In the Harry Potter Without Harry Potter

Chapter 487: My soul is also far beyond ordinary people

"But you couldn't defeat him at all! It was only with Fawkes' help that you managed to save yourself at the Hogwarts Castle Astronomy Tower a decade or so ago! And what confidence do you have now that you can absolutely kill him once!"

Slughorn, after hearing Dumbledore's narration from the fireplace, had a kind of indignant and incomprehensible feeling inside him, besides being shocked and creeped out by Voldemort's origins.

It was like he had guessed why Dumbledore had been reluctant to tell the others about his plan from start to finish, because there was so little hope that it would work, and in the end, the greatest possibility that Dumbledore would face would be death!

"Don't worry, I know what you're all worried about."

As he left the footage behind, Dumbledore, who had guessed early on what Jon and the others would be thinking at this point in time, winked and smiled.

"There's no way I would have started this plan so recklessly if I knew I am bound to lose, because that wouldn't serve any purpose at all, and not only would it prove nothing, but it would also put you all in danger. So as Voldemort is getting stronger, I've also found myself something to fall back on."

"The Cloak of Invisibility, the Resurrection Stone, the Elder Wand. The legendary Three Deathly Hallows left behind by the Death, I don't think you've forgotten about them Jon, the Resurrection Stone, the last item, was brought back from the castle by you after the Triwizard Tournament, it was once crafted into a Horcrux by Voldemort. All three of these items have different and amazing utility separately, and when combined, they do have some power that is enough to trump the entire magical world."

"The world of the dead has always existed, and the Three Deathly Hallows are the things that the master of that world left behind in the world of the living, and I will use them to kill Voldemort. If my suspicions are wrong, then of course it would be best, and all would come to an end, and our cause would finally come to an end. But if all of these things do turn out to be what I guessed."

Dumbledore's voice paused slightly at this point for a moment before he continued speaking.

"Look on the bright side, at least we completely understand where this Voldemort truly came from don't we?"

Jon listened to Dumbledore's words, knowing full well that this was the only good that could come of it.

A Voldemort who would never die, a Voldemort who was unprecedentedly powerful and needed Dumbledore to kill him with the help of the Three Deathly Hallows, what would they do about him in the future?

"There is one last thing, Jon."

Dumbledore's voice made Jon withdraw his thoughts and look up at the old man in the flames.

Instead of seriousness and gravity on his aged face, he looked as if he was actually looking at Jon opposite him, with a smile.

"Don't forget what I once told you, keep moving forward, it's enough."

And just after his words trailed off, the green flames in the fireplace dissipated completely, leaving only a quiet office.

The time-turner was still lying quietly in the wooden box, and the hands on the dial were constantly turning as if they showed no signs of stopping at all.

Jon took a deep breath, he instinctively felt that there was something wrong with the last words Dumbledore left behind because when he said this to himself, it was exactly how he asked him to escape from the British mainland to the ocean with the Hogwarts wagon.

Just as he turned his head to ask Slughorn about the Deathly Hallows, a clear 'click' sounded in the quiet office!

Jon turned his head to look at the source of the sound, and it was the Time-Turner!

At this moment, the time-turner that was originally lying in the wooden box floated up suddenly, and the hand on the dial also stopped rotating and pointed smoothly to the time of 11:38 marks.

Then, an all-too-familiar black fog surged out from it!

Slughorn and Jon both reacted extremely quickly and raised their wands, but the thick fog, as if it hadn't noticed them at all, directly rushed up to the ceiling of the Department of Mysteries and disappeared!

Slughorn's face was pale at this time, and he pursed his lips.

"Just now, was that Voldemort who was revived by the Horcrux?"

Jon took a deep breath, he forced down the tremor and uneasiness in his heart, he could be said to be more familiar with that black fog than the vast majority of people, because just this year, he had personally faced it in Hogwarts castle!

Dumbledore had simply told them to watch over this time-turner; but hadn't said anything about it to begin with, and he hadn't really needed to say anything at all, because the moment this black mist poured out from within the time-turner, Jon would have understood everything.

Dumbledore's guess was right!

That Voldemort who had retrieved the remnants of the souls from all the Horcruxes, rewritten history, used the theory of bloodline to rule the whole of Britain, and forced the Order of the Phoenix led by Dumbledore to become a bereaved dog was the one who had made use of the Time-Turner to rewrite the entire future!

At the same time, he also intended to eat the soul of his other self in this original timeline, turning himself into the most powerful wizard in this world! Completely becoming the ruler of this world!

Jon's heartbeat accelerated, as all the truth was revealed, he was nervous and at the same time, he quickly made his brain calm down.

"Teacher! You must take this time-turner and get out of here first!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Jon's mind was already set.

Without hesitation, he directly re-closed the wooden box, then shoved it into Slughorn's arms.

"Take it away, bring it back to France, and make sure to hide it well! Tell no one the secret about this time-turner!"

Slughorn took the time-turner, of course, he knew the importance of this item, if they really had any hope of defeating Voldemort at all, what was in that wooden box was the only hope!

"Aren't you going to leave with me?"

"If it is only these things that the Professor had to say, then he didn't really have to hide it from us in the first place!" Jon breathed heavily and stared at Slughorn as he said word by word, "He's already got his heart set on certain death! It's impossible to use the magic of the world of the dead without paying a little bit of a price! The very existence of the Three Deathly Hallows is a great jest of Death!"

"You want to bring Albus back?" Slughorn easily guessed Jon's intentions.

"I don't know exactly what the Professor thinks he's doing and how he's doing it." Jon had his wand in his hand, turned around and was already walking to the door of the office, "But I mustn't let him die here like this, I must save him!"

"But he doesn't even have the means to face this Voldemort right now, what can you do?"

Slughorn was actually torn and hesitant, reason told him to persuade Jon, but he cared just as much about Dumbledore's well-being.

"Voldemort firmly believes that it is the strength of the soul that makes magic strong."

Jon had stepped out of the door, but his voice still managed to reach Slughorn's ears.

"Don't forget what you said about my magic potential in the first place, teacher, my soul is far beyond normal as well!"


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