In One Piece, as Hashirama Senju

[115] The Colosseum (3)

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Chapter 115: The Colosseum (3)

Rear-Admiral Marianne Uzumaki was in Block-B, and Hashirama heard the host call for that group. He was kind of curious to see her fight, but he mostly didn't care.

So he roamed around the hallways of the Colosseum, which was surprisingly filled with countless shops, many food vendors and some other shops.

Hashirama stopped in front of an old lady's shop, who was selling kebabs, and spent the next few minutes savoring the flavor.

"Damn, grans. How can you cook kebabs this good? Gosh, my ship's cook needs to learn from you, she knows jack-shit about kebab."

"Hoho, send her anytime. I don't mind teaching her bits."

"Mhmm, maybe I will take you on that."

Hashirama was busy eating, chewing, and gulping as he chattered. Only when he finished eating and went to pay, did he realize his wallet was empty.

"Ha... haha, granny," Hashirama put his wallet back in his pocket, smiling charmingly. "Could I maybe go to the bathroom and return?"

"Boy," the granny was surprisingly agile for an elder, raising her heated tongs near his neck. "Money, now."


Hashirama sighed, feeling quite guilty to dine-and-dash on a granny, just about to slip at the speed of thunder. However, right then, an angel came.

"Granny, how much is it?"

"Ah, Rebecca?! Could this baboon be with you?"

"Not really, but I'm paying anyway. How much is it?"

Hashirama turned to his side, as the granny had already moved her weapon away. He found a beauty, an angel- no, a battle goddess, who wore a golden revealing armor that... couldn't actually be called armor.

He watched her pay, his eyes not really on her face, as he checked out her very open body. She shouldn't blame him, she was practically naked.

With a golden scale armor bikini that covered barely anything, along with a green paludamentum cloak that hung from her shoulders, she also wore a ridged helmet, obscuring her pink hair that was tied in a long braid.

Hashirama naturally found her outfit hot... but also odd. He recognized her of course, but while it made kind of sense back in anime, he couldn't understand why she would be wearing such a thing in real life.

"You must be Ra, correct?"

After paying, she turned to him and asked in a gentle voice. It was curious how she managed that sort of tone after having served so many years in this place.

"That is me, yes. You must be the famed Rebecca, the strongest female Gladiator?"

"Oh. Uh, yes, I am."

Hashirama gave her a smile. She was Viola's niece, the princess of this land.

"Thanks for the food. I, uh, spent all my cash last night on booze. Forgot to refill it this morning. I won't pay it back though, let's count it as the start of a long friendship."

Rebecca gave him a smile, but it felt... weird. "It's fine, you don't have to pay it back. Would you... like some other stuff? There are quite a few other foods you can find here. Even though I can't buy everything, I don't have much money myself."

"Oh, then no, it's fine. Did I waste the last bits of money you had? Maybe I should change my mind about the payback..."

Rebecca waved it off. Soon when she invited him for a stroll, he followed; he could reassure her by telling her about her aunt. She would soon be free.


After walking through the hallway for a bit, under the gaze of the participants, yet away from Beidou and Marigold, Hashirama stopped in front of a statue of a Gladiator.

It was quite impressive, the muscles looked almost real in the white stones, it reminded Hashirama of the statues of Greek Gods back in his world.

He stopped, observing the name. Kyros the Gladiator. There was a story that was stuck under his statue, that he began to read. He knew who this was, and his story too, back from the anime, but this helped confirm that the Toy-Toy Fruit didn't meddle with his mind in any way yet.

Rebecca stopped beside him, pausing as she looked up at the statue too. There was a great hint of respect in her beautiful reddish-pink eyes.

"You like it?" she asked.

"He looks strong. Brave, too."

"He is Kyros. Said to be the undefeated champion of the Colosseum, having won all his battles for ten years. Oddly, there is nobody left in this country who knows even one battle he fought. In fact, nobody knows anything about him. As if he was fake... as if he was never real. Yet nobody believes that he didn't exist, all of Dressrosa believes he existed."

As Rebecca spoke, she gently took off her helmet. Hashirama couldn't help but look, and he was stunned by beauty for the second time in this country. It must run in her family, he thought.

While she was hot with the helmet on, as he had his focus on her body, Rebecca was simply beautiful when she had her helmet off. Gorgeous, even.

[Image Here]



Yet, Hashirama couldn't help but frown. This was odd.

"Kyros sounds like a strong soul. I bet he existed since everyone believes he did. However, I have something else to inquire about. Forgive me for asking this but, what's up with your outfit?"


Rebecca was abruptly made aware of her near-nakedness. She grew shy and hugged her abdomen to cover her belly, as she looked to the side with her cheeks rosy.

"It's... the protocol for all of the local gladiators. The higher you grow in rank, the less weight limit you get for your armors. I know this isn't... practical, but that is the rule. To begin with, gladiators are used for entertainment, and I guess people find it less amusing to see two armors clashing compared to two near-naked people doing the same. Though, yes, women usually get a bit more to cover them, but I am restricted to this much only. It's... the rules."

A rule just for herself? Sounded like bullshit; Doflamingo that bastard must enjoy shaming her like this.

Hashirama sighed lightly, shaking his head. He was growing more irritated at this Doffy fellow, uncharacteristically. There isn't much he could do for her right now, but it will end soon – Doffy will be dealt with.

"I see. A terrible crowd you have, then. Though I noticed already. Sick people who love to see others suffer, the Dressrosa population are unsightly. The cheer outside is pretty annoying, considering they are making those sounds seeing men die. I heard good things about your country, but damn, this is vile."

The words seemed to hurt Rebecca, but not in an offending way. He supposed the word "your country" hit close home since she was the princess of this land, albeit former, and she regretted that her nation had fallen so low.

"I..." Rebecca hesitated. "Dressrosa was not always like this. The Colosseum much more so. In the past... it was fun, and there were no deaths. Now, it's indeed very off putting. Only when a gladiator wins a thousand battles can he free himself, but as you'd expect, one would usually die before their hundredth battle."

"Right," Hashirama said, continuing his walk as she sighed and led him. "I am from Alabasta. If you've heard, that place was once threatened by a Warlord too. I can relate to you more than you realize; this may be what my country would have become if that vile Sir Crocodile wasn't dealt with."

Rebecca blinked, suddenly looking a bit hesitant. She opened her mouth to say something but closed it in the end. Hashirama didn't think much of it and followed her.


"This is the living quarters for the local gladiators. You are a one-time participant, but there are gladiators who live here, such as me. Well, uh, we are technically prisoners. That's why this place's known as The Cell by the general people."

Rebecca gave him a small explanation about where she led him, as he looked around. He understood why people would call it cells, metal rods that confined countless people in each of them.

They stopped near one of the cells, as Rebecca turned to him, looking placid. Hashirama supposed this was where she wanted to bring him, though there were a lot of eyes and ears nearby.

"A sad place. Why did you call me here, Rebecca?"


She trailed off, just when something odd happened.

Hands slipped out of the cell behind him and pulled him by his arms, legs, and throat. Hashirama was a bit surprised; not due to their movement, but instead because he realized what was going on.

He could free himself right away, even though the grips were quite strong, but he held back. He stared at Rebecca, who wore a guilty expression.

"Rebecca! This is your chance! Do it!"

One of the people holding him yelled. That made Rebecca shiver, she closed her eyes and raised her sword. When she opened her eyes, there was a vigor in them that betrayed her hesitation. She didn't want him dead but... she needed it.

"My apologies, Ra. But I need to eliminate as many threats as possible for the finals. You are... dangerous. Your words alone made Boa Marigold win, and then you have that weird power that allowed you to copy Explosion Boxing."

Rebecca said, confirming that she had been spying on him earlier. She didn't know, but Hashirama had noticed from before. He just wasn't expecting her to use that information to decide to eliminate him.

"I shouldn't have stopped before Kyros' Statue, now I feel more guilty for doing this. I don't ask for forgiveness, but please do not blame Dressrosa for this. Farewell."

Was that it? She wanted him eliminated so that he won't be a challenge for him. He hadn't asked what Block she was in, but she must be in Block-D. So if he couldn't participate, it meant her chances of winning were higher.

In truth, Hashirama understood her. He could see why she was doing it, and if he was a Dressrosa resident, he would have applauded. Yet, he was the one that was about to get killed, so he couldn't support her.

He was disappointed that she would feed him just to slaughter him like this. Though he understood her, and would even forgive her thanks to her aunt, he decided to teach her a lesson.

"Rebecca, your aunt send m-"

Hashirama deliberately spoke when it was too late, as the sword slipped through his heart just as Rebecca stopped.

Blood spat out of Hashirama's mouth, and he had to admit it hurt. The blood washed down from under his mask; his shirt was riddled red from that blood and the blood of his heart.

"Wha- did you say aunt?! Aunt Viola?!"

Hashirama chuckled at her question, even as she pulled her sword back. The gladiators behind her let go of him as she quickly held him, sitting down and putting his head on her lap.

"H-hey! Tell me!"

Hashirama coughed, and Rebecca took that as a sign to take off his mask. She stared down in shock at his handsome face. He made an innocent act, looking up at her.

"Viola... sent me... to... save you... I... am sorry... I couldn't save you... looks like there was a misunderstanding... I am sorry..."

Then his eyes lost color and he stopped breathing, and his heart also stopped beating.


Rebecca yelled, confused, horrified, and unsure of what to do. Had she just killed an ally?! Did her aunt prepare someone who would be of help to her, and she just killed him?! Just like that?!

"N-noo! Wake up! You have to wake up! M-mister, please breathe!"

The Gladiators on the cells, who each didn't have a limb or two, bandaged all over their bodies, watched the scene in silence. Hashirama had to admit the scene was quite sad; if he was in Rebecca's shoes, he couldn't imagine the regret he would feel.

Rebecca sat like that, crying, her tears raining down on his face. Half an hour later, as she continued crying, the game on Block-B seemed to come close to its ending based on the Host's announcement.

Rebecca sniffled, wiping her tears and finally taking a deep breath. She looked down at Hashirama's face and spoke.

"I promise... I will find your family and compensate for your death. With all that I have, I will compensate for your death. I will even slave away to them if they so demand."

Slowly, as she promised with closed eyes, she heard a yawn. She blinked, opening her eyes, and she looked down in shock.

Rebecca flinched seeing Hashirama rub his eyes and look at her; he assumed it was good to end this and forgive her now.

"Holding my heartbeat for more than half an hour seems hard. I need to train a bit more on that. Anyway, I will take your words just now as a vow to serve me. Since I am alive – no need to serve my family. Oh, and before you yell, it didn't hurt less than death. My heart was surely punctured, so I am not really scamming you. You're just lucky that I am Immortal, oh but don't tell anyon-"

To his surprise, he couldn't finish his words as the girl cried aloud, her tears a fountain, as she thanked God, pulling his body and hugging him tight.


Hashirama blinked. Was his prank too far?

Sure she was trying to kill him, but he could have avoided her sword and just explained to her normally... now she was crying louder than before. He forgot she was still a little girl at heart, so young. She went through so much at this age, and yet she was making such hard decisions.

Hashirama sighed, realizing there was no point in blaming either himself or her. He hugged her back and patted her head.

"There there, I'm sorry."

* * *

After Rebecca calmed down, he gave her a short explanation about his talk with Viola earlier. She sat on her butt, nodding to each of his words, as did the gladiator people behind her.

"So that's how it is. I am sorry for... attacking you like that. I don't expect you to understand but-"

"It's fine, I get it. I have a princess of my own, and I can see her doing more lethal things than this to strangers if it was to save her kingdom."

This was to save her kingdom, he had to make clear. If he was eliminated, it would increase her chance to get one of the three fruits. Which would help her fight Doflamingo, she thought, and she would be able to free her country.

"So what's the plan now?" asked one of the gladiators, the middle-aged man who was holding Hashirama earlier, he didn't have his right arm.

"Well, I am stronger than Rebecca, and I also have cheat powers. You lots saw it yourself, I survived an attack to the heart. I think I can win this tourney and grab the reward. So D-Block is mine for the win."

"But... um, don't you have a devil fruit already? What are you going to do with the reward?"

Rebecca asked, unsure if winning the match would change anything. Since he won't be able to eat another devil fruit, his power level won't increase. So fighting Doffy after that won't increase his current chance either; it would be better if he rested and fought him later, with full power.

"Yes, yes. So I was saying, how about I give you one of the fruits? You seem to want one. It's up to my choice which of the three I will give though, you can't choose."


Since he made her cry so much, this 15-year-old little girl who somehow had the body of a hot-shot.

"I plan to grab all three of the fruits. Fuck Doflamingo and his rules, right? I will win and grab all three fruits, and then you'll be able to fight him. Good?"

Rebecca didn't say anything. While the gladiators stared widely, Rebecca just jumped at him, catching his unmasked lips with her as she pushed him down, violating his face. That was getting old.

"I swear," she raised her face when she finished. "...I am so embarrassed right now. B-but I swear, if you do as you say and we manage to beat Doflamingo out of this country... I will serve you forever. I swear on my name."

He wasn't really expecting this. He was joking about the serving part earlier, just teasing her, but... His master had said, the more princesses the better, and Hashirama wished to fact-check that saying for himself.




Master4thWall Note: Alternate Title - Is It Wrong to Pick Up Princesses in a Gladiator Colosseum?

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