In One Piece, as Hashirama Senju

[130] The Final Act (3)

Chapter 130: The Final Act (3)

A second before Hashirama bombarded the castle of Dressrosa out of the map, he called for Doflamingo to come out. If not for that call, Doffy might have been caught in the cataclysm. Hashirama didn't want that since that'd have been too easy of a death for him.

"Fuffuffuffu," Doflamingo stood in the air, a massive grin on his face even as he was frowning at the same time. His head looked at the trail of fire left behind by the fleeing King as he clicked his tongue.

He turned to look at Hashirama, shaking his head at the sight of dozens of clones that merged into one main body.

"There were quite a few innocent people in the castle, you know? They all died because of your unjust rage." Doffy said, looking at Hashirama from behind his shades.

"There was nobody, fool." Hashirama took a second to crack his neck. "I thought you were smarter than this, but I suppose if things happen too fast and unusually, they don't make sense in your head."

Doflamingo continued frowning and said nothing, making Hashirama shake his head. "Your palace had been cleared a long time ago. Didn't you notice, the Dwarf Princess vanished? I guess you were too busy being scared to notice. The other dwarves cleared the palace off anyone just a bit earlier."

That was the report Viola gave him via the comp. Hashirama watched as the frown on Doflamingo's head deepened and his iconic veins popped up on his forehead.

"I see… I suppose this is the end, heh." He cursed as his smile dropped. "I'd have had a chance if King didn't flee at a time like this. What a fucking bastard. I- [Overheat]!"

Midway through his speech, abruptly, he threw his hand ahead and an orange thick strong of concentrated heat rushed towards Hashirama.

If he was going to die here, then he'd go down only after doing as much damage as possible. It seemed damaged enough if he could kill one of the Senju siblings.

"[Five Color Strings]!" At the same time, his other hand swept forward to release a colored string from each finger.

The Overheat String was caught midair by not Hashirama, but a flying blonde woman who came to stop beside him. The strings from the next attack, however, were blocked by Hashirama's still-black wings.

"Looks like you have your back against the wall, disgusting scum." Tsunade held onto his Overheat string with her bare hands as she glared at him. "It's time for you to pay. For the crime you committed 19 years ago."

Doflamingo stared at the scene for a bit before he grabbed his face and laughed. "It's funny how after all I did, I'm hearing such words from two circus sibling duo covered in black tattoos."


"[Billow White]!" Just when Tsunade went to reply, Doflamingo used that chance to use his powers once again.

As they were in the sky, many buildings below their feet turned into towering masses of strings — affected by Doffy's awakened powers – before rushing towards both of the siblings.

"Sister, don't try to chat with him, he's just trying to distract us with it!" Hashirama yelled as he met the incoming wave with his wings and fists.

"I get it, now stay back. [Nine Heavens]!" Tsunade raised her fist and slammed it on the incoming wave, as nine spiraling dragon heads clashed with the string wave, turning them into vapor.

When the vapor cleared, Doflamingo was not in the sky anymore. It took the siblings a second to notice him, but that was a second too late. Doflamingo was on top of the halved hill that once held the castle on top of it, he kneeled down and touched the ground.

"[Ever White]."

His touch shone as the entire mountain and a vast amount of the surrounding area was turned into strings. It was similar to his last technique, but the strings were many times that.

"You, stay back. I'll punch his head into a puddle of mess." Tsunade ordered as she rushed ahead, but Hashirama followed.

"You're not actually going to kill him, are you?"

"..." She was diving down as she looked at him with a side-eye. She really wanted to do it… but she has a duty to follow. "It's too selfish to kill him. He did a lot more crimes than just killing our family; it's better to let the government handle him."

"Are you being real? Fuck you. Fine, I'll kill him for you, then." Hashirama looked away from her and rushed forward, though he was a lot slower than her who was using her wind powers and Moon Walk.

"Catch up if you want to do that, boy. He's still a Warlord, killing him will have many consequences. Enough that I won't be able to have you excused." She said as she went ahead faster.

There was a growl from Hashirama, and two more pairs of wings popped up on his back. Their green leaves contrasted the color of his early black wings. His body grew larger as that happened since he would need a wider back to properly utilize six wings. His flight speed increased dramatically and he sped up ahead, towards Doflamingo who waved both of his arms at him.

This had to be quick, Hashirama decided. It was a fight with time, who'd deal with Doflamingo first. It was not just this flight, but the entire fight ahead. If Tsunade got to him first then he'll have to fight her, which would make things troublesome, but if he dealt with Doflamingo first then all's good.

Hashirama sprouted another set of wings on his back, feeling a little icky now, and this set was entirely used up as bullets of leaves clad with Armament. The thousands of leaf bullets rushed at Doflamingo, who changed his attack midway into a defensive technique.

"[Off White]!" 

Doflamingo stood on a wiggly platform of string, as two large masses of strings from the ground near swiped upward. They were arched, like half-moons, as all the bullets crashed into the strings and deflected.

"[Flap Thread]!"

Doflamingo used his powers to manipulate the two arches of strings into sharp points that were infused with Armament Haki, acting like a thousand arrows. He waved his hand ahead and sent them at his opponent in the formation of two wings, with feathers made out of needles.


There was no dodging it, but meeting it head on would pierce Hashirama a million times too. So he had to slow down his flight, allowing Tsunade to catch up as she went ahead and punched the air.

"[Galaxy Impact]!"

The punch hit the air meters far from Doffy but it hit him nonetheless, causing his body to fly backwards into the sky.

"I told you to leave him to me!" Tsunade turned to Hashirama and growled. "I know what you're trying to do, but just know if you actually kill him, I will be angry."

Then she turned around and rushed back to Doflamingo. Hashirama sighed and crossed his arms, floating in the air as he observed the battle and contemplated.


Objectively, Tsunade was stronger than her younger brother. She wouldn't have thought of the word "Objectively" and claimed to be stronger than him in any way if she hadn't witnessed what he did to King with just one attack. In her entire fight with King after that, she wasn't even able to do half that level of damage.

However, it was true that Tsunade could use the advanced form of Armament Haki, Marine Six Techniques, and had a broken devil fruit. Unless Hashirama wielded his sword and used Tectonic Cleaver on repeat, then beating Doflamingo before Tsunade could do it was impossible.

Tsunade took that information happily as she decided to deal with Doffy in a much tamer way than she ever thought she would three years ago.

"Fuffuffuffu," Doflamingo was facing her and flying backward. "You bitch, are you trying to take me on all by yourself? Fine, I'll kill you first, and your brother after-"

She blitzed as she transformed into Wind, her [Stage 1] that was like a Logia just like her Fire form. She appeared behind him in a split second, her hand clutching on his neck from behind.

"[God Thread]-"

Doflamingo yelled, in an attempt to free himself. This was his ultimate Awakened technique that could sever a mountain into pieces like a gigantic octopus' tendrils.

Sadly, the activation of the technique was halted halfway through. While Tsunade's left hand held his neck, her right elbow drew upwards and then burst downward at a breakneck speed. 

The elbow connected with the top of his skull, and Doflamingo made a painful groan as the sound of air exploding along with it spread throughout the area.

With a single attack, his body shot down to crash into an empty terrain field. Dust rose and dust cleared, as Hashirama reached the spot a second after Tsunade. They looked down at Doffy, with blood dripping down his forehead, his eyes were white under his shades.

Doflamingo has been defeated.

"He's not dead," she said, turning to him. "And he will stay alive, you won't harm him. Am I clear, Hashirama?"

"Calling me by my full name is new."

"I don't know what you're talking about," she said and then raised a finger in the air. Her first burst into a line of fire that rose in the air, acting like a flare gun. The marines in her ship should recognize this signal as a sign of… victory. "Let’s catch up later after we are done putting cuffs around his wrists. My people are coming here."

They were a bit far from the city, under the large hill garden where Viola and Hancock were. This was a grassy place too, with few flowers around the area. Hashirama stood in silence as did Tsunade. She stood over the body of Doflamingo and stared into the eyes of Hashirama, her senses on high alert to look out for any tricks he might try.

"Haah," Hashirama sighed a minute into the stare-down. "I feel angry."

"Good job in controlling it, I didn't notice before you said it." She replied, her hands in her pocket. "Do you remember when was the last time we talked?"

"Maybe." He replied. 

 "Understandable that you forgot. It's been around four months-"

"Three months, twenty-two days, and three hours." He corrected her as her eyes shook a little. "Happy? I've been thinking about you every day."

Tsunade didn't say anything, and he didn't add anything more either. Minutes passed and the sound of battle died down in the city, and a moment later armies of people were running towards them.

"Looks like they're here," Tsunade didn't look away from his eyes even for a split second, her chakra senses were sensitive as to catch any tricks from him.

"They sure are," Hashirama replied with a smile, making her frown.

The armies closed the distance, and the ones leading them, Marianne and Mikita, who were the fastest on their feet, stopped on their feet. Their eyes lingered on the man on the ground for a bit, and then at Tsunade and Hashirama.

"Marianne," Tsunade said while still not looking away from Hashirama. "Put cuffs around Doflamingo's hands."

"...But, Vice Admiral," Marianne said in a questioning tone as Tsunade frowned. "Why waste handcuffs on a dead body?"

"...?!" Tsunade snapped her head to look at Marianne, and then at the body near her feet. Her eyes trembled and rose to her forehead when she saw the scene down.

"I'm not a mastermind, sister. I spent a bit of time organizing a few backup plans in case things went wrong, though I didn't think I'd have to use it like this." Hashirama said. "One of the plans was the Titan you saw. There are a few more, but what you’re seeing right now is the only other one I had to use.”

Thin and sharp branches were coming out of the ground, with a tint of red now due to blood sticking on their bark. Thousands of needle-like branches were coming out of the dead body, like hot needles through tofu.

"Took a considerable amount of chakra to prepare, to spread it through the entire mass of the country," Hashirama added. "So, I didn’t have to use any extra chakra to control it now. Must be why your senses missed their movement."

As Tsunade stared down at the dead body, a sense of satisfaction spread through her body only to be overwhelmed by a greater sense of blunder, and she shivered. 

This was real, it just happened; she had no way to excuse Hashirama's crimes from the Government now. Now he was a dangerous criminal in their eyes.

Because he had done the worst; former or not, he had killed a Celestial Dragon.

Donqixoute Doflamingo was dead.




Master4thWall: Thus concludes the final act of Dressrosa's rescue.

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