Infinite Beast Control: The Starting Pet Is A Stone

Chapter 419 The Territory Of The Giant Bear

After going one or two kilometers into the dense forest, the dark pink landscape in the forest suddenly changed into a meadow with fresh-colored grass. The ecology here has begun to recover, with weeds, shrubs, and even new saplings. Including some of the original tall trees, their green branches peeked out from the dark red fungus cover.

When he got here, Fu Han was stunned. He thought to himself, wouldn't there be a virus that can kill the orangutan rot bacteria so soon? This is something that needs to be figured out!

So, Fu Han asked Weiwei and Qiqilu to continue following the giant bear while he slowed down to observe the situation here.

Not long after, Fu Han also found the answer from the traces in the forest.

A virus that can kill orangutan rot bacteria has not yet appeared. It was the star beast that used its sharp claws to eradicate the fungi. They were eradicated bit by bit, day and night. This cleans up a piece of pure land that is not polluted.

Fu Han was not an experienced hunter, so he couldn't immediately tell what kind of star beast did it. But there are a bit too many claw marks on the rocks and trees in this area. The more samples there are, the more effective the terminal's scanning analysis will be. According to the analysis provided by the terminal, there is a 94% probability that these traces are scratches left by the Titan Bear.

That's right, just as Fu Han guessed. The Titan Bear clan has the habit of living in groups. Since I followed the bears, it was very reasonable for me to enter their territory.

In other words, the giant bear used its claws to clean up the orangutan rot fungi in its territory.

This is where things get interesting. No wonder the college arranges study tours, reads thousands of books and travels thousands of miles. If you didn't travel around, you wouldn't know that there is such a magical phenomenon.

Most bacteria rely on spores to reproduce, and spores can float to long distances with the wind. The orangutan rot fungus is a copy of the mother body, so it can only grow continuously. This is another flaw in its replicating breeding model. Therefore, the giant bear's method is effective.

Because the Bear King ordered other giant bears to do this!

Not to mention the dark pink orangutan rot fungi, even the pink eggs left by the apple snails can give people a headache. But a boring couple, plus two sticks. You can also leave a pond full of snails without laying eggs in one afternoon.

In fact, this was just the outer edge of the giant bear's territory. After going about a kilometer deeper, Fu Han saw the original appearance of the forest. It seems that the giant bear has used its claws to establish an "isolation zone" from the beginning to protect the original appearance of the territory.

Fu Han has always had a preconceived impression that humans are the creatures that can change the ecological environment. But in fact, ecology is a toy that anyone can play with.

From an ecological perspective, although the orangutan rot fungus is powerful, it is by no means invincible. The giant bear used very physical methods to keep it out. Moreover, they maintained the place well. Fu Han saw ordinary birds and small ants building nests in the grass here.

Not long after, two giant titan bears, one large and one small, emerged from the forest. They seemed to be patrolling the territory to prevent the orangutan rot fungus from growing back. Fu Han could detect the aura of ape rot remaining on the two bears. Apparently, it was also a giant bear that was infected at the beginning of the contamination. It should now also have some corruption properties.

The little bear was more active and was digging through the bacteria with his paws all the way. Big Bear is more casual, and will only stir up the soil there when it encounters a relatively large piece of fungus.

But the question Fu Han was a little puzzled about was, why did the giant bear do this? This question had just been born, and Fu Han had already thought of the answer.

"No, no, you'd better not come. I'm afraid that if you come, we won't be able to see their leader. It is said that their leader got sick just to drive away unreasonable humans."

At this moment, Fu Han heard a noise in the forest, and he quickly turned on his mental blur to hide and observe.

It is indeed easy to turn over the soil with the strength of a Titan Bear. It pulled at random, and a large piece of soil was turned upside down. In this way, the mycelium underground is also exposed to the sun. It may not completely kill the bacteria, but it will definitely reduce its growth and reproduction capabilities to the bottom.

Moreover, the leader of the giant bear is not a human divine emperor who hides in a deep palace courtyard and orders his subordinates to throw their heads and shed blood. If something happens, King Xiong will definitely be the first to respond. Therefore, the bear king who has lived in the contaminated area for a year must have been infected by this mutant orangutan rot.

As long as it's not a fatal injury like Mother Tuanzi's, and it takes in enough calories before hibernation begins. Then after hibernation, their bodies will return to their peak state. The hidden diseases in the body will be eliminated and the diseases will be cured.

Unreasonable human beings, sick, these words are strung together, and all Fu Han can think of is Zhang Zhijing and the others.

Thinking of Fu Han, he said to Qi Qilu in his heart: "Qi Qilu, the Bear King may have been infected with orangutan rot, and it was the diseased saint who did it. No matter what they want to do, we can't let the people of the disease sect succeed, what do you think? Right? You must think of a way, I have to get close to the Bear King."

Unexpectedly, Qiqilu immediately replied: "I know, Big Bear is taking us to see the leader Bear."

"Well..." Qiqilu pondered for a while and asked, "What do you think about dressing up as a tree demon?"

Fu Han was stunned: "Wait a moment...what's going on?"

Fu Han was shocked! Am I asking you about traffic safety? What does it mean to feel relieved?

Titan Bear actually has a very excellent hidden characteristic [hibernation].

But Qiqilu is so cute, how can you blame her? So Fu Han praised: "As expected of you, Qiqilu! Can you take me with you to meet their leader?"

"Well..." Fu Han pondered for a while and replied, "If you teach me, I can try it..."

"Qiqilu, you and Weiwei be careful, this is the territory of the Titan Bear." While chasing them, Fu Han did not forget to remind them.

This must be the reason. The Titan Bear King has evolved to its ultimate form, and his intelligence is already extraordinary. Even if it can't think of the meaning of the word "ecological environment," as long as it doesn't like the dark pink fungus, it will let the giant bear eradicate them and return the territory to the most suitable appearance for their survival.

But no matter what she wanted to do, Fu Han could just do the opposite.

As expected of Qiqilu, the star spirit favored by the gods. It is easy to gain the favor and trust of star beasts, and you can also communicate with star beasts. Without any foreshadowing, the giant bear can take it to meet the leader...

Therefore, the most likely thing is that it was infected with the orangutan from the Fufu Sect, and the person who caused it to be infected was naturally Zhang Zhijing.

It’s just that my brain is not very good, so I just didn’t talk about such an important thing! ?

"Ah That's good……"

Therefore, the giant bear has a high chance of surviving after being infected by orangutan rot. As long as you eat more and find a cooler place to sleep for two or three months, you will naturally get used to it. Therefore, the little bear cub Fu Han just met could successfully survive the infection and acquire the corruptive properties.

"Oh, we met a giant bear, and I asked it what it was doing. It said it was looking for herbs, so I asked who was sick? It said it was the leader, so I said, I will cure the disease and let him take me to see it. Now, we are sitting on it, he is bigger than Tuanzi, and it is very stable to sit on, so don’t worry.”

However, Fu Han was not sure whether they were passing by or coming for the Bear King?

Since he has adapted to the mutant ape rot, how could he be infected again? And it is the top of the lord level, even the emperor level, the ultimate form of the Titan Bear King. How could such a powerful star beast be infected with disease so easily?

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