In Naruto as Ten Tail

Chapter 44: Hashirama’s sufferings

"Let's go back," Hashirama's words were succinct as he and Tobirama left the battlefield behind, employing the Flying Thunder God jutsu for their swift return to their village.

Observing Tsukimi's mastery of the technique had a profound impact on Tobirama.

Eager to match his brother's skill, he began his training in the technique sooner than initially planned.

The determination to excel and contribute to the safety of their village drove him to work diligently on mastering this formidable jutsu.

Hashirama appeared inside the village and saw the state of the village. Soon, he deflated as he thought of how much paperwork he has to go through due to Madara's rampage.

While he was cursing, he felt an immersive amount of killing intent lock onto him, causing him to jump and enter a fighting mode.

On guard, he looked at his brother, who gazed back at him with eyes full of pity and condolences.

This caused Hashirama to shake as if lightning had struck his mind.

He turned around mechanically, only to see a figure of a beautiful woman looking back at him with emotionless eyes.

Her usually bun-tied hair danced menacingly in the air as the aura around her manifested in the shape of a traditional demon.

This resulted in Hashirama letting out a yelp as he shrieked, "oni," realizing what he had done.

He hastily covered his mouth with both of his hands, turned to his brother with a plea in his eyes - a plea for his life.

Tobirama saw his brother looking at him and also felt a glare on his back, while the aura around them also grew stronger after the unfortunate words left Hashirama's mouth.

To escape impending doom, he ignored his brother's plea and swiftly flashed away with Flying Thunder God, leaving behind a tense and ominous atmosphere.

Hashirama, his expression a mix of betrayal and dread, thought that all his efforts to dote on his brother had gone to waste.

However, his reverie was abruptly shattered by a menacing voice, which sent a shiver down his spine.

"Oni, huh!~~" the voice taunted.

"First, you leave me there alone on the battlefield while you chased after that bastard of yours, and you had the gall to call me oni.

Hashirama, I am fine with being a widow today. Madara couldn't do it, so let me do it. It's not like I'll miss that finger dick of yours."

The voice, filled with venomous anger, left Hashirama both horrified and chastened as he faced the consequences of his thoughtless words.

As the woman advanced, her voice devoid of emotion and her menacing aura growing stronger, Hashirama realized the gravity of the situation

. In a desperate attempt to salvage his predicament, he cast aside all his pride and knelt before her.

"M-Mercy!" Hashirama implored, his expression contorted into a pitiable, puppy-like look.

It was a far cry from the confident demeanor he usually exuded, but he had no choice.

Even the mention of his size, a blow to his pride, couldn't deter him from begging for his life.

With Hashirama's plea falling on deaf ears, Mito's adamantine chains swiftly ensnared him.

He could only gulp audibly as he was carried away by her, a sense of dread settling in.

Mito took him to the Senju clan's home in silence, her actions speaking louder than any words she could have uttered.

The following day, a shocking rumor began to circulate through the village - a voice, eerily similar to that of their First Hokage, had been heard howling like a dog in agony throughout the night.

As the days passed, Tobirama took on the role of Hokage in his brother's absence, filling the leadership void left by Hashirama's mysterious and humiliating ordeal.

The village continued to buzz with whispered speculations, and the incident became a topic of hushed conversations among the villagers, leaving them both baffled and curious.


Hope this message finds you riding high on the adventure rollercoaster that is [Your Work]. I’m Odayaka, the word-weaving wizard behind the tales you love! 🧙✨


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