In Marvel as Dante

Chapter 143

Chapter 144

Lauren's POV

I made my way toward the common area, knife dancing in-between fingers. My body was still adapting to the Seed of Gluttony, and my dexterity was not what it once was, but I understood that the setback was necessary. It would lay the foundation of my new strength.

It'd been only a few short weeks, but the Seed was already doing wonders. It wouldn't really come alive until I claimed my first life, but every act of consumption granted it more power.

The common area was packed with children playing soldiers, chatting excitedly about their future lives and missions.

Some of them actually deluded themselves into thinking they were saving the world. I scoffed. They couldn't save anyone. They were already dead. In fact, this entire universe was. It was all forfeit when the higher beings that watch this realm let Shin the Avaricious through during a Multiversal bleed.

I settled down opposite Garrett, who sat alone, hunched down, shoveling his cereal. He was getting transported today.

"You're acting like they're tossing you in some prison instead of a fancy witness protection program."

"Our mutual friend told me that I'm going to the Raft, not some uppity protection compound in off-state New York. I'd rather take a 6x6 cell in Pelican Bay," he said with a loud crunch of his cereal.

"That's good news, isn't it?" I asked, leaning forward. "Saves us the trouble of breaking into the prison in the first place. I hear the Juggernaut and Graviton are down there."

"I wouldn't have minded taking a load off before the hard work starts," he said, rubbing his neck.

I rolled my eyes. "Tell me how you nearly became a crime boss again?"

"A mean left hook and constantly getting underestimated."

I flashed him a knowing smile, to which he frowned. "You're suffering from your own success really. You play the role of idiot a bit too well."

"I'm not that good a bullshitter," he said. "That psychic bitch and her boyfriend should've seen through me. That seed you gave me must've finally done something. I was getting sick of shoveling food in my mouth.” Garret pushed his plate aside.

"Everything worthwhile takes time," I said. "You know that. Your seed might start out small but in time it will you the strength to crush—"

"Mountains," he completed with a dismissive wave. "I remember the pitch."

"Don't tell me you have doubts?"

"I'm still eating, aren't I?" he said, folding his arms. "I saw the visions; I signed on. I'm seeing this shit through to the end."

"Good," I nodded and leaned in even closer. "I had to check in before you left."

Despite giving him an ample view of my breasts, Garret's eyes did not wander. The master had tasked me to prod him for more weaknesses, but Garret was a wall. I'd drawn him in with the promise of power like any other hopeful, but past that, I didn't really understand what made him tick.

He was prideful but self-aware, cautious when the situation demanded it, and not so angry that he let it affect his actions.

"How goes it with the pipsqueak?" he asked, nodding toward Amando. The boss wanted him more then anybody I've recruited so far.

'His mutation was the key,' he said.

Hell, if I knew what it meant, but I knew better than to question the boss's motives. Curiosity like that could get you killed.

"I already have an in," I said with a razor smile. "His dead girlfriend. He'll sign up to save her?"

"Could he actually, do it? Bring her back from the dead?"

"The boss? He's a God. I can't imagine there's not much he can't accomplish."

"That's not an answer," he pointed out.

I rose to my feet. "Eat your cereal," I said. "I'll see you on the other side big man."

He grumbled something about me being a condescending bitch as I left, and he was probably right.


Dante's POV

My second target for recruitment was somebody unenhanced but formidable nonetheless.

She had the most strategic potential out of all of my hopeful recruits. The problem was she was fiercely loyal to her employer.

I needed to change that.

I looked up from the magazine I was flipping through at a local convenience store when she walked in. I was wearing a pair of sunglasses that hid my eyes, and I wore my magic mask as usual. Today, I was a blonde with high cheekbones and a low stubble.

I flashed her a smile, which she completely ignored. She went about her business, picking up basic toiletries, groceries, and, strangely, a tub of ice cream while I hung back, flipping through my magazine, but I could tell she was watching me.

She cut through an aisle, vanishing from view before sneaking up behind me, holding a knife to my liver.

"Move an inch and I'll leave you bleeding on the floor," she said.

"Woah, woah," I said, pretending to shiver the slightest bit. "Take it easy. Smiling at a pretty lady is not a crime."

"Dante?" she whispered, immediately lowering the knife. I spun around on the spot, flashing her a smile.

I watched in amusement as Natasha quickly put two-and-two together. With my identity blown, I couldn't go anywhere public with my real face, and she'd already seen my face-changing mask in action once.

"You could've called or visited me at the office."

"But what would be the fun in that," I said, restocking the magazine I was formerly reading. I plucked a business one with Emma Frost, of all people, in front. She just announced she'd be pitching in to repair the damage done alongside Tony Stark and a few billionaires.

Interesting. I flipped open the magazine and dove into the first article.

"Do you need something?" she asked, with some irritation.

"I'm here to concede on our bet," I said matter-of-factly. "With the shit going on, I don't see myself making time to become a coding savant. Far more into blacksmithing."

"So you did make that armor that you've been wearing," Natasha said. "We just assumed it was the sorcerers."

"You could've asked me if you really wanted to know," I said with a shrug, turning another page.

"Perhaps another time," she said. "If that's everything I think I'm going to leave. And don't follow me. It won't end well for you."

"Get your mind out of the gutter, Nat," I said. "I came here to fulfil the terms of the bet. Don't you want to know about your sister?"

Natasha froze, and I finally looked up from my magazine. "I've found her. Or her base at the very least."

"How?" she asked in a shaky voice. It was the most unsettled I'd ever seen her.

"Research and patience," I shrugged but then added. "I saw visions of a Widow some time back and tracked her down. She told me all about the Red room, and your code name, Black Widow. Certainly fits with that attitude of yours."

She pulled me out of earshot deeper into the store, and I let her.

"That's impossible," she said. "I destroyed the Redroom. All the widows are gone."

"That's obviously not true," I said with a raised, 'confused' brow. "And I don't know what game you're playing by denying it. It literally took me half a day to find and subdue the Widow. She wasn't particularly discrete."

Natasha's eyes glazed over as she digested the information and put the pieces together. There was no way SHIELD didn't know that the Widows and Dreykov were still operational. Fury was keeping things from her.

She couldn't trust him.

"Anyways… I'll he happy to give you the location, but I want to come along."


"Because they're bound to have good tech, obviously," I frowned in confusion. "Once I handle the Hulk mission, I'll be wide open. You know how to reach me."

I tucked the magazine under my arms and started making my way to the Cash register when Natasha spoke.

"You didn't have to help me, why did you?"

I spun around and gave her a confused look.

"I made you a promise, Natasha. I'm obviously going to keep it."

My words stumped her even more. Although I wasn't obviously telling her everything, she knew I was serious about saving her sister.

Natasha thought I was a bit of a dick, but she knew how much I cared about the people in my life, from vouching for Rin to saving Jean and rescuing the mutants. I've not outright betrayed anyone yet, but she's also seen how brutal I could be in combat.

I was a dangerous man with mysterious powers and unclear motives.

She could never let her guard down around me.

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