Infernal Apocalypse

Chapter Five

Eventually I closed the distance to the person calling out to me, and while it may be a little rude, I couldn’t help but ask the burning question on my mind.

“Hi there, I hope this is not offensive...but are…”

“Let me stop you right there, I know what you want to ask but me and the rest of my race are not the same as the little Goblins you’ve been seeing in the surrounding forest. That’s all you need to know for now. With me so far?”

Even though the non-Goblin came off a little rude, I paid it no mind and nodded to show I understood. My question could definitely be seen as offensive, so I understand.

“Good, glad to get that out of the way. Now, as I said earlier welcome to Outpost G. Inside you will find many different things to help you make it through this Tutorial and you have done well to reach it alive, as it will be vital to your survival.

For the first five days of the Tutorial entry into the Outpost will be free of charge, do keep this in mind. Again, welcome to Outpost G.”

And then without even giving me a chance to ask any questions or to fully digest everything he said the green man finally began to open the gates.

I didn’t even bother trying to ask him anything because he clearly didn’t want to talk anymore, was the question really that offensive?


I accepted the hint and began to enter into the Outpost, though I walked in the green man told me as I passed that I should check out some central building or whatever. I don’t really feel like thinking about everything that was said so for now I’ll just take in the sights of the outpost and worry about everything else in a bit.

Looking around, I think I spot the central building thing the green buy mentioned along with two other buildings in front of it, though all of them seem to be made out of extremely high-quality wood.

I’m currently walking towards it on a paved pathway, that branches off to the left and the right, where see pretty much identical buildings on both sides. They look like houses kind of? Maybe I can live in one of them? Wonder who I gotta talk to, to make that happen.

Speaking of a ‘who’, I don’t see anyone else anywhere. Is it just the green guy handling this place?

Well as I’m getting closer to the central building, which is just a somewhat small one-story wooden building, that kinda looks like what I’d consider a nice cabin in the woods, except there aren’t any windows for some reason.

Well, I’d love to explore the whole Outpost, but the green guy mentioned this building, and I’m sure it’s for a good reason so I’ll check that out first.

Turns out that was the right idea.

Theres another green person. Also dressed like the green man in terms of quality. What appears to be some type of medieval-like clothing and leather armor on top. Real fantasy stuff here.

Oh, and this green person is a woman. I could tell by the uh…hair. Yeah let’s go with that.

I spotted her after entering through the door of the building, it was well lit inside despite the lack of windows from various torches strategically placed for better lighting. There wasn’t much in the room though.

Right in front, was a large counter where the woman was seated, which was built into the wall. To the left was well, the wall and to the right was there was a door which led to behind the counter maybe? Not sure, but that was it. So, without many options I walked up to the counter where the green lady had long since noticed me and was smiling as I took my time to look around the interior of the building.

“Hey there young Tutorial attendee, welcome to Outpost G! This is the outpost shop, where you can buy many many things to help you get through the Tutorial.”

She spoke in a lot more cherry of a tone than the green guy at the gate did, maybe he really just mad about my question huh. Anyway, I can buy things? With what money.

“Hi, thank you for the welcome, but I don’t have any money. Is there a way I can earn some?”

“Sure you do! What do you think the things in your pockets are for! And based on the bulge of your pockets, I’d say you put that spear of yours to good use before you got here.”

So, these orbs are loot after all. I wonder how much they are worth.

“What can I buy with them?” I had about 60 of them in my pockets after my run ins with the Goblins, hopefully that’s enough to at least get some new clothes or something.

“Well, you’d have to trade them in to get coins. The current conversion rate is one Common Core for ten copper coins. A word of advice though, that conversion rate will change in the future.”

I don’t if these things have any other use so maybe I shouldn’t trade them all in…I don’t even know what a copper coin is worth.

“Can I see a list of what you have to sell first?”

“Smart boy.”

After calling me smart with a slight smirk on her face, she snapped her fingers once and another screen appeared in my face. Neat.

Welcome to the Outpost Shop

Please select a category:

Food and Water




This is a lot more detailed than I realized. Well, I haven’t gotten hungry so far so let’s check Cultivation first.

As soon as I thought it, the screen in front of me changed.


Please select a section:



General Knowledge

More selections, let’s just go with Manuals, and yep, it changed it again as expected.


Basic Cultivation Manual (Common) – 50 Copper Coins

Advanced Cultivation Manual (Common) – 250 Copper Coins

That was…surprisingly very unhelpful. I guess seeing the prices will help me understand the importance of the coins, and it appears they are very important. Just going off what the nice green lady said. It’s probably safe to assume that the rate I’m getting now is the best rate I’ll get for all of the Tutorial.

I should probably look through all the categories and sections before trading in my Orbs for coins and making any purchases. Let’s go shopping.

While Raizen was shopping away, on a rather large ship that was covered in a sleek silvery metal, that seemed to almost move across the body of the ship constantly and was quite some distance away from Earth but well within the same Universe, the same man who gave the order to inform the Outposts of a VIP in the Tutorial, was waiting in a somber mood.

He had used the previous day to prepare as best as he could for the imminent arrival of a member of the Infernal Race. Which just consisted of making sure no one on board the ship did anything they weren’t supposed to do and drilling that into them and preparing a suitable quarters should the Elder wish to stay for the duration of the tutorial.

Of course, there was a chance he was wrong and the Infernals wouldn’t send someone, but he knew better.

One was coming.

It was then, almost on cue that he felt a presence that almost made his knees buckle. As a Second Stage Immortal, there weren’t many individuals who could make his knees buckle from just their presence.

The Infernal Elder was here.

Vanishing from where he stood on the bridge of the ship he appeared outside in space, with his head bowed and his left hand planted diagonally across his chest.

“I greet the Infernal.”

“Where is he.”

Was the only response he got back, from the woman before him. She was covered in from head to toe in black robes, lined all over with purple accents, her black hair neatly tied in a bun, her skin the color of the most purest bronze imaginable, and her beautiful face where two black eyes without pupils sat, devoid of any emotion.

“He has already begun the Tutorial, Esteemed Infernal.”

As if he expected this behavior, the man covered in metal didn’t bat an eye, nor did miss a beat when, or look up from his bow, despite the curt answer and attitude from the being in front of him.

“When did it start.”

“Yesterday, Esteemed Infernal.”

“Good. Put this in your store. Only he may see it.”

The man covered in metal froze for a brief moment, but before he could respond the woman disappeared. Though the man didn’t drop his guard. He had no doubt in his mind that she was still nearby.

“As you wish Esteemed Infernal.”

In front of him a small booklet simply floated. It read a few short words.

‘The Way of Infernal’

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