Infernal Apocalypse

Chapter Three

Going back to just after Raizen got teleported.

‘Sir…was that really…-“


Who would’ve guessed this back water planet in this back water universe managed to birth an Infernal. The faction really struck gold by winning the bid to host this tutorial. Though this can always come back to hurt us…I’m sure those insane people have already realized one of theirs has been birthed on this planet…thus creating a new lineage. Which means one of their elders will be here before the Tutorial was over.


We need to benefit from this. The Faction must befriend this Young Infernal to hopefully gain even some wayward benefits from his rise. Of course, only if he survives the Tutorial.

Wait...would they start a war if he died in our Tutorial? Surely not…no…common sense doesn’t apply to those insane bastards. They would bathe an entire universe in eternal flames if slighted.

My options are limited.

I need to prepare for the arrival of one or more of the Infernal Elders. I also need to prepare suitable means for the Young Infernal after the Tutorial is over.

“You. Pass my word. Let the leaders of the Tutorial Outposts know there is a VIP going through the Tutorial, send them his image as well. DO NOT make them aware that he is an Infernal. If he reveals it to them on his own then so be it, but they will not be told on our account.”

After passing his orders along, the clearly stronger metallic being disappeared through another space crack. Of course, it was left unsaid, but the remaining individual knew that if he revealed certain things, his head would roll long before he realized. He quickly summoned a terminal into the room to begin fulfilling the order that was given.

Back to Raizen.

I didn’t know what else to do so I just kept moving forward. I didn’t want to start running without knowing exactly how many Goblins are coming, or which direction they were coming from, so I just walked forward at brisk pace. Doing my best to be wary of my surroundings.

Though I didn’t make it very far until I could hear not only the yelling getting much closer, but footsteps as well. I’ve never been much of a footstep connoisseur, but I think based on the number of steps I can hear it doesn’t sound like a whole bunch of Goblins are on my tail.

So, I stopped walking and waited. I don’t think I’m good enough at fighting to be ready to react at a moment’s notice while moving, though I’m a bit more confident I can react better if I’m standing still with my spear at the ready.

Turns out my ability to deduce the amount of people from just footsteps alone isn’t so bad after all. After I stopped moving, it didn’t take long before 3 more Goblins, could be seen not too far from me. I don’t know if this is considered racist, but all Goblins look the same.

They are pretty much identical to the first Goblin I met in this place.

The Goblins eventually spot me through the trees and begin running this way, which gives me a few moments to think of a plan…which is not much. Three Goblins, one me. Not great. Fun.

So, I did what I thought best and began weaving through the tress as best as I could, the Goblins aren’t very fast and not very strong, one good stab with my trusty spear should be good enough to put one out of commission for some time if not outright kill it.

Turns out Goblins aren’t that smart either, instead of waiting on each other and ganging up on me, they just ran in with no thought in mind, and basically got to me one by one. While using the trees as cover occasionally, I was able to quickly deliver fatal stab wounds to the first two when the third one stopped chasing me and began running away screaming.

Dammit not again.

I ran after him (I’m assuming it’s a him) with all my might, and despite my lack of Olympic level speed, its short legs could only move so fast. Before you know it, he too developed a connection with my trusty spear and met a swift end. I’m getting pretty good at this stabbing thing.


The bodies of the Goblins eventually disappeared back into the ground, and as expected, there was a singular orb in place of the Goblins. After collecting the one at my feet and circling back to where I put down the previous two, I eventually made it back to where I initially spotted the Goblins. Who knew my sense of direction was so good?

Based on the position of the sun, I assumed it was close to midday now, so I need to find somewhere to sleep soon. Nothing to do but keep moving forward, I guess.

And that’s what I did until I heard more loud gibberish. A lot more. So, there’s probably gonna be a lot more Goblins than last time huh.

I didn’t think it would be smart to stand still this time, so I took off running, and I’m pretty sure I ran for a couple minutes in the forest before I finally heard all the footsteps, and before long the tens of Goblins that appeared behind me. I’m faster than them for sure, but I will eventually get tired. I had no choice I think but to try and fight them off even a little bit.

And that’s what I did, I slowed down, and did my best to make use of the trees and even bushes around me to fend off the Goblins.

I’ve been doing pretty well up until this point but fighting what appeared to be 30ish Goblins proved to be no easy feat. I suffered multiple wounds and was definitely bleeding from all over my body, who knew those little creatures could be so persistent.

Something else that also happened was my ability to stay extremely calm finally failed.

Though what replaced it was not a feeling of fear or even shock like what most would expect to feel.

Instead, I felt excitement.

The thrill of the battle, each kill I was able to get, each time the tip of my spear met the body of a Goblin, each time I was able to either barely dodge or even easily dodge a strike, even when I had to endure claw marks from their little green hands, or when a few of the small clubs they carried around made contact with my body. It all felt exciting.

I was enjoying the battle.

By the end of the fight, I had a wide smile on my face. Well at least it was a wide smile until the adrenaline wore off and the pain finally hit me.

I collapsed on my back and as I laid in pain I watched as all the bodies of the Goblins, were absorbed in the ground. Leaving many small orbs behind. Hopefully my pockets have enough space for that. Though I was laying here in a lot of pain, I was happy…that feeling of wrongness I’ve felt my entire life…it finally started to come undone. Maybe...just maybe this is what I was missing. The thrill of a fight with my life on the line.

I probably should’ve joined the army or something, though for some reason I don’t think it would’ve given me the same feeling as I have now.

Ah shit I have to piss.

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