Infernal Apocalypse

Chapter Thirty Seven

After Richard left, I made my way into the potion shop. I really wanted to get the spear thing taken care of because I felt naked without one, but the faster I got in and out of this potion shop the better. Walking in the shop, I was a little worried that the sign would be back up and I wouldn’t be able to buy a potion, but the man was there once more, adding to the…unique smell in the shop.

I didn’t say anything, and he didn’t either, I just walked up and put enough coins on the counter for 1 health potion. I didn’t know if 1 was enough to heal me to full health, but if they were anything like stamina potions, then 1 should be good enough. Wait…I wonder if my new realm will affect the effectiveness.

Not being able to come to a quick answer, I placed another set of coins on the counter to buy a second potion. The man looked at me in annoyance for a bit before producing two potions. I quickly grabbed them and headed towards to the blacksmith.

The potions came in the same type of bottle as stamina potions, but this time the liquid seemed very viscous, it was mostly clear with red bits mixed in.

I didn’t waste anytime and quickly downed one as I walked. It tasted like nothing, and it took a few seconds for me to start feeling the effects. I had to stop walking as it felt like a bunch of tiny needles were moving along my body in the gentlest manner. It didn’t hurt or anything it just felt…weird. I stood there for a minute or two just getting used to the feeling as I felt some of my wounds finally close, well actually pretty much all my surface level stuff closed up and I was no longer lightly bleeding as I walked around.

I don’t know what the extent of my internal wounds were, but I don’t think the potion was strong enough to deal with those. It’s a good thing this doesn’t hurt, as I wouldn’t want to deal with the pain. Anyway, after another few minutes passed and the needle sensation went away completely , I drank the second potion and welcomed the return of the needle feeling.

This time I kept walking as the potion did what it could to heal me, and I was eventually conversating with the blacksmith again.

“I would like to buy a spear and find out if there’s any updates in getting armor.”

The large man grunted, and the shop screen formed in front of me once more.

Smithy Shop

Please select a category:

1. Weapons

2. Repairs (See Blacksmith)

3. Commissions (See Blacksmith)

4. Knowledge

Another screen popped up after selecting Weapons.


1. Tutorial Sword – 15 Copper Coins

2. Tutorial Spear – 15 Copper Coins (Confirm Purchase? Yes/No)

3. Tutorial Bow – 15 Copper Coins

4. Tutorial Dagger – 15 Copper Coins

I made my purchase, and the blacksmith pulled a spear out from behind the counter. Taking it into my hands, it felt the exact same as my previous spear, just without all the knicks and scratches that it picked up over time.

“Couple days from now, and you can get yer armor.”

Couple days from now huh…I wonder if he’s talking about the next stage? In only a couple days the next stage will be here and with it new challenges to face, and based on what the blacksmith is saying then it also means new upgrades or just new things unlocking in the Outpost perhaps? Or maybe it just applies to the blacksmith, who knows.

Anyway, I told the blacksmith thank you and made my out of the shop.

It was time.

I don’t exactly know what Richard is telling his people, and I don’t care to find out. I will simply wait outside the Outpost and whoever shows up will have trouble going back. Both potions did what they needed to do, and I felt stronger than ever. I haven’t had time to properly test out how much stronger I’ve gotten but I’m sure the opportunity to do just that will soon present itself.

It didn’t take too long before I was walking through the gates once more, Richard’s guard detail was outside doing their jobs. None of them gave me any weird looks so I guess that means they haven’t heard what’s happening or could happen yet.

Anyway, I walked past them and headed towards the forest before stopping and simply sitting on the floor with my legs crossed and my spear laid gently across my lap. I had my back towards the Outpost, but I was close enough to hear if someone started walking out of the Outpost.

Though I appeared calm on the outside like I usually did, I was still feeling every bit of anger I felt when I woke up this morning, and my intention to get my due hadn’t changed in the slightest.

I’m not sure exactly how long I waited, but more than a couple minutes definitely passed before I started to hear noise coming from behind me.

I stood up and turned around to see quite the number of people filtering out of the gate. It seemed like it was around twenty of them. Richard was among them. The man losing at least one arm was also present.

I simply watched as the man and surprisingly only one other separated from the group took confident yet apparently angry steps towards me. I don’t know what Richard told them, but it whatever it was worked as everyone else seemed to just be content with observing. Each of them had various expressions on their faces and Richard himself seemed very uncomfortable and clearly didn’t like what was going on.

I didn’t necessarily want to make a show out of this, but better to send a message than to deal with this again.

Eventually the bastard got around 5 feet away from me. Nor far at all. I’m confident in my ability to take his head at this distance. In fact, it took a lot of will and discipline to not put that confidence to the test right here right now.

When he started speaking, I almost lost control and attacked immediately. My blood seemed to come alive and the feeling I got from it was nothing but pure and unbridled rage.

“You stupid bastard. Why couldn’t you just take your beating and stay down? Had to go run to Richard and cry about it huh? You did this to yourself. Just because you a bit of head start you probably thought you ran the place. All you had to do was listen and follow the instructions I gave you, but no you decided to hit me. I could’ve done much worse to you, but I’m a reasonable person, so a small beating should’ve been enough, but I guess it wasn’t.

“You want to fight or something right? C’mon then, lets fight.”

I stayed silent as I allowed the rage to buildup inside of me to levels, I didn’t think were possible. I no longer wanted an arm. I wanted to hoist his head on my spear and end his pitiful life. I spared a glance at the man that accompanied him, and he didn’t say anything, nor did he take his sword out in preparation to fight. He just watched me. For some reason he seemed to wear a frown that was marred with deep confusion the longer he stared at me. I don’t care.

“What are you waiting for. You wanted a fight. I’m here. Hurry up.”

Ah…Part of me still wanted to refrain from killing him…but as he spoke again, that part of me seemed to dissolve into nothingness. My blood and entire being wanted his head removed from his body.

“Fine. Come die.”

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