In One Piece, as Hashirama Senju

[112] Three Devil Fruit Reward

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Chapter 112: Three Devil Fruit Reward


The land of love, passion and toys; that was Dressrosa. Tsunade felt somewhat old seeing so many young couples roaming the streets, but at least the food and alcohol kept her distracted for a while.

After that, she had to sober up when she went to meet the bastard ruling this country. As much as she wanted to bash his head against the floor right then and there, there were some problems.

Firstly, she didn't want to do it without her brother by her side. The desire to have Shira by her side when she would destroy Doffy was more of an emotional one than anything at first, but now it was a necessary one.

There were oddities present here. 

There was King the Wildfire and Charlotte Smoothie here, and while she may be able to take them down one on one, she was not confident in fighting all three of them alone. 

'Why the fuck are they here anyway?'

Were they here to recruit? Or what? In whatever case, Tsunade decided to wait until Hashirama arrived here, or until the end of this tournament, before she would ultimately attack Doflamingo.

However, as she was invited by Doffy, she had to go meet him once before the start of the tournament. So when she did go, she took Boa Hancock with her, whom she had met on her way there. If things went south, at least this woman would be of very help.

Heck, if things truly went south and they had to fight, there was a fairly large chance that she and Hancock would win. 

Luckily, the meeting went smoother than expected. Tsunade did notice some suspicious activities, but perhaps taking Hancock with her was a better decision than she had hoped because her being there caused Doflamingo to not take any chances with Tsunade. Yet.

Doflamingo offered Tsunade a stay in his castle, which she obviously rejected. It was too suspicious, plus he made her skin crawl. As much as she wanted to wipe the floor with his grinning face, she held back and left with Hancock.

Just like Hancock, she was allowed a mansion on the far for herself and her subordinates. Before parting ways with Hancock, she thanked her and asked her about Hashirama.

"Erm… well, it's uh…"

Boa Hancock, the proud woman whom Tsunade held respect towards, grew very flustered due to the question.

It was a very odd sight that confused Tsunade. In the end, Tsunade moved on from the subject, assuming that her new friend was just shy about the fact that she couldn't be helpful to her.

Whatever the case, Tsunade was sure Hashirama would come. The front page of the newspaper was printed with the line that she would be attending this festival. The news was only that big because she, a marine vice admiral, would be here as a guest on a mostly pirate-filled event.

Even if Hashirama was in the calm belts, he should have received a copy of the newspapers. So even if he wasn't here yet, he should be on his way.

If Tsunade could say one thing for sure, it was that her brother wouldn't let her be in the face of danger.

Soon she would know, she was absolutely right.

* * *

The land of love, passion and toys; that was Dressrosa. Hashirama hadn't paid attention to the last detail before, but when he was returning to the abode of the Kuja Pirates, to meet with his crew one last time, he paid attention to them.

After talking to Viola, he realized he remembered the people who had turned into toys, due to his meta-knowledge. He was fairly sure if one of his friends got turned, he would forget about them, but his meta knowledge should provide an odd "gap" in his head that he would notice. At least he hoped he would.

The happy-go-to people of this country, along with the equally "happy" toys that accompanied them, were a disturbing sight now after his talk with Viola.

All of those toys were people, and they knew they were people. He noticed a toy in the shape of a man accompanying a middle-aged couple. Reading the faces of the toys was impossible of course, but he felt a strange adoring gaze as the toy looked at the woman, and that gaze turned into anger when he looked at the man.

That toy must have been the woman's husband if Hashirama had to guess. She got with that new man after her husband was turned into a toy.

"How eerie. And irritating"

Hashirama honestly felt mad now. Until now, taking down Doflamingo was a goal he got from his sister, he had not much emotional relation to this. But now he really wanted to bash Doffy's head against the floor.

Suddenly, while walking, Hashirama heard something that made him shiver. His anger vanished momentarily as he felt chills run down his spine.

A toy was explaining something to a bunch of new arrivals.

"The women of this country are so passionate about romantic trifles… that if they are cheated on by their lovers, they would stab him out of jealousy. Ah, the more beautiful a woman is, the more prone she is to do this."


Hashirama suddenly regretted being so kind and loving towards Viola. 

'She wouldn'tright?'

Goddammit, he has to be careful when Viola sees him around his women.

* * *


Hashirama jumped into the second story of the mansion where Kuja Pirates were staying and landed in the room where he had sensed his crew gathered.

The nervous and annoyed girls snapped their heads in his direction. Their nervousness faded immediately, and their annoyance turned into anger when they saw the countless kissing marks on his shirt and face.

Vivi’s hands twitched as she held back from attacking, while Hashirama cleared his throat, standing proud.

“Stop looking at me like that. I was pulled into a mess by a spy woman, she works for Doflamingo, and she tried to get me to her bed. As you can see, however, I have survived the conflict, fought my urges to push her down, and came victorious in the end. Sadly, I did receive some wounds in our battle, these kiss marks are simply that. Gosh, I am so reliable…”

Not cheating is the basic duty of a man, y’know? Crazy how you brag about it.”

Mikita snapped at him from the side, throwing a packet of biscuits at his head that she had been eating. He caught it before it could hit him, even though it was very fast, and began to munch on it.

“Hey, learn to appreciate when a man is changing. Damn, where are my claps? How harsh.”

Vivi threw her sandals at him, but this time he didn’t catch it, he dodged it and then shook his head in sadness. The girls were sitting on the bed, playing Ludo; Nami gave him a gentle wave from the back, while Robin gave him a proud thumbs up – surprisingly.

Okay, maybe it wasn't that surprising. He would give himself the credit for holding back for the past month. He could bend over Hancock any day of the week they spent together, but he didn't do it, and even when he was traveling with the Kujas for a few days, he hadn't laid his hands on any females. 

Okay, fine. He did touch a few, but there was no intercourse. It's all good. He was honestly proud of his loyalty, and from the looks of it, even Robin was too.

Clearing her throat, Robin began to talk. “Anyhow girls, no more throwing. Hashirama, we were waiting for you all night, you should have sent a message to notify us that you won’t return. But regardless, that’s not important right now. The tournament is going to begin soon, and I heard the registration will close down soon. You should hurry.”

“Oh shit,” Hashirama flinched. “I need to leave then. Uh, girls, go and watch from the audience I guess. Vivi, where is my sword?”

Hashirama had left his sword to the girls, of course. Otherwise, if he had the sword on his back, Beidou would have recognized it a lot earlier. As for his wooden mask with a dragon’s face carved into it, he had it stuck to the side of his head.

As Vivi got up from the bed, running somewhere to retrieve the sword, Hashirama grabbed his mask and put it on his face. It stuck tightly on his face with the help of Chakra, so there was no need for any string. The chakra was small enough that his sister wouldn’t notice if she scanned for it.

“Here you go!”

Vivi returned just then, throwing the sword at him. Hashirama caught it mid-air, putting it on his back, and then turned towards the window again.

“See you girls. Be careful, Doflamingo’s guys might try anything, don’t mind killing them if things turn violent.”

He yelled and then jumped, emerald wings swirling out of his back, around the sword, as he took off into the air.

The girls yelled some stuff saying that he should have given Hancock a visit, but he was too late to turn around as he left.

* * *

It was a good idea for Hashirama to have not visited Hancock, as she would have wasted five minutes at least, and that would have made him too late to register, and therefore unable to enter the tournament. He was just in time.

Inside the Corrida Colosseum, about half an hour after Hashirama had registered, the event was truly starting. Thousands of people were gathered in the audience seats inside Dressrosa's colosseum, yelling towards the arena down below. 

The arena was still empty for now, and the host wearing golden armor was making a speech.

“Welcome, everyone!”

His crackly voice boomed across the entire colosseum, earning a loud cheer from all the gatherers. On one side of the Colosseum, there was a tower-like structure, within which the top guests were resting.

There were five extravagant chairs, all of the same size, that were placed one after another. There were small tables kept at small tables resting at the front of the hairs, filled with fruits, food, and all kinds of snacks.

The middle chair was occupied by the man himself, Doflamingo, while on his left were King the Wildfire and Charlotte Smoothie. The chairs on his right side were occupied by Boa Hancock and Tsunade Senju, with Tsunade’s seat at the furthest.

A subordinate was behind every seat, standing, and watching the scene on the ground, starting with Doffy who had Trebol behind him. King had Page-One, while Smoothie had Charlotte Amande. Hancock had Sandersonia, and finally Tsunade had Kujaku behind her.

They watched the host speak to the whole crowd, hyping up the event that was about to begin.

"As you can see, I have three platforms by my side!" The host said, pointing his hand at the veiled tables by his side. "As some of you may already know, we have three devil fruits today. These would be the reward of the Top-3 contestants, but none of the fruits are tied to a number. The winner can simply choose which fruit he wants, and then the first runner up, while the 2nd runner up would end up with the remaining fruit."

He waved his hand, and the three half-naked women standing beside the three tables yanked the red veil away, revealing their exotic fruits. The crowd cheers, seeing the fruits that were green, white-gray, and orange in color.

"On the left, we have a paramecia…! It's the Turquoise-Turquoise Fruit, allowing the user to turn their bodies into the turquoise material!"

Tsunade nodded to herself. That was a pretty basic fruit but with potential. It could probably rival Whitebeard Pirates' Commander, Diamond Jozu.

"In the middle, we have something huge. It's a Logia, the Resin Resin Fruit! For those who don't know, resin is a natural substance that is secreted by trees. The resin in trees can be found in the form of a sticky liquid or even solid!"

That was interesting. Tsunade noticed she wasn't the only one who thought that, as Charlotte Smoothie shifted in her seat for a moment. Yes, from what Tsunade knew, that fruit had a very similar application to the Commander of Big Mom Pirates, Charlotte Katakuri.

That must be why Smoothie let her brother, Charlotte Daifuku into the tournament to claim the fruit.

However, the one that Tsunade had an eye out for, and everyone else in the Colosseum, was the last fruit. If the 2nd fruit was a Logia, what must be the last one?

"Now, lastly!" The host hyped. "This orange fruit you see, filled with intricate details, and spikes shaped like tails, is a Mythical Zoan! Have you ever heard of the legend of the Nine-Tailed Fox? Lo and behold, this is the Mythical Zoan, Dog-Dog Fruit; Model: Nine-Tailed Demon Fox!"

The air seemed to explode as the crowd cheered louder than ever, and even King the Wildfire looked interested in it. He for sure was interested in it, as he had put one of his subordinates into this game to claim that fruit.

Tsunade sent Marianne there for that exact fruit, feeling some sort of odd desire for it, while Hancock had sent Marigold. In fact, Doflamingo had sent Diamante, Senor Pink, Dellinger, Lao G, and Machvise as "defenders" playing from the Colosseum's side.

As the host cheered too, continuing the explanation, the clock ticked and the game slowly approached its start.




Author’s Note: Sorry, going through some exams right now, that’s why updates are slow.

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