Infernal Apocalypse

Chapter Forty Eight

Right before I made it inside my house, I managed to spot one of Richard’s people leaving one of the houses. I didn’t know this one, well I didn't know most of them, anyway I approached her to ask if she could deliver a message to Richard for me.

“Excuse me miss, can you please deliver a message to Richard for me?”

She was a bit startled by my abrupt approach, but she responded eventually.

“…Sure, what is it?”

“That if he finds any Dungeons, don’t go in it with a small group. They are most likely too dangerous for just a few people at 1st Cycle Body Tempering. That’s all.”

“Okay, I’ll let him know.”

And with that she walked off, I didn’t linger either and finally made my way inside my house. I quickly put everything down and took a seat on my cot. It was finally time. A package specifically for me.

I was a little excited.

I slowly opened the small box to see what I had saved up all of these coins for, and to my slight disappointment, it looked like another book. I don’t know what I was expecting, but I was hoping for more than a book.

Moving on, I finally took the book out, and all my disappointment seems to vanish in thin air. It seems I really spoke too soon.

The book was essentially a paperback cover, and it looked worn, it also appeared to only have a page or two, which I guess is a common theme here considering the manuals I read not too long ago.

Anyway, what caused me to wake up from my disappointment was the name of the book.

“The Way of Infernal”

I was just kind of absentmindedly reading the name out loud but that seemed to trigger something, as all of a sudden the booklet immediately spiked in heat.

It took less than a second after I spoke for it to become far hotter than any kitchen stovetop. If a regular person was holding the book, they would’ve long since suffered severe burns even if they dropped the book quickly.

Thankfully, I wasn’t a regular person. I could feel that it was hot, but it wasn’t burning or hurting me at all. If anything, it was actually a slightly comfortable feeling.

Only after around 10 seconds of a rapid rise in heat did the book finally stop heating up and instead began cooling down. As the cot was pretty low to the ground, when I sat on it, I was close to the ground as well, and with close the book was to the wooden floor, I noticed it started to deform just a bit before the book started cooling.

I’m sure if I left the book on the floor it would’ve all but certainly started a fire.


The book was at a normal temperature now. That was a pretty weird experience, but I’m getting more and more used to weird things these days so let’s just jump right into it.

I opened the book, to see that there were exactly two pages. Each page had a lot of information on it.

[ Welcome to the embrace of the Eternal Flame.]

That was what was written on the top of the first page. It then went on from there to explain and somewhat answer some of the questions I’ve been wondering about.

[ This book is for Infernals from newly integrated Universes. Infernals, who are likely undertaking a Multiverse System curated Tutorial. Infernals, who are now the sole ancestor of their future line. There are now an untold number of responsibilities on your shoulders as the creator of a new lineage. None of which are easy, but you are an Infernal, a being who bathes their obstacles in a sea of flames should it hinder their path for too long. ]

That…that was very intense, but of course it didn’t end there.

[ The aforementioned responsibilities are not required, but only a fool would ignore them. Do keep this in mind. This booklet was likely delivered to your universe and then to your very hands by Infernal Elder. This individual will guide you for a short time. Take heed of their teachings as they are far above your current station. ]

That was the end of the first page, and although it answered some questions for me, it also left me with far more questions.

The sole ancestor of my future line? The creator of a new lineage? What the hell are they talking about. I get I’m this Infernal thing now, but how did I even become one? Why didn’t they explain that, and these new responsibilities that I suddenly have, the ones that I’d be a fool to ignore? Who are they to just decide that for me? I haven’t even met them yet. I think that’s a bit much to just throw on a person all at once.

Why did they even assume I would have children one day? Not that I don’t want them, but why would they just assume I would have them? Weird.

Either way, no use in getting worked up about it now, as I can’t change anything from where I am. Plus it’s finally nice to know how I got this book, a supposed Infernal Elder brought it here themselves. But I wonder how they found out? Maybe it was the metal people who told them? That’s probably the case as I doubt they have some way to just sense me for who knows where.

Actually, they probably do have a way to sense me from who knows where. I have to stop thinking about how things would normally be and just kind of understand that things that might seem impossible could very well be normal. Like the fact that I’m an Infernal who has black flames in their body for example.

Anyway, although it’s a little annoying to read some of that, I can’t ignore the fact that I’m an Infernal doesn’t have benefits. The Outpost Leader himself is training me and providing me information and tips about this Tutorial. He himself explained that he is investing in me because I’m an Infernal.

Of course, that type of benefit had to come with a few potential drawbacks. I now had these mysterious responsibilities that I will more than likely not ignore, at least not initially. I also heal a lot faster than a regular human, I don’t need nearly as much food, and as of right now I believe I can cultivate a lot faster than most.

These are things I know I wouldn’t want to give up.

If I want the pros, I need to accept the cons.

Makes sense.

Moving on I finally flipped to the second page after I sorted out my thoughts.

Something almost magical happened the second I did so.

The entire page, and before long the entire book was covered in black flames.

They slowly spread from the book to my arms, and from there they began to cover my entire being.

I think even the most dare devil like people would freak out from this, let alone me, but I never felt in danger. In fact, I felt very safe. It was almost like the flames themselves were hugging me…? I don’t know exactly but whatever it was, I enjoyed the feeling as I was embra…’Welcome to the embrace of the Eternal Flame’’…is this what those words meant?

Ah, that’s probably the case.

After a few seconds, the flames receded, and I could finally read what was on the page. Oh wait a second…I feel…stronger?

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