Infernal Apocalypse

Chapter Twelve

So, a lot happened very quickly there. I tried to kite Goblins like I kited zombies in a video game before I got teleported into a Tutorial and it didn’t go as I had hoped. Maybe because one of them is a video game and this is real life. Of course, I wasn’t going to be able to do the same things in a video game.

I made a dumb decision all for the sake of making more money. Greed really is the enemy of mankind. I should’ve at least read all the books I bought, maybe even started cultivating, and I definitely shouldn’t have tried to kite monsters that I barely knew anything about. Phew…can’t change the past. Lesson learned.

Moving on.

Although I made some bad decisions, those bad decisions led to me learning a lot. First of all, just based off Day 1, I knew I kind of had a thing for fighting. It felt really good to me to battle those not so weak Goblins. But this last time was different. Very different.

I felt emotions I had never felt before in my life. I didn’t just feel alive, I felt reborn. It felt as if I was one with the world, and the world agreed with my actions. Even as I’m

thinking about it now, It still doesn’t all make sense to me, but I know what I felt.

Which of course makes me ask myself If I really am some battle junkie? Who would’ve guessed that the world changing forever, seeing floating words in front of me, and fighting a whole bunch of Goblins, in a Tutorial straight of a cliché apocalypse novel would turn me into a battle junkie? Not me.

Well, that brings me to probably the most important thing that took place before I blacked out.

I used the flame.

That beautiful black flame I saw when I placed my hands on the floating sphere thingy. It showed up again. Though both this time, and the first time, It didn’t show up because I purposely did it. I was in the heat of the battle , fighting with my life on the line and enjoying myself like a pig being allowed in the kitchen of a 5 star restaurant. And then poof, black flames appeared.

I barely noticed them in the middle of all the hubbub of fighting, but I definitely saw it right before everything went black and I woke up at my current position. In the home I’m renting. In my room. On my cot. On day 4 of the Tutorial.

I was unconscious for over a day. Of course, I knew this by checking my status when I woke up.

Name – Raizen

Age – 19

Race – Infernal

Cultivation – N/A

Your Task is to Survive.

Run, Hide, Fight. Survive.

Time Remaining – 57 Days

Everything was the same except for the last line signifying how much time we had left.

It’s a little shocking that I was asleep for a whole day but It seems using that black flame doesn’t come without consequences. All the more reason I probably need to figure out how to control it.

But now that I think about it, the black flame seems to have a will of it’s own? Or maybe I can unconsciously control it? I’m not sure, but what I do know is that it didn’t burn me or destroy any of my possessions at all.

Apart from the extreme damages my new clothes took from fighting, I couldn’t find any burn marks of the sort on my body or any sort of scorch marks let alone a burn mark.

Matter of fact, I couldn’t find any scars or wounds on my body period. It seems sleeping really does a lot for me healing wise, though I never confirmed if the Tutorial caused that or not.


Something else that wasn’t burned was my pouch for storing coins or in this case orbs from Goblins. I know I wasn’t able to pick up every orb I earned due to the fact I had to keep moving, and I definitely don’t remember killing well over 100 Goblins, yet what laid before me painted a different picture.

On the cot laying next to me was my pouch clearly overflowing with orbs, after pouring them out I estimated it had to be over 100 orbs in there. In fact, taking a more than a few minutes to count them, I saw it was exactly 178 orbs. That was a lot of dead Goblins. And a lot of orbs that I didn’t pick up but are somehow in my pouch. So how did this all happen I wonder?

I know for a fact I didn’t sleepwalk all the way here, foraging for orbs from dead Goblins along the way. Which I think leaves me with two somewhat realistic options.

Option 1, one of the green people came and got me. Maybe the one that always guarded the gate? Or maybe the kind shop keeper lady? I believe her name was Greja. It was probably possible that one of them could’ve noticed my troubles and decided to step in.

Though for some reason I didn’t think it was all that possible one of them would do that.

I mean why would they? I’m just one of the billions of humans in this Tutorial, right? And based on the fact the Tutorial task was to survive, I think it would defeat the purpose if the Outpost people were to go on around saving everyone. Oh wait I'm technically not a human anymore. I'm an Infernal...maybe that's why? Who knows.

Which leaves option 2. Another person found me and brought me in…and kindly collected every orb from every dead Goblin in the area…and didn’t take anything from me…even figured out my house from my house pass that I had on me…Okay this one was also improbable. It’s not that I don’t think good people exists, but they were prisons all over earth for a reason, criminals existed and I’m going to assume they were all given the same opportunity to join the Tutorial.

It wouldn’t even take some type of ruthless criminal to see my unconscious state and rob me blind, just anyone who was an opportunist, or someone the Tutorial made desperate, would’ve been enough to kill me, let alone rob me for a few orbs.

Realizing that really helped to show how much of a bad decision it was to what I did. Really have to make sure I learn from this.


It seems I owe a lot to whoever or whatever brought me back safely. I’ll have to properly thank them in the future.

A few handshakes should do it.


I need to go cash all these orbs in, then it cultivation time. Plus tomorrow is day 5, which is the last day this place is free, which makes me wonder if that brings any other changes in the Tutorial?

The blacksmith guy also mentioned something about surviving long enough to finally get some armor, so that has to mean the Tutorial can and will change in other ways right? Maybe different monsters? Stronger Goblins? Who knows.

Guess I’ll read that Tutorial book too.

Never buying this many books again.

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