In the Harry Potter Without Harry Potter

Chapter 100: General Counter-Spell

Of course, it is not possible to contact Dumbledore just because you want to contact him.

The Ministry of Magic now has strict control over all means of communication in the British magical world, even if you want to adopt an owl, it is necessary to go to the Department of Magical Transportation to record, and Aurors have the right to shoot down any owl that has not been registered.

It will take time for Aberforth to contact Dumbledore, and Jon is not in a hurry to do so at this moment, after all, they still have not managed to get the intended mission objectives, and they need to find a solution to solve the three portraits in that tower.

"The magic used in the production of magic portraits is not highly advanced, only the process is very complex, especially the need to add some emotions of the person whose portrait is created, but to destroy a portrait, in fact, a single general counter-spell is sufficient."

"General counter-spell?"

Aberforth nodded.

"Yes, although there is no way to completely obliterate the magic on the portrait, the general counter-spell can make the portrait become an ordinary portrait for a period of time, and the length of that time depends on your mastery of the general counter-spell. The problem is, an average counter-spell can only affect one target at a time, meaning you can only neutralize a portrait after you rush into that room."

Jon furrowed his brow as he continued to ask.

"So what should I do?"

Aberforth shook his head.

"If there is only one portrait in the room, then this is actually a fairly good way to handle it, but now there are three portraits there, then I don't know what to do next."

Jon thought about it and suddenly looked up and asked

"Can we go teach others to learn this spell?"

Although he didn't say all the details in his words, Aberforth understood the implication.

"You want me to find a way to get two wands so that you can bring them into that castle, and then you will teach the little girl who has found out your identity as well as another person a general counter-spell, then the three of you will use the spell on different portraits at the same time?"

Jon said with a nod.

"The general counter-spell is not much of a difficult spell to learn, as long as you can somehow get two wands, and teach me the spell, then I'll teach them, and that shouldn't take more than two or three months."

This does seem like a perfect solution, yet Aberforth threw cold water on him.

"The idea does seem feasible, but you still can't avoid the admission pact on those muggle students." Aberforth explained to him, "That pact not only restricts their space of movement completely but also makes them be never able to hold the wand during the period of the pact's fulfilment, the dark lord has thought of it from the very beginning, to make sure that the possibility of these children touching the wand to cast spells is eliminated from the source."

Jon asked, somewhat a little reluctantly.

"If you let them get the wand then what will happen?"

Aberforth answered him seriously.

"Three years ago an adult muggle wizard who was too oppressed tried to steal a half-blood wizard's wand and escape from Britain, he had received a normal magic education before the Dark Lord took control of Hogwarts, so he knew how to cast spells with a wand. But after the Dark Lord took complete control of the wizarding community he was forced to sign a slave contract similar to the current one, giving up the right to use his wand for life, and the moment he got his wand, the hand that held it was charred."

Very vicious, but effective.

As long as the mudbloods have no way to hold the wand for life, then even if they want to resist, they can't make any waves, and it is even worse than when the right to use the wand was taken away from the goblins, after all, they still have their own unique racial way of spell casting.

Jon's idea was rejected after they can not think of any other more effective plan, he could only learn the general counter-spell wand gesture and incantation pronunciation from Aberforth here, to master the spell first before they can think of other solutions.

Time has reached the latter part of the night, Jon did not continue to stay in Aberforth's place, at three or four o'clock in the morning he returned to the castle.

Although Christmas has passed, there is still some time left for the Christmas holiday.

Pureblood and half-blood students have yet to return to school, and the campus still looks empty, but after the Christmas banquet, most of the professors have returned to the school, including Snape and Barty Jr. These people, are singles, there is no family, if there is nothing outside, then they will basically stay in the castle.

The day or two after Christmas, Jon has been watching for Snape and their reaction, Marauder's Map is always in the state of being open, as long as there is time he will pay attention to whether any people are passing near the Headmaster's office, or have the intention of trying to enter.

After all, Voldemort barring all entry into the Headmaster's office is still only a guess, whether or not Snape and Barty Jr. have the privilege to enter or leave the office, Jon still needs to observe more.

And also after Christmas, he began to do the punishment given to him by Dolohov, cleaning the public lavatory in the castle alone until the end of the holiday.

Having time alone was no punishment at all for Jon, and he couldn't wait for Dolohov to assign him more of these opportunities in the future.

As long as he can constantly monitor the Marauder's Map to pay attention to whether people are passing near the lavatory, Jon can use this time to practice magic spells, as for cleaning work, using a wand to cast a cleaning spell compared to hand gestures to cast a spell is undoubtedly much faster and more convenient, so the punishment is more comfortable and easier than his previous days.

The only thing that makes people a little less comfortable is the smell in the lavatory which is really not that pleasant.

After finishing the day's work, and returning to the underground floor, there is not so much work to do during the holidays, so most of the other mudblood students can get some rare leisure time, but freedom of movement is still restricted, they can only be in the underground floor without going to the upper floors.

Jon came back when it was time to eat supper, these days their meals are slightly better than before, the bread is at least not that hard, and occasionally you can drink some pumpkin juice with flavour.

Even though Jon's true identity was exposed, Hermione did not show any closeness to him during the normal time, the little girl is indeed smart enough to know what to do and how to refrain from certain things.

"This holiday is much better than last school year." While eating Hanton sat next to Jon, he bit off his bread and chatted in a whisper, "Mr Dolohov is very happy these days, and those professors who are usually very hostile to us are also home, last Christmas break, Kruger accidentally bumped into Professor Carrow when he went to water the flowers in the yard and was almost tortured to death by that professor. "

Jon at first just listened distractedly, his mind still thinking about how to solve the three portraits, but after a few moments, he suddenly seemed to think of something and turned his head to stare at Hanton.

"You are saying that Professor Carrow, is not in the castle this holiday?"


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