In One Piece, as Hashirama Senju

[117] Attitude For What?

Chapter 117: Attitude For What?

Hashirama wasn’t sure how to approach the Uzumaki girl, so he just walked to her when she was walking back into the waiting room through a long hallway.

King Elizabello II and his two goons were being taken to the medic in a stretcher trolley. Hashirama felt a little regret about just letting them go; he wished to make the King spit out secrets like that guy…


Hashirama frowned. Like that guy – who? It took him a second before he realized that Sugar had already turned whomever he was thinking about into a Toy. Hashirama had forgotten that man already… however, it wasn’t a complete erasure, his meta knowledge did come to help.

He could remember what he learned from that person – Explosion Boxing. That knowledge made it easy to pinpoint whomever it was thanks to his cannon knowledge. It was Ideo, the long-armed tribe member.

He still couldn’t remember him from his general memories, what he did in the fight against Marigold and-

Immediately Hashirama’s body recoiled. A thick fog that was apparently clouding his thoughts burst apart. The effects of the Toy-Toy Fruit were crushed into blisters as it ceased to exist in his head. At a moment’s notice, he not only remembered everything about Ideo but also the other members of Block A that he had forgotten about without notice.

“Oh. What an odd feeling.”

Hashirama felt a growth in his… existence? Was that the correct word? He felt whole again, and he somehow knew that would have a lasting effect. It was odd but he somehow knew he was too ‘strong’ for the Toy-Toy’s side-effects to work on him again.

Hashirama stopped thinking about it. It was a good thing, he appreciated it, but he had an immediate problem in front of him. King Elizabello II had already been carried away, and there was no way Hashirama could interrogate him now – plus a feeling, a new feeling, told him that the King wouldn’t break so easily like Ideo. That was his Kingdom’s secret, he would rather die than hand over the martial art.

Hashirama ultimately decided to put the matter on the back of his head. He was going to save Dressrosa, and that’d also help King Elizabello’s kingdom a lot too, so maybe he could just ask the man about the technique afterward. Otherwise, he always had Viola’s mind-reading power to take advantage of.

Instead, he looked down at the girl who had stopped in front of him and had been staring up at his mask for a few seconds. She was a few inches shorter than his 6’2” form, standing at probably 5”11, but that was miles taller than her cannon self. Wearing an outfit that was a bit different than the usual Marines, probably due to the fact that she was participating in this tourney, she stood quite gorgeously.

[Image Here]


She was looking up at him… and it seemed she had recognized him.

“Hashirama Senju. So you did come as Tsunade said.”

“Hey, love. Fancy seeing you here. Sorry, I didn’t recognize you before, so I didn't greet you.”

“I believe that was for the best.”

It wasn’t that his mask betrayed him, but she must have scanned him and noticed his Chakra. Hashirama and she had talked before a few times via Den Den Mushi, but it was merely greetings. Hashirama did try to be friendly, like how he was with Hina, but this girl was even more serious than Hina – she didn’t play along at all.

“What is it that you want?” Marianne asked, crossing her arms. She didn’t seem very happy with him. “If you want me to let Tsunade know about you, I am afraid I can’t as of yet. You have to wait until your match begins. Though I doubt that’s what you’re here from, given you are wearing a mask just to hide your identity.”

“I am not here for her. She will know it’s me anyway, if not in the Block D match then in the finals for sure. I don’t want her to mess with my plans. I am just here to ask for your help… something like help. Two of us will be teaming up in the finals; I was not planning to invite you, but I would rather not hurt you if possible. The choice is up to you, what do you want to do?”

He couldn’t ask her about the Genjutsu if she was giving him this treatment even when they met. What was her issue? She seemed better yesterday when she was out with Tsunade in the town. Anyhow, he doubted she would join his side, but he made the invitation anyway.

“I am not interested. Good luck.”

Unsurprisingly, Marianne rejected his offer and walked away. Making a last-second decision, Hashirama reached out his hand and grabbed her wrist.


“Let me go.”

She snapped, turning her head in his direction to glare at him. That was… a strong reaction. She opened her mouth again when Hashirama didn’t release her, but her lips shut when she felt a wave of chakra rushing into her from his hand.

Hashirama let her go, and his tone said he was disappointed.

“You seemed worried about your Chakra reserves. I filled them for you, and it seems you also have a Seal of the Hundred somewhere in your body. Filled that to the brim too. Good luck with the finals.”

Marianne still frowned, but she looked less offended than before. Hashirama walked off, and Marianne stared at his back – and in the end, she just scoffed.

“I spent all the chakra in the Seal three months ago,” Since then it had only filled halfway. “Yet he filled the rest of it in seconds. Dammit. Why is fate so unfair?”

Marianne bit her lips, stomping on the floor, and then walked off. Rather than feeling indebted to him, she felt her hatred grow. He just took pity on her and tried to prove he is better by doing this, didn’t he? Well, she would show him in the finals – if he even passed – that Chakra wasn’t everything in this world.

She would crush that arrogant bastard, for sure.

Marianne cursed under her breath and walked into the waiting room.

* * *

Hashirama returned to his spot near the window, where three girls awaited him. Beidou looked nervous, while Rebecca and even Marigold – who seemed to have recovered from her earlier mood swing – were trying to help her relax.

“Stop being a bitch, to face adversaries is what makes us stronger.”

Hashirama reached the spot and strongly patted the back of the muscular woman, earlier a glare from her. She ground her teeth and whispered.

“I can’t fight at my full power since I can’t use Hasshoken. If I use it, then they will notice. That would be bad, you realize?”

Hashirama leaned over to whisper in her ears, a bit too close, but she didn’t seem to mind – or maybe she was too nervous to care.

“You know what? I will help you out. Here, take these.” Hashirama put his hand on top of hers, and small multicolored balls dropped from his palm into hers. “You remember those Pop Green things from Boin Archipelago? They are strong, use them when necessary.”

Pop Greens were seeds of a variety of hostile plants found in the Boin Archipelago. They can grow from seeds to full-sized plants in moments, and they are strong and dangerous.

Beidou frowned, shooting him a look. “I can’t take these, they aren’t my personal power. This would be cheating-”

“Don’t be a bimbo. It’s like how I used your sword back then, was that cheating? There is no cheating in battles such as these, this isn’t some honorable duel. Use them, as the first Overlord 0f Senju Grand Fleet I give you permission. We both know it will be hard, but if possible… I do want you to win. Give your best shot, Beidou.”

“I am not a part of your Grand Fleet, you bastard. Wasn’t it supposed to be an alliance?” Beidou said, but she was smiling now. She nudged her elbow on his ribs and cleared her throat. “Fine, then. We will see how it turns out.”

It turns out Beidou had a new long sword. It wasn’t anything special, something she just bought from the market of Fishman Island. Titled the Luxurious Sea Lord, it looked like a literal tall fish – apparently made out of a special fish that somehow was very sharp. Hashirama wondered what else he would see in this odd world.

The Block C participants were soon called forth, as Beidou left after receiving good luck from the three of them.

Seriously, Hashirama doubted she would win. It would be either Don Chinjao or Ulti, but he was still curious to see his muscle-headed friend give it a try.




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