Infinite Beast Control: The Starting Pet Is A Stone

Chapter 423 Omissions

Fu Han always heard others say: "Parents must treat their children equally, there is no way to show favoritism."

Fu Han, who used to be an only child, still believed in this matter. I always feel that if I have many children, I must treat them all equally well.

Only after Fu Han actually contracted many star beasts did he realize that it was really difficult to make a bowl of water even. The "bowl" was too bumpy, with too many holes and uneven spots. How can the person holding the bowl keep it level?

If there are too many star beasts in the contract, it will really be impossible to cover everything. Fu Han had previously felt that the food ration issue was the biggest limitation on his contracted star beast. Later, after Sun Seed helped him solve this problem, Fu Han gradually discovered that he did not have that much energy to take care of all the star beasts, and this was the biggest constraint.

Of course, Fu Han is still competent as a beast master. Although when improving the strength of the star beast, we still have to prioritize and prioritize. But they try their best to take care of it and allocate all the resources they get to the most suitable star beasts. Instead of piling all the good things to the star beast with the greatest potential.

This is the reason why Fu Han didn't hesitate to climb Yuechi Peak, get into the wind and snow formation, avoid powerful enemies, and let the Moon Lantern Monster evolve.

So generally speaking, Fu Han still felt that he had a clear conscience. I just feel ashamed in some small places. For example, every time Xiao Zi shared something delicious, she had to wait until the end. Because it is well-behaved and not noisy. Fu Han could save a lot of trouble by letting him wait a little longer.

The most well-behaved one who suffers the most is...

But this is a trivial matter after all. Even if Xiao Zi waits until the end, Fu Han has not forgotten the lean meat that he likes the most and keeps them all for him.

But today, facing Xiao Zi who was obediently waiting to be strengthened, Fu Han felt ashamed and a little at a loss...

After Fu Han held down Xiao Zi for a long time, he discovered that the bloodline of the Titan Bear was very different from Xiao Zi's bloodline. As Tuanzi's bloodline improves, he just follows the trend. But in Xiao Zi's case, her fate was almost changed.

It's not that I can't do it, I'm just afraid of problems.

After thinking about it carefully, Fu Han realized that he was indeed negligent. After Xiao Zi upgraded her Titan bloodline last time. There was a mutation and evolution. At that time, Xiao Zi's bloodline mutated into the bloodline of the Demon Blood Titan, so Xiao Zi also gained a mutated characteristic [Demon Blood Titan].

Although they are both Titans, the difference is still obvious. The ordinary Titan bloodline is no longer suitable for improving Xiao Zi's bloodline.

However, as time went by, Fu Han also ignored this matter and thought that Xiao Zi could also use the information about ordinary Titan bloodlines to increase the bloodline ratio.

Of course, it is not impossible to do this, it is nothing more than dragging Xiao Zi from the demon blood system back to the path of ordinary titans. The advantage is that it is easier to improve, which can save Fu Han a lot of trouble. The disadvantage is that it may not be suitable for Xiao Zi.

Fu Han felt that Xiao Zi, whose soul had been eroded by darkness, should be more suitable to take the path of the demon blood system.

Ever since, facing Xiao Zi who was wagging her tail expectantly, Fu Han was blinded!

How can this be done? The dumplings have been strengthened and have been significantly improved. Xiao Zi waited eagerly for a long time, but was told that it wouldn't work! That’s not to disappoint the child! ?

Xiao Zi: "I won't cry or make trouble. I know the master will give me something good later, and he will definitely not forget me."

Once he thought that Xiao Zi might have such thoughts, Fu Han couldn't feel at ease! I have to think of a way...

After thinking hard for a long time, Fu Han remembered something!

The eighth treasure trove given by the Sun Council was left by the dark descendants. There is a secret room reserved for their descendants, which is still sealed.

At that time, Fu Han also thought about breaking the seal violently to see what legacy the Dark One would leave to his descendants. But considering that the previous treasury holders for thousands of years did not break the seal. I broke it now, it was really a bit tasteless, so I gave up.

But after confirming Xiao Zi's bloodline today, it gave Fu Han a heads up. Darklings are relatives of the Demon-Blooded Titans, and they have Titan blood in them! In other words, Xiao Zi, who has the blood of the Demon Blood Titan, may be qualified to open that seal!

If that seal is opened, there must be something Xiao Zi needs in the legacy left by the Dark One!

Thinking of this, Fu Han couldn't restrain his curiosity. He immediately opened the door of darkness and called the star beasts to go in.

Fu Han has his own treasure house, so treasure house No. 8 rarely comes. Since the last time I moved all the supplies left by Master Silent Man to the Ship Grave, I haven't come in even once. Now, because everything had been moved away, the hall was empty, but it was enough for Qiqilu and Tuanzi to play around.

Leaving Qiqilu and Tuanzi playing in the hall, Fu Han took Xiaozi and continued walking deeper into the treasure house.

As soon as she entered the treasure house, Xiao Zi's state began to change. It seems to have forgotten about strengthening its bloodline and has completely focused its attention on other things. There seems to be something in the treasure house that interests it, and it looks and sniffs everywhere, trying to find it.

Seeing this, Fu Han slowed down and motioned to Xiao Zi to lead the way. So Xiao Zi slowly walked towards the sealed chamber hidden in the deepest part of the treasure house.

The sealed door to the secret room was made of some kind of pitch-black stone. The stone door was engraved with very complicated geometric patterns, and underneath these patterns was the hidden seal inscription array. The design is so sophisticated, it’s a masterpiece!

Fu Han had observed it last time. This design of hiding the inscription array underneath the pattern had two advantages. One is to cover up the inscription array that actually works, to prevent others from breaking the seal by interpreting the inscription array.

Secondly, these complicated patterns are actually the inscriptions of the second layer of inscription array. If the seal and the stone gate are destroyed, the original seal inscription array may become another inscription array.

Fu Han estimated that this second inscription array might not be so gentle, and he might have to drag a shadow creature out of the void to kill everyone. And this is only the second level. Who knows if there is a third or fourth level?

The last time he came, Fu Han only brought Weiwei with him. The two stood in front of the door for a while, but nothing happened. After that, Fu Han took Weiwei and left.

Xiao Zi was walking in front today, and Fu Han didn't stop her but just watched quietly, thinking that at most it would be a wasted trip.

It was at this time that Xiao Zi stepped onto the circular stone platform in front of the seal door. As expected, the seal responded. Fu Han noticed that a large amount of dark elements began to gather, and the starlight fluctuations became stronger.

Now Fu Han knew that his trip today would not be in vain!

Xiao Zi seemed to have understood something. She walked to the center of the circular stone platform in two steps and stopped moving. Instead, she looked up at the door beam.

Fu Han also looked up following Xiao Zi's eyes...

At this time, the inscription array was gathering the surrounding dark elements and starlight onto the door beam. Just for a moment, the relief of the arm on the door beam seemed to come to life! It turned into a shadow-like arm, trying to break free from the door beam. It's just that the shadow arm is not solid enough and seems unable to leave the restraints of the door beam.

"Aren't there enough dark elements?" Thinking about it, Fu Han wanted Xiao Zi to release some dark elements to try. But he found that Xiao Zi was already doing it before he could give the command!

Fu Han raised his eyebrows, feeling amused.

As a result, the dark purple shadow flames around Xiao Zi seemed to be inspired by the shadow arms and flew towards the door beam. In an instant, Shadow's arm seemed to be on fire, and it also ignited purple shadow flames!

Then, the arms burning with shadow flames also moved, stretched out from the arms-encircling posture, and explored Xiao Zi.

Fu Han was extremely nervous, but Xiao Zi remained motionless, waiting for the hands to reach towards her!

These hands covered Xiao Zi's eyes. Then, the brilliance of the inscription array on the sealed door was instantly swallowed up by darkness. And in that empty darkness, several pairs of strange eyes opened and looked at Xiao Zi.

At this time, Xiao Zi also expanded his evil eye field, and several evil eyes emerged from the dark field, just looking at the eyes on the door.

After staring for a while with big eyes and small eyes, Fu Han felt that the light and darkness in front of him were blurred for a while, and then the strangeness of the inscription array suddenly disappeared. It's as if those shadowy hands and eyes are just illusions.

Only Xiao Zi and the sealed door still stood there unchanged.

Fu Han thought: "Just now, it should be testing whether Xiao Zi is qualified to open the seal. However, there is no movement at all now. It seems that Xiao Zi still failed to get the seal's approval! But there is a chance, as long as we find a way to improve Xiao Zi If you have the Demon Blood Titan bloodline, you might be able to open the seal directly."

However, just as Fu Han was thinking this, he suddenly heard the "rumbling" sound of rocks rubbing against each other.

Looking up, I saw that the sealed door was already opening to both sides!

And Xiao Zi was sitting there wagging her tail, looking like she was asking for credit!

Fu Han was overjoyed and rushed over to hug Xiao Zi and rubbed its head hard: "You guy! I really belong to you! Hahaha!!"

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