Infernal Apocalypse

Chapter Thirty Nine

I felt unfulfilled as I dragged the fool off into the forest. He seemed to twitch or squirm every time I dragged him over a rock or a stick or just anything laying on the floor. This was the ground of a wild forest, there many things laying on the often uneven ground. Anyway, I didn’t care about how he was feeling. I cared a lot more about my current feelings. That fight didn’t make me feel better at all.

In fact, it feels like a lie to even call that a fight. Being a full stage above him seemed like far too big of a gap to have a real fight. Even though I know for sure that I was stronger than what I displayed in that fight. Although the healing potions helped a lot, I don’t think they replaced what a full night of rest would do for me.

Though I suppose that useless fight did give me some insight into what it means to fight someone in another stage than you, let alone an entire realm. I wonder if that big green monster is the equivalent to the stage of Body Tempering that I’m in now? What was it called again…oh yeah, the 2nd Cycle. Either way, even though I’m not happy about that fight, I’m still going to end this idiot’s life, and even though I am essentially planning to commit murder I feel nothing from it.

This is a new world were in. I’m sure there will be a lot more murder taking place after the Tutorial. I need to make sure I’m strong enough to control my own fate, so I don’t end up being dragged unconscious through a forest. Anyway, while I do plan on killing him. I’m not a monster. I won’t do it in front of Richard and his former friends.

I’m sure a lot of them will now have some resentment towards me about this, but that’s life and the consequences of a decision I’m making. I don’t really care if any of them become my friend or anything like that, but I hope we can all at least remain cordial, and protect the Outpost as needed. Either way, life goes on and I don’t regret doing this at all.

I eventually get to a point I consider far enough from the Outpost, and I don’t hear any footsteps in the immediate area. I threw him down in front of me and he groaned in pain. I thought about waiting till he was fully conscious to finish him off, and maybe give some sort of speech to let him know he did this to himself , but that’s not me. It actually felt somewhat corny.

So, I didn’t waste any further time and I drove my spear through his heart without any resignation. That seemed to jolt him awake for a moment, but it was only long enough for him to look me with pleading eyes for a few seconds before they dulled, and he no longer moved.

I had a killed a human being.

My hands were directly responsible for the ending of human life.

Regardless of my reasons, I decided to play both judge and jury with the life of another.

Yet despite all of this, I’m not affected in the slightest.

I came to terms with this already and maybe part of me was still worried about the actual moment, but it seems It was unnecessary. I don’t think human lives aren’t worth anything, and I know I won’t suddenly start killing people for no apparent reason, but my goals will come first, and I won’t sit down and allow myself to be preyed upon without fighting back…and based on the feeling I’m getting now, my blood seems to agree…is this going to become a common thing?

A couple moments later, the body was disappearing into the ground like the bodies of Goblins did. His sword and a small pouch were left behind. No orb.

Well, that’s good to know.

I picked up the sword and took the pouch. I didn’t bother looking inside as I planned to return both of these items to Richard. I looked out towards the deeper parts of the forest for a moment before turning around and heading back towards the Outpost.

I really wanted a rematch with that monster of a Goblin, or at least what I’m assuming is a Goblin, but I won’t rush that fight. I’ll heal up properly before looking for it again. Moving on, the trek home was a bit quicker due to not dragging dead weight around and before long I was approaching the gates once more.

It didn’t take too long for me to be spotted by the guards on duty.

I wasn’t gone for very long, so it was the same group that watched what happened earlier.

They looked at me with some apprehension, but I didn’t see any particularly hostile gazes. Good enough I guess.

Apart from them, there was only one other person waiting close to the gate. I’m not surprised to see that it was Richard, standing with a sort of solemn look on his face. I don’t know their history, but they obviously spent a few days together braving the dangers in the forest to arrive here as one big group. I didn’t enjoy losing my parents, and I’m sure he isn’t happy that he lost…a friend? Or whatever he was to him.

I didn’t have much to say, nor did I plan on apologizing about any of this. I’ve said everything that needed to be said about this situation and I don’t plan on explaining anything else.

I walked up to Richard calmy and held out the sword of and pouch that was left behind after the body got absorbed…thinking about it now, why were they left behind? His clothes got absorbed with him, but his weapon and pouch stayed behind. Weird. Anyway, Richard looked at the items for a moment before sighing and taking the items from me.

He didn’t say anything for a while and didn’t seem like he knew what to say, so I did. I still remembered our agreement, so I planned to follow through on that now.

“Follow me. I’ll see if the Outpost Leader is available.”

I didn’t wait too long for him to answer and just went through the gate and headed towards the training ground.

I heard footsteps following me, so he was following along. It wasn’t a long walk, but it was a silent one, not that I was complaining, but it wasn’t usual for Richard. In our few interactions he has always had something to say, but I didn’t bother asking about it.

Eventually we got to the training grounds, and there was only one person there. It wasn’t the Outpost Leader. It was the guard gate man.

"Hello sir. I was looking for the Outpost Leader, do you know if he went back to his office?"

"Is there something you need?"

He answered with a smile. but he kind of ignore my question. I'll go along with it I guess.

"Yes, I would like to ask about training for Richard here and his group. He trains me and was wondering if they could be added."

"Unfortunately, the Leader can only train 1 person, you. But Richard can select 30 others and have them train under me. Only 30."

Richard decided to speak up at this point.

"Hi sir, is there a reason only 30 people can be trained? And are we allowed to switch people out as long as we keep the number at 30?"

"Tutorial rules. Also no, I will only train the same 30 people. If one of them dies you can add someone else. Tutorial rules are the reason for this as well."

The guy was pretty amicable as he was talking to Richard. I guess he's not as serious as the Outpost Leader.

"I understand, when can I come over with the group to train?"

"Be here tomorrow at first light. Ah it's important to say, the training will not be easy, so don't come if you aren't prepared."

"Thank you for the warning. We will be ready..." He then looked towards me.

"And thank you for your help in this. I'll see you around."

Even though I didn't actually help much, he said thanks and walked off. Good for him. I nodded towards the guard gate guy and went off to my house. It's time for some much needed sleep.

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