Infernal Apocalypse

Chapter Thirty Two

I arrived outside the Outpost just in time to see two archers shooting arrows at 10 Goblins running from the tree line with knives in hand, behind them two more Goblins, with those staff looking things. Well maybe they are actually just staffs.


The two Goblins ran for a bit then stopped and began to chant something; they were too far for me to hear what they were saying but I could clearly tell that lips were moving.

No way are they really about to cast magic? That’s really cool. Alright, I shouldn’t be giving props to Goblins but its magic, magic is always cool.

After they appeared to finish the chant, two big fireballs or what appeared to be fireballs showed up and started coming straight towards us. Yep, that’s really cool. Well I don’t think I should let them charge up anymore fireballs, since the walls are made up of wood and all that.

So I made sure to stay clear of them and charged straight at the group of 10 in front with their little knives. My body feels loose, limber and ready to move according to my whims as I seek to decimate the enemy before me.

When I got close enough to the Goblins, I took one final step and leaped into the air, jumping over the little green fellows, I probably could’ve jumped over them before Body Cultivation since they were really small, but I don’t think I could have done it so easily nor would I have gotten high enough in the air to avoid a stab on the way over.

Either way, I landed behind them and took off to the right towards one of the Goblin Mages? I don’t know, anyway it was surprised by my approach and couldn’t react in time as I planted on my left foot and thrust forward with my spear straight through the skull of the Goblin.

I turned around just in time to catch the last Goblin Mage chanting again, yeah can’t let that happen. I also noticed that the 10 Goblins I jumped over kind of ignored me and kept going towards the Outpost. I’ll get to them in a moment.

Before the chant could be completed, I dashed over and although he saw me coming, he didn’t try to fight back and just tried to chant faster. That’s some dedication, I think I would’ve at least tried to hit him with my spear or something. Anyway, another well timed thrust and he too was gone.

Now that the mages were gone, I quickly pivoted to chase after the Goblins and I noticed one of them was already down with an arrow sticking out of his head, another 4 of them were being engaged by two guys who looked vaguely familiar, and the rest of them were being occupied with a group that had Richard at the forefront.

Eh seems they got it under control. Boring, but good overall, I guess. Hmm, now what. I think…I’ll just keep hunting...? Yeah, sounds like a good idea.

I grabbed the two cores from the dead Goblin Mages, and they looked like normal, so I guess these are still considered uncommon? After putting them into my pouch, I started walked towards the forest.



I turned around to see Richard waving at me.

“Stay safe!”

Hm, what a nice guy. I simply waved back with a nod and continued on my path into the forest. Fireball wielding Goblins eh, though for some reason I don’t think that’s the only thing I should be wary of in this forest now that the monsters are stronger.

I’m not sure why I’m getting that feeling but it’s kind of strong, so I guess I’ll just try to make sure I’m prepared for anything coming my way and remembering it’s okay to run away. Moving on, I walked for some time and eventually I could no longer see the Outpost behind me through the tree line.

Well, I call it hunting, but it’s not like I actually know how to track Goblins, so my plan as always is kind of just to walk around until one of them spots me and I can go from there.

And so, walk around I did.

For a while.

A long while.

This is quite weird, usually I’d have spotted at least one Goblin by now, the sun is even starting to set.

Should I just give up and go again tomorrow? That would be a little annoying though I think. I really hope I find a Goblin soon.

Ah, there we go. I see a Goblin. Hm? Why is it just standing there though? All alone, not moving. This scream trap, but since when did Goblins start making traps? Perhaps stronger Goblins also meant smarter Goblins? Let’s slow it down for a bit and think about this. The Goblins are now carrying knives instead of clubs, where did they get the knives from? They also have Goblins who can use magic now, where did they come from? These are questions I probably won’t get an answer to, but I should keep them in mind.

Something I can get the answer to though is if the Goblins are smarter. When I saw them earlier there were 10 Goblins running in the front, and two mage versions in the back clearly supporting with fireballs. That sounds like a thought-out formation to me. So, I probably shouldn’t expect to kite them like I did before, since that required them to be a little dumb.

With that being said, what should I do in this situation, that clearly feels like a trap? Do I ignore the lone Goblin, and try to find a more ‘regular’ situation, maybe wait it out and see if the Goblin eventually starts moving? Or perhaps walk headfirst into the trap to kill the Goblin and then go form there, that last one might sound dumb but since I know it’s a trap or at least think it is, I’ll be ready to react depending on what comes my way. I don’t like option one because what if I run into this same situation again? It took me forever to even find this one Goblin.

Option two is definitely feasible but I’ve waiting here, thinking about stuff and the Goblin hasn’t moved once, crazy discipline. Anyway, I’m not sure what waiting will accomplish at this point.

Which leaves option three, just going to kill the Goblin and dealing with the repercussions.

Well, let’s get on with it.

I slowly and steadily approached the Goblin, who was oh so conveniently standing with his back faced towards me. I did my best to keep my attention not only on the Goblin, but the surrounding forest as well, there could be a Goblin hiding in a bush, behind a tree, inside a hollow log, anywhere. There could even be traps laid out on the ground, I can’t be too careful.

I eventually reached the Goblin, and I wasted no time in ending its life with my spear. After doing so I immediately went on an even higher state of alertness and scanned the surrounding forest as I turned and looked in all directions for any sign of movement.

I was met with nothing.

Did I just completely overthink this?

Maybe the Goblin was just sad, so it was standing there all alone?

That would suck if I just killed a sad Go…-

*Loud Blusterous War Cry*

What the fuck was that.

I turned around towards what sounded like some type of war cry or chant, and I saw the likely perpetrator of the noise.

That is one big green bastard.

Theres no way that’s a Goblin, right?

Oh, it's coming.

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