In Naruto as Ten Tail

Chapter 41 : The Time has arrived.

"Did you visit our village? How was it?" Hashirama's curiosity flowed forth in a series of questions, his eagerness to know about my visit evident in his tone.

As he fired off inquiries one after another, a new presence entered the room, capturing my attention.

It was the same individual I had sensed earlier. The identity of the newcomer wasn't a mystery; it was Madara Uchiha, a name that held significance in this era.

Madara's initial astonishment at seeing me was palpable, his reaction swift but quickly concealed.

As he regained his composure, his expression turned to one of suspicion and inquiry, directed at Hashirama.

The unspoken question hung in the air, silently inquiring if Hashirama had anything to do with my unexpected presence.

"Madara, you came. This is Akihiko-niisan, the one who trained me.

He visited the Senju clan during the war and was passing by," Hashirama explained to Madara, introducing me to him.

Madara acknowledged Hashirama's words with a nod, his gaze shifting to me.

With a tone that carried both formality, arrogance and recognition, he introduced himself,

"I am Uchiha Madara."

"Uchiha Madara, I am Akihiko. Nice to meet you," I responded with a nod, acknowledging his introduction.

As Madara approached Hashirama and handed him some documents, I sensed an air of tension in the room.

It seemed like the documents carried some weighty matters.

Deciding to take my leave, I addressed both Hashirama and Madara, "Well, you guys talk. I just came to say hi. I got to go. You guys enjoy your work. Bye bye."

With a final wave, I activated my teleportation ability and disappeared from their presence, heading back to my own realm.

"Sigh! Always leaving like that."

Hashirama sighed at the antics of his Akihiko - nii-san.

Returning to my own realm, I found that the others had already gathered as I had instructed.

Sharing the souvenirs I had brought with me, I distributed the food among them, and I also gifted two hairpins to the girls I had brought along.

The design of the hairpins had caught my eye, and I thought they suited Kokuo and Matatabi perfectly.

One was a long black pin adorned with a cross pattern, while the other was a delicate white pin featuring a small flower at the end.

The black hairpin was intended for Kokuo, and the white one was meant for Matatabi.

The hairpins looked lovely on their hair, and I couldn't help but smile as they put them on.

It's heartwarming to hear that they appreciated the hairpins and planned to wear them for special occasions.

As for my visit to Hashirama, I shared the amusing tidbit with the girls while we were in the bath.

While I washed their hair, I mentioned that I had stopped by to see Hashirama during my journey back, and he was buried under heaps of paperwork.

They found the information amusing and likely could imagine the scene quite well.

"Madara Uchiha, the leader of the Uchiha clan, was also there. He seems to have accepted their condition. He will be the one to attack the village soon with Kurama's clone,"

I relayed to my companions. Their expressions turned puzzled, understandably questioning why Madara would initiate an attack if he had seemingly accepted the merger.

"He is a man who wants peace through struggle, but Hashirama wants peace through compromise,"

I continued, offering an explanation for their confusion.

As they absorbed my words, understanding began to dawn in their eyes. It was clear that they were comprehending the underlying dynamics at play.

We entered the hot spring as they lean against me and we closed our eyes and enjoy the bath.

I Extended my arms behind them and pinched their boobs on each side "umm" they moan and their eyes turn hungry as if asking for more and I complied as I kissed them while my hands slid down and entered their pussy which was wet already.

As the night progressed, our desires overcame our self-restraint, and we surrendered to the passionate desires that had been building between us.

The passing days seemed to envelop us in a sense of leisure and ease, leading us to spend a significant amount of our time within the comfort of our home.

As the years slipped away, a span of three years quietly elapsed, marking the passage of time spent in each other's company. And on one of those days, we found ourselves engaged in a game of Monopoly, a simple yet enjoyable way to spend time together.

Ah, Monopoly!

"Where did the game come from?" you ask.

I actually created it using my power to create all sorts of things.

I also shared the details of my previous life with them because I didn't really have a reason to hide it.

I mean, I don't intend to manipulate them; they're my family and have every right to know.

Surprisingly, they accepted it quite easily, probably because the world they live in is already filled with so many bizarre things.

It's remarkable how well the girls and the others accepted my past as a human, even though humans are generally disliked in their world.

Over the years, as conflicts and wars raged on, their disdain for humanity seemed justified, given the atrocities humans committed: maiming, raping, and killing their own kind for the sake of a small piece of land.

The harsh realities of war only solidified their opinions.

It seems their weariness with humanity is deeply rooted in the cycle of violence and the impermanence of peace.

They desire peace, yet they recognize that without a strong and unwavering ruler, it's likely that conflicts will arise again, returning them to a state of turmoil and unrest.

The need for consistent leadership and a lasting solution weighs heavily on their minds.

Today marks an important day as Madara is guiding Kurama's clone under Genjutsu toward the village.

"Is everyone ready?"

I inquire, receiving nods of affirmation from my companions.

Wrapping them in my tails, I initiate teleportation, whisking us away to a distant mountain.

From this vantage point, we observe a monumental nine-tailed beast engaged in a fierce battle against a wooden structure, symbolizing its immense power and destructive potential.

The gravity of the situation hangs in the air as we witness Madara's plan unfolding before us.

"Once Kurama is sealed, we will make our move," I declare with conviction, knowing that the time for action is drawing near.

Shielded by my seal, our presence remains concealed from prying eyes and ears.

My senses pick up the presence of Black Zetsu lurking nearby, hidden beneath the earth's surface, observing the unfolding events from a distance.

The tension in the air is palpable as we await the decisive moment.


Hope this message finds you riding high on the adventure rollercoaster that is [Your Work]. I’m Odayaka, the word-weaving wizard behind the tales you love! 🧙✨


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