In One Piece, as Hashirama Senju

[109] Tonight the Music… (1)

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Chapter 109: Tonight the Music… (1)

Most people wouldn't recognize who this stray Supreme King was, as he was very new in this whole pirate business. Viola wasn't like most people, she recognized him right away.

Due to being a member of the Donqixoute Family, as much as she hated it, she had come to know a lot about Tsunade Senju and her brother. As they were Doffy's latest targets, of the many he had hunted down in the three decades of his criminal life.

Viola hadn't paid much attention to these two at first. They weren't any more special than Doffy's older enemies. He had dealt with people beyond the 500 million beri bounty in the past, compared to them this didn't feel that much interesting to Viola.

That was until she got to know more.

Turned out, Tsunade was an old enemy. Older than before Dressrosa fell. She had managed to flee from Doflamingo once, which was a feat on its own, and now she was a Vice Admiral. Admittedly, she had achieved a lot.

On the other hand, Hashirama Senju was even more special. His life started by being plundered by the Donquixote Pirates, and he'd have died even before being born if he wasn't lucky that day. Doflamingo should be his greatest enemy, one he must take down. Though other than that, Viola had not much idea about his power level.

In her mind, Tsunade Senju was the stronger of the two siblings. She was stronger than most Vice Admirals, as she had killed Vergo - someone whom Viola personally was scared shitless. So obviously, Viola assumed this woman was stronger than her little brother.

In fact, when she heard Doffy speak about the possibility that Hashirama Senju may come to Dressrosa too, after hearing about his sister, she got a little pissed.

"He would be a distraction," was her first thought back then.

Viola didn't plan anything, but she hoped that the inevitable fight between Soddy and Tsunade would end in the girl's win. Even if, as it was right now, that would not be worth anything, since the All-Star King of all people was backing up Doflamingo.

In short, Viola had a wisp of hope when she heard about Tsunade. She had hoped in a fight between her and Doffy, maybe he would lose. Then, the hope was shattered as fast as it formed, when King the Wildfire came to Dressrosa along with a bunch of his subordinates, two of which stood out.

Like always, Viola's hopes were damped. On that note, becoming hopeful again was admittedly stupid. Based on the old cases, her hope never weighed on anything.

Yet, she felt hopeful once more.


A wave of "Haki" that she had seen used by only Doflamingo before, crashed over the little thief as he fell to his face.

Viola could only stare at the scene with her lips parted, quivering.

The Color of the Supreme King.

The power that made her shiver every time she saw it being used; this time it filled her with hope.

Looking back, didn't she read in the news that this boy defeated Sir Crocodile? That man was a Warlord of the Sea, just like Doflamingo. She wasn't foolish enough to think they were on the same level, but it had been three years — and Hashirama was now an adult unlike before.


Even as she muttered, she swiftly moved through the crowd, following the moving group of Hashirama.

"Perhaps he can do a miracle."

If he could defeat Doflamingo, there was a chance that his sister could defeat King the Wildfire. In that case… perhaps this entire country would finally be free.

Moving through the crowd like water, Viola was thankful that she hadn't notified Doffy about Hashirama the moment she saw him. Now, she just had to convince him to help her.

* * *

Of course, Hashirama had no idea he was the last hope of some former princess. He was casually strolling the crowd, sticking around the girls for the most part, unless something distracted him – an interesting shop for example. He soon caught up with them though.

The girls were having fun, eating so much that he was sure it'd cause problems the next day. But it's fine because they won't be participating in the tournament.

Hashirama himself wasn't interested in the tournament at first, but he reckoned it would be a good fighting experience, so he was going to participate. In a place like this, filled with strong pirates, fighting would be worth months of training if they could push his limits.

He didn't plan to use his wood powers, as he would be wearing a mask while fighting. He didn't want his sister to recognize him and interrupt him during the tournament, after all. He could meet her later.

Speaking of her…

"Tsunade, we should leave for the palace already. I was notified that Boa Hancock is waiting for us."

"Hey~ lemme finish eating at least."

With her rich blonde hair scattering in the air, and the purple diamond mark on her head reflecting the sunlight, Hashirama would recognize her from miles away. Tsunade was out with some redhead bitch, popping juicy meatballs in her mouth and having fun. 

Tsunade was roaming the city, just like Hashirama, and luckily he was the first one to spot her as he quickly grabbed a mask from a nearby shop and put it on his face.

Out of coincidence, it was a wooden mask with the face of a dragon carved in. It was suitable for him, and he guessed this would do for tomorrow's tournament too.

His sudden movement seemed to catch his older sister's attention, as she shifted and looked around, just 20 meters away from him. For a moment, their eyes locked, until she looked away back at her food.

Hashirama quickly left the vicinity. He… really wanted to rush to her and land a heavy punch on her chin, and then hug her. However, their meeting would cause a big fight, he was sure, and he wasn't willing to do that before the tournament.

Sighing to himself, he moved along the crowd. Suddenly feeling a lot less energetic, he waited until sunset to find a bar.

* * *

The girls were curious why he was wearing a mask, and Vivi was concerned about why he was suddenly so silent.

After calming them down, he sent them off to the lounge of the Kuja Pirates. Guests had their own place to stay in the Royal Palace, but Hancock clearly hadn't agreed to that, thanks to the Kuja's special no-men circumstances. So they were allowed to live in a small mansion on the outskirts of the city, far from the royal palace.

That's where Hashirama sent the girls off to, telling them he would join them later at night.

When they were gone, vanishing into the sunset, he roamed the city for a bit longer until he found a bar. He didn't want to be gloomy and drink inside the bar, even as it was filled with people, so he just grabbed a large bottle of vodka and left the bar.

He walked out of the bar while pouring a secret juice from his finger to increase the alcohol in the dose. Otherwise, he would be better off drinking water.

As he finished pouring it, putting the cap back on, and gently shaking the bottle, he paused. A gentle melody entered his ears.

"Huh? This song's in this world too?"

Hashirama poured a mouthful down his throat, walking towards the music's source.

Walking for less than a minute, he found himself in front of what seemed like a party house. There were guards guarding it, yet a large crowd was gathered in front of it. But the majority of them weren't there to enter the building it seemed, they were instead there to observe the woman dancing in front of the house, on a platform.

And a woman she was, making Hashirama momentarily pause in time.

"...Holy shit. Goddamn."

People may call him out for being caught off guard too often by beautiful women, but those people could go fuck themselves. This woman was actually stunning. 

Wearing a sleeveless fuchsia dress, the hot woman danced round and around. Her curvy body curved further as she made a show, her large breasts swaying in the air as she did. The hottest of these all were her face, her golden eyes, and her slicked-up hair, with two roses plucked in her ears.

Midway through a spin, the woman took out one of the roses and put it on her lips.

Hashirama suddenly wanted to put something thicker on those pouty lips, as she spinned, even as the slow saxophone play of the legendary [Careless Whisper] flowed out of the house behind her, ironically playing the chorus "I am never gonna dance again".

‘Goddam, those lips.’

With his eyes locked on her plump lips, Hashirama poured more vodka into his mouth. She suddenly stopped spinning, biting down on the rose, her dress swaying around due to the sudden stop, as she closed her eyes and paused.

"Whoo! She's going to choose someone to dance with!"

Someone from the crowd yelled, causing Hashirama to perk one ear up. Fishing the bottle quickly, he threw it to the floor, causing a sound, causing everyone to turn to him, as the girl too opened her eyes, her eyes locking on his small smirk.

Her golden eyes locked on his face; her lips that held the flower gently curled up.

Naturally, the crowd didn't see him act very nicely. A few of the bigger guys growled as Hashirama continued locking eyes with the girl, yet ready to knock out any of these guys.

For a moment, the girl looked at the guys around him, as if gesturing him to put on a show, asking him if he was worth choosing, as he grinned. Just when Hashirama was about to get physical, he heard a call.



Turning, Hashirama found someone very unexpected. It was a woman, dressed very daringly, in a sports bra under an open shirt, standing at a tall and imposing height.

"Mid Mom?"

What a stroke of good faith! It was his pirate friend, Beidou. He knew good deeds were repaid with good deeds, karma must be real. As his roadman friend gave him a frown upon hearing the nickname, he grinned.

"I told you-"

"Take care of them for me."

Hashirama said and dodged a punch from one of the guys, gently avoiding it and dancing towards the platform where the hot piece was waiting for him.

The woman looked a little impressed at him for casually dodging the attack, and also putting the fighting on the shoulder of someone who he met unexpectedly.

"I can't let some dudes distract me from a beauty," jumping over the fence, he entered the platform and grabbed the girl by her waist, pulling her closer. "Would you mind a dance?"

"Wise choice."

With the rose between her lips, the woman smiled further. Her voice too was so seductive. 

Even as the crowd behind them grew busy and loud, the hottie grabbed him by his hand and gently danced away towards the door behind them, pushing him through, and entering the party house.




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