In order to become a devil, I decided to be a butler first

Chapter 71

During lunch, there were no more twists and turns, except for Miss Wang's side-knocking from time to time to knock on Su Lun to find out what happened to her when she was a child.

But in fact, Su Lun, who had never heard of it at all, naturally couldn't answer, but just went around in circles to distort the topic.

Wang Youqing, who had no way to take Su Lun, naturally turned her target to Wang Zhaoxiang.

But the starry witch is not an idle person, there is no flaw to follow, and Su Lun is on the side to help.

This made her depressed, and even vaguely felt as if these two people were joining forces to her.

But because of the misunderstanding incident last time, Wang Youqing didn't dare to draw conclusions, and finally couldn't ask anything.

After the lunch break, Miss Wang continued to go to school.

Su Lun asked the pigeon Talos not to keep an eye on Wang Zhaoxiang all the time, and the two sides now have a relationship of interest, and they have also eliminated the conflict of different opinions on "Wang Youqing's return to the Wang family", and reached a consensus, which can be relaxed.

Of course, it is impossible to unseal the seal of the "partition", and who knows if this witch will explode on the spot if she takes back her power.

Based on her fame, this is a highly likely eventuality.

This is obviously a master who will not let himself be wronged in vain.

After dealing with the matter, Suren stepped into the misty world again.

This time he was not alone, even the little maid was called by him.

In the alchemy workshop, Liuli walked in, saw Su Lun who was preparing something in front of the workbench, and greeted respectfully:

"The hosts. "

"Hmm...... You're here, little Liuli. "

Su Lun turned his head, put down the blue-green reagent in his hand, and said with a smile.

"Yes, master, what do you command?"

The girl, as always, has an awe-inspiring medieval knightly demeanor, calm and elegant, modest and loyal.

"Hmm...... Little Ruri, you must have heard of the artificial human "Holmonx" created by the alchemist "Paracelsus". "

Suren said.

The little maid nodded, indicating that she understood.

This is common knowledge in the wizarding world, just like the original earth knew that Einstein was a scientist and that Elder Yuan was the father of hybrid rice, which is common sense that all magicians understand.

"Holmens" is the only successful "artificial human" in the true sense of the word.

As we all know, in Hermetic theory, a person is composed of three elements: "spirit", "soul", and "body".

Without any of them, they are not really "human".

Among the three elements, the "body" is the best to solve, and the chemical elements that make up the human body are only more than sixty kinds, which can be created casually for alchemists.

The key is still in the "soul" and "spirit".

This is the true foundation of a person.

"Soul", that is, the soul in the popular sense, is the real foundation of a person, so to speak, the soul is the real "person", and the body is just the house where the "person" lives.

The "spirit", that is, the spirit, is the companion of the "soul", and a true soul must have the existence of the spirit, so the two are collectively called "soul".

In alchemy, the technology for the purpose of creating human beings is called "human body refining".

That is, it does not rely on the mother's womb, but simply uses technology to create human beings.

And this kind of technology, because it violates the laws of nature and human ethics and morals, has been listed as a taboo thing all over the world since its appearance.

In particular, monotheistic religions such as Christianity believe that human beings were created by God, and that human beings are violating God's authority and are the highest felonies.

However, there are still some alchemists who are obsessed with the "human body refining technique" and are secretly engaged in secret research.

As a result, a puppet similar to the Six Jewel Sisters was born.

Why are they called puppets instead of artificial humans? Obviously the body functions are exactly the same as humans.

This is because one crucial thing is missing—spirituality.

Souls can be replaced by a variety of things, such as the Jewel Six Sisters, who are self-disciplined puppets with the pinnacle of crafting skills, and have the same true emotions and learning abilities as humans.

But as long as it is not a true "soul", it will never be able to give birth to spirituality!

And spirituality is the foundation for a person to become a magician and evolve towards God!

Why is the small universe cultivated by magicians called the spiritual universe?

It is precisely because of this small universe that it was born from the spirituality of man!

Therefore, the Jewel Six Sisters have no spiritual universe and are no longer able to move on!

However, there is one case in the world, and there is only one case, which allows the puppet to have a true "spirituality".

Hohenheim, the android created by Paracelsus, "Holmonks"!

And Suren, who has the alchemy heritage of Hohenheim, also has the technology to create real artificial humans!

The little maid is a good boy, and there should be five more self-discipline puppets like the little maid in the future.

After getting used to the service of the little maid, Su Lun also has a certain affection for her.

His steps were extremely fast, and he was always moving at a rapid pace.

Therefore, he didn't want the little maid to be gradually abandoned by him in the future because she couldn't grow up.

But there is no little maid of the spiritual universe, what is the degree when she is born, what is the degree of her whole life.

This cannot be changed.

Therefore, Suren plans to use Hohenheim's technology to make the little maid a real "person"!

In other words, research on the "Artificial Spiritual Universe" technology!

This time, the little maid came over to check her body in advance and get ready.

The artificial spirit universe is quite complex, and Su Lun's current alchemy level is only Lv1, and he still needs to conduct quite a lot of research to be successful.

And the little maid is currently the only test subject.

Of course, before guaranteeing 100% success, Su Lun will not really implant the little maid with an artificial spiritual universe, but only collect her body data as a puppet first.

Under Su Lun's explanation, the little maid also understood what her master meant.

She blinked, and for some reason, a sudden warmth appeared in her heart, and she felt the urge to cry.

Nodding obediently, the little maid blushed and lay down on the workbench after taking the sleeping agent given by Su Lun.

Before going to bed, she watched her master look at her with warm eyes.

More than once I felt ......

It's great that the person who becomes the host can be you......

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