’s race value to be so close to the thousand mark! This also means that Xiao Zi will be the leader among the emperor-level star beasts!

As for the infinite level... Xiao Zi should evolve again. Maybe then it will reach the infinite level. However, this evolutionary condition may not be so easy to achieve.

Thinking of this, Fu Han couldn't help but focus on the display cabinets in the secret room. I always feel that these ancient writing tablets may contain clues to further enhance Xiao Zi's potential.

But we need to talk about it later. Now Xiao Zi already has a star level limit of at least six levels, which is enough. There is really no need for Xiao Zi, who is only a third-level Star Glory, to worry about infinite levels.

Therefore, Fu Han continued to check Xiao Zi's information.

Star beast level: 34→37

Normally, star beasts are upgraded first and then evolved. But after all, Xiao Zi evolved after absorbing the dark descendant's sacred object, and the power contained in it also increased its level by 3 levels. It can be regarded as an unexpected surprise.

Health: 15%. The sequelae of dark erosion are intensified, and the upper limit of health is reduced by 85%.

Fu Han was stunned when he saw this...

Ben also fantasized that the Titan demon blood might be able to solve Xiao Zi's dark erosion problem. Unexpectedly, it was still the same, and the dark erosion intensified again.

But at this time, Fu Han also realized that dark erosion was probably indispensable on the path of the demon blood system. Because Xiao Zi's health is so low, but it does not appear to be dying or weak, this shows that its health is no longer linked to its vitality.

Regarding this issue, I may have to go to Misty Island later and ask Zhai Wenshuang.


Mutated characteristics [Demon Blood Titan Bloodline LvMax]: Possess 20% of the Demon Blood Titan bloodline. Creatures with full demonic Titan bloodline follow fear and darkness like shadows wherever they go. And can coexist with shadows.

Shadow Symbiosis: Completely adapted to survive in lightless darkness. Even if you don't get the starlight, you can continuously gain power from the darkness. Any attack with shadow attributes can only restore and strengthen it.

In fact, Fu Han had long known that the star beast's bloodline ratio could not be too high. If it had 100% Titan blood, it would be a Titan. Rather than a star beast with Titan blood.

Twenty percent is indeed close to Xiao Zi's limit. If it is a dark descendant, this limit may be even higher.

Unexpectedly, the Titan's demonic blood allowed Xiao Zi to gain full bloodline power in an instant. But this also means that it is impossible for Xiao Zi to obtain more power from blood. Next, how to increase Xiao Zi's upper limit is indeed a difficult problem.

In addition, the Demon Blood Titan's bloodline ability is really strong, and it's not obvious yet. But when the end comes, it will be quite extraordinary.

Thinking of this, Fu Han couldn't help but think of the origin of the barrier and the disappearance of Titan.

It is not difficult to read the characteristics of Xiao Zi. The arrival of the terminal obstacle has benefited the Demon Blood Titan a lot. And the Demon Blood Titan was shaped into a demon that destroyed everything. Could it be that Mozhan really has something to do with them?

So what happened to the dark descendants? After the Titans disappear, what role will the Darkspawn, who can fully adapt to the End Barrier, play in the Sun Council?

Fu Han didn't think about these questions in detail, he just let them pass through his mind. Then he turned his attention to Xiao Zi.

Xiao Zi's other abilities have not changed much, they are still the same very powerful mutation skills. However, [Dark Healing], a skill that can convert dark attribute attacks into healing, has disappeared. It seems to have been replaced by [Shadow Symbiosis] among the characteristics.

In addition, Xiao Zi also learned a new Demon Blood Titan skill.

Demon Blood Titan Skill [Eternal Fire]: Eternal fire that cannot be extinguished with water is emitted from the evil eye. The fire of Yongji will burn the target, causing it to be burned into dark elements.

——"The end of all things is eternal silence."

Fu Han was stunned. There was something in the explanation of this skill. Does this mean that the universe will eventually reach heat death?

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