Infernal Apocalypse

Chapter Forty Two

“Welcome back! It feels like it’s been forever since you’ve stopped by.”

“Thank you Greja, it does kind of feel like it’s been a while since I’ve been in here. I have some orbs I’d like to exchange.”

“I see, well you should that things have changed since you last exchanged orbs. The ‘uncommon’ orbs you brought before are now just common, and instead of 10 Copper coins for each one, you will only receive 5. Though in exchange orbs that will now be rated as uncommon will be worth 15 copper coins for each one.”

That’s a bit weird, I knew the orbs will eventually be worth less, but why change the tier it belonged to? Why not just have them be common from the get-go. That didn’t make any sense. I relayed that thought to Greja, and she just shrugged and said it was Tutorial System stuff.

I didn’t dwell on it too much as I fiddled around in my pouch for the orb that came from the big one. I wanted to know if this was also going to be considered common.

“Ah you managed to kill a big one eh, that one is an uncommon orb so it will be worth 15 Copper as previously discussed.”

So, something that big and strong is only uncommon. I wonder if that too will change in the future. Anyway, I exchanged all my orbs and walked out and in place of the orbs in my pouch 6 Bronze coins and 15 Copper coins remained.

That new exchange rate really set me back. Either way I made my way back to my house to do something I’ve been meaning to do for quite a while now. It was about time I tried to understand these flames that dwell within me.

I didn’t really know how to manifest them, nor did I know what sitting down and meditating would accomplish but all I could do was try.

After washing up and adding my newly earned coins to the stockpile I had, which now amounted to a little over 30 Bronze coins. I squatted down and did my best to enter something like a trance as I focused within myself. I didn’t really have a path forward here, but my thought process was that if I treated it like cultivating maybe something would happen.

So, I delved within myself, trying to focus on connecting with my flames in an effort to manifest them.

As with most things in the Tutorial, I had no idea exactly how long I meditated for, but it was to no avail. Nothing happened and I didn’t feel any closer to manifesting my flames. I’ll just have to keep trying. Time to sleep, hopefully Richard remembers to wake me up tomorrow.

Knock Knock

“Raizen! It’s Richard!”

I opened the door and was greeted by Richard and the cool crisp air of a morning before the sun rose. He didn’t forget me, and it seems I will be on time today.

Though I wonder how training will go considering the system message I woke up to this morning.


(Previously Hidden due to State)

Stage Three of the Tutorial begins Tomorrow



Dungeons huh, that sounds just as fun as it would be dangerous. If they are anything like I’m thinking, it will have multiple floors filled with traps and monsters on every floor, maybe even a rest area or some type of safe zone to go along with it. Oh, and hopefully a lot of rewards for completing the dungeon.

Either way, on the day before Stage Two, no more Goblins showed up in the forest, so I wonder if the same thing will happen again this time.

Moving on, instead of the expected short silent walk to the training grounds, Richard had some input regarding this alert.

“So, the next stage is here, and this one is related to dungeons. The only thing I could think of is that it’s a place where people get tortured or kept as prisoner. What do you think? Do we have to worry about being captured?”

His words almost made pause my steps, but I realized not everyone read the type of novels I did, or even watched the type of content that would have these types of dungeons. Plus who knows, he could be right.

“Maybe those things are true, but I think dungeons are things for us to conquer. Think of it like a cave or tower of some sort that will have levels to ascend/descend with monsters on each level that will get stronger as you progress. Something like that.”

Richard seemed surprised for a moment before responding.

“One of the younger guys mentioned something similar, but I thought he was just making it up. I suppose I should think about it more seeing that you’re mentioning it too.”

I didn’t respond as he seemed to be thinking about something, but we finally made it to the training grounds anyway. His group was already off to side and doing some stretches, while the Outpost Leader and the gate guard man seemed to be talking about something.

Richard stepped towards his group while I went to the training rack to grab a wooden spear.

Eventually Richard’s group formed up and began their training and I did the same with the Outpost Leader. For the better part of the morning all I did was relentlessly attack the Outpost Leader with him dodging as though it was a walk in the park. It probably was a walk in the park for him, but I didn’t let that deter me. I kept attacking till he finally switched to the offensive and the next thing I know I was defending like my life depended on it.

I didn’t have much room to actually take steps back due to other group training, so I was forced to make use of the small space and both dodge and block with my spear in tight area. Thankfully he was only attacking with his fists otherwise he probably would’ve already cut my spear to pieces. Though he is obviously holding back as the few times I didn’t manage to dodge in time, and he hit me, it hurt like shit but not enough to stop me from fighting.

We went on like this for hours, my stamina lasting way longer than I thought it could. I didn’t suddenly become some master fighter, but I definitely felt slightly better at fighting at the end than I did at the beginning.

I was improving and that’s all that mattered.

“That’s enough for today. Rest, then advance. No monsters will show up until tomorrow.”

Well, there’s my answer, no Goblins tonight, but I can advance again? I wonder if this could be considered a fast pace. Either way, I just made it to the 2nd Cycle, so why so soon? I figured he would ask me to wait longer.

“Why so soon?”

“Your body can handle it.”

That was all he said, before disappearing.

Anyway, I gathered my things and left. Richard and his group were still in the midst of their training, before I left, they all seemed to be squatting with some type of heavy pressure weighing them down. Fun stuff.

Before long I was washed up and once again going through the process of cultivating in the Body Tempering Realm.

A short while later I was bleeding from all over my body and had multiple, both deep and shallow cuts across my skin. Just like the previous times it didn’t hurt one bit. I washed up again and immediately went off to bed. It was still sunny outside, but with no Goblins to fight, there was no need to wait till night just to sleep.



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