Infernal Apocalypse

Chapter One

For most of my life as far as I can remember, I’ve always been a bit…different. Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t some forgotten outcast without any friends or anything, but I definitely had very specific things about me that didn’t really seem normal or at least not normal to me?

For instance…I can’t get burned.

At least not by a regular fire that is. I first found this out when I was around 12, and I was leaning back on a stove that I didn’t realize was on. It was an electric stove so there wasn’t any fire or anything, well there wasn’t any fire until the fact that the sleeve of my shirt caught on fire eventually. That was how I even found out that the stove was on. My hand was on the stove top for a while, and I felt nothing. The stove might as well have been off to me, I found it all a little cool actually. Though of course my parents did not find it all that cool, the doctors, fire fighters and everyone involved said it was a miracle I didn’t suffer any severe burns to my hand.

Anyway, since that time I’ve experimented a little here and there with candles and lighters and what not and never once have I been burned or even felt any discomfort. I’ve been scared to really try some intense flames but yeah that’s one thing. Something else and probably the most odd thing… is the fact that I feel…wrong? Yes, that’s it, I feel wrong. Like I am not supposed to exist in this way that I’m currently existing. It’s all a bit muddled but for my entire life I’ve always just felt wrong.

I’ve even seen doctors about it once or twice, but they all hit me with the same old political therapist talk, random stuff about finding hobbies or its perfectly normal or whatever else I don’t really remember. That was many years ago during my middle school years. Now I’m a sophomore in university with no real direction in life or any real passion. Just kind of existing and riding this train called life in all my wrongness. Another somewhat weird thing for me was my ability to remain calm, nothing in life ever seemed to really phase me. Even when my parents died, I stayed calm. I was definitely heartbroken, deeply torn, and struck with grief but weirdly calm nonetheless.

Pretty weird.

Well, that’s what I was doing until it happened. The damn apocalypse.

It was a normal day, with nothing out of the ordinary happening on campus and I was chilling in my dorm room between classes. I was getting ready to go get something to eat when the next thing I know there were words popping up in my line of sight.

Welcome to the Multiverse.

Which brings me to my current situation, me a 5’9 black guy from America, standing in a weird all white room, face to face with a man? I think? Who was covered in some type of metallic skin? Or was that armor? I don’t know, either way this is all a bit weird. The weirdest thing of all though? Is that I still feel calm. For some reason I am strangely calm, I think almost anyone else would be freaking out at least a little in this situation but me? Just…calm.

Normal I guess.

Even when the being in front of finally started speaking, I was still calm. Maybe it was because he sounded like a regular person? Not sure

“You are somewhat surprisingly calm. Roughly 98.7% of the intelligent species on this Planet are currently having some level of a mental breakdown. Ten minutes were allotted to allow time for said mental breakdown to cease. Though I suppose you are one of the ones who do not need that time. Of course, you may still choose to make use of the remaining seven minutes as you please. What is your choice?”

“I don’t need the seven minutes.” I thought about it for a bit, but I couldn’t think of a reason not to continue with whatever was going on, so onwards it is.

“Excellent. Now for introductions, please refrain from asking questions at this time.” The strange metallic paused to make sure I understood and continued after I gave him a faint nod to show my understanding.

“You are currently in a space where the intelligent species of a newly integrated world are introduced to a few basic things before being sent into their tutorial, where they would have to overcome whatever challenges are present within. This tutorial is designed to get you accustomed to the Multiverse and the type of things you can expect once the tutorial is over. The planet you are from will also be going through rather sweeping changes as it grows and expands from being exposed to an infinitely purer and more powerful form of ‘energy’.

This process will be completed by the time the tutorial is over. Something that you will come to know soon enough is that in this new world, strength is everything. Laws and rules are determined by the strongest fist. You will need to decide for yourself if you want the power to dictate your own actions or be placed under the protection of those with power. On the other hand, while you are in this tutorial the initial choice has been made for you. You will be given the means to defend yourself and grow, though it will be up to you to choose that path.

Which brings us to one of our final topics. Elemental Affinities. I will not go into detail of what they are but know that barring a rather extremely rare few, no affinity will inherently make you stronger. It is up to you to use it to grow. Not everyone will possess one of these affinities but remember that the path of Elemental affinities is only one path of many. Though for you, it is the only path that will be freely checked for in this newly integrated universe. Now place your hand on the Elemental Stone.”

Before I could even ask where this so called stone was, a small pristine sphere popped up right in front of me. I observed it for a moment before shrugging and placing my hand on top. I almost expected for absolutely nothing to happen but...this is not the first time I’ve been wrong.

It only took a few moments of my hand resting on the sphere before a very small black flame showed up...yes, I believe that’s a flame...I wonder why it’s black. I looked up at the metallic man to ask for clarification and I was surprised to see that he was sweating...? He looked more shocked than I thought someone covered in sleek metal could possibly be. He even began muttering to himself.


Meanwhile the flame in the sphere continued to slowly grow in size, weird…what’s going on? I didn’t even get to dwell in my thoughts for too long before space seemed to crack? And another strange metallic man stepped through the hole. Though this one was very tall, and for some reason he gave off a powerful aura. I don’t know how I can feel that but that’s just the feeling I’m getting.

After he fully stepped through his eyes widened once he saw the sphere and then he did something very weird.

Standing in front of me with his head bowed and his left arm firmly planted diagonally across his metallic chest. He said a few words even weirder than his behavior.

“I humbly greet the Young Infernal.”

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