Infernal Apocalypse

Chapter Thirty

I’m not sure how much time has passed, but I’ve never been more focused on something in my life…it was weird…very weird…but this focus has been beneficial for me. I feel like I finally understand something important about how I use my spear.

The Outpost Leader…when he moved forward with the thrust…it was all connected. Everything was connected. His body moved as one, from the way he pressed on his feet for power, the turn of his hips the way his arm moved forward, down to even the grip he had on his spear. It was all one movement. Very different from me. Thinking about it now, when I did it, it felt like it took multiple actions to do one thing.

Like many things I’m experiencing in this Tutorial it was hard to explain, but when I thrusted the spear, it was as if all my body parts kind of did their own thing and then met up at the end for the finished product, meanwhile it felt extremely different for the Outpost Leader.

His body was like…water…it all just flowed smooth as one continuous action. I’m not sure how that even begins to work but that’s what I think and feel when I analyze his movements.

Hmm…do I need to move like water as well? No…the idea of that disgusts me for some reason…is it because of my flames…? My flames…I need to move like my flames, yeah saying that feels a lot better…I think I’m on the right path now, but how do they move? I barely got to see them in action, apart from when they showed up in the little sphere during that test which doesn’t count. Sigh…I already know but I really need to work on my flames…

As that last thought made its way across my mind, I felt something in me or maybe around me, begin to fade away and shortly after I opened my eyes once more. That was a weird experience. What even was that? I watched the Outpost Leader complete his motions and then next thing I know my eyes were closed and I was in an almost forced state of meditation.

But at the same time, it wasn’t forced, it felt like it was a natural occurrence, like it was supposed to happen, and that I would deeply regret it if I fought against it…Very weird indeed.

“That was enlightenment.”

I almost forgot the Outpost Leader was right there, even with my eyes open I was still very much distracted and confused as I thought about what just happened, anyway he must’ve noticed my confusion as he decided to tell me what happened I guess.

“Enlightenment? What is that?”

He seemed to think for a moment before responding.

“It’s a state that gives you a better understanding of whatever caused you to reach it in the first place. So, what did you learn?”

Hmm he seems a bit nicer for some reason, I could be imagining it though. Anyway, a better understanding huh…So I understood the fact that I need to move like my flames when I attack? Or maybe I need to integrate them better? Still not completely sure but I guess that’s helpful.

“I see…well I think I learned I need to change the way I move my body when I attack, using my flames as a base or something. Still trying to figure it out.”

“Hm..I can’t help you with anything regarding your ‘flames’ but you are correct in that you need to change your movements. Come here every morning to spar with me, then you will go fight Goblins until night, oh and you can advance in Body Tempering tonight.”

It seemed like that was the last thing he was going to say and leave me to go finally kill some Goblins, when both him and ever silent gate guard man both looked towards the entrance I think? Whatever direction it was, they looked at the same time and then the Outpost Leader spoke.

“It’s starting…you should probably go to the gate.”

And with that he just vanished from in front of me. I really want to know how he manages to do that. It’s probably something to do with cultivation, but like what if it was an invisibility cloak, I’d want one. Anyway, I didn’t think too much about it, clearly, they saw something important enough for him to tell me to go, so I’ll just go.

I grabbed my things, nodded to the gate guard man, who nodded back, and I headed on over.

By the time I got to the gate, a bunch of people were already gathered and seemed to be discussing something. Oh, there’s Richard. I sent a nod his way as well, before calmly making way through the crowd and through the gate. Thankfully no one stopped me or even said anything as I walked on through.

Good stuff.

Anyway, once I made it through the gate and looked ahead, I finally saw what all the fuss was about.

Past the small clearing in front of the Outpost with no trees, stood five Goblins. That was weird, the Goblins never came this close to the Outpost. What was even weirder was that two of the Goblins had these staff looking things and the other three had knives, I think? I couldn’t make it out for sure but that’s what it looked like.

Hmm so these are the stronger Goblins then. I want to go fight them right now and maybe I should? If they are going to start approaching the Outpost I should get rid of them before they start right? I need to think about it more though…oh yeah, the gate guard man. Why isn’t he here? Isn’t this kind of his job? Maybe he’s taking some time off to watch me train? Weird idea for a vacation in my opinion but I’ll ask him tomorrow.

For now, I need to figure out what to…-

“It’s alarming isn’t it. They are clearly scouting us and the Outpost, and I don’t think it will be long before they decide to attack us in full. I’d like to discuss the situation a bit more if you have a moment?”

In the middle of my planning session, Richard walked up next to me, and just started speaking his mind. I don’t really mind but it was still a bit weird. Anyway, he wanted to discuss what to do with these Goblins huh…I don’t think there is much to discuss apart from just going to kill them, but I guess I do have a moment and I should probably get this conversation out of the way before I forget.

“Sure, I think I do have a moment.”

Richard smiled before responding.

“Good, follow me, and don’t worry about these Goblins, if something happens while we are having a talk, someone will run to get us.”

“Got it.”

He started walking back inside the Outpost and I just followed him along. I said I had a moment, but I really hope this convo was quick as I really want to go fight the new Goblins. Oh, and I get to cultivate again tonight, so I don’t want to stay out too late hunting.

While Raizen and Richard walked off towards one of the houses, Jax who was now a full-fledged Body Tempering realm cultivator watched them leave as he clenched his fists. No one apart from himself knew exactly what he was currently thinking.

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