In Harry Potter with OTS System

CHAPTER 35 – Recruitment?

I already said this in The Novel's Extra's Extra, but well, as not everybody here read that one, I'm clarifying here too. No, the novel isn't dropped xD, sorry about my disappearance, I got sick from that thing that's going around the world and well, it hit hard. But here I am! Safe, and recuperating, but already good enough to keep writing and doing my normal things. Also, thank you all for reading!

After my chat with Dumbledore, I went back to my common room and then directly into my room, I had a lot to think about. Not only Dumbledore knew, but also those other three students, Andrew, Merula, and Ben if I remember their names.

“What’s more, they saw Elaine, which isn’t precisely a normal magic creature from this place.” I muttered before opening my status window.

[User: Logan D. Taylor

Vocation: Sorcerer

Magic Level: 47

Magic Stage: 2

Status: Healthy

Familiars: 0

Points: 630pts



Inventory (Size limit: 830oz/23.53kg)]

{Mm… My ML is currently 47. It isn’t that far from 66, and there’s still some time until this year ends. I guess my next target should be getting 55 as soon as possible. At that time, I should get one of my strongest spells, no, it should be two of my strongest spells, or is it three? I’ll be able to use Blink from the Arcanist vocation, and well, maybe four if I take into account the Tactician too, that I’ll probably have by then.}

At ML55, I’ll acquire some of my stronger spells right now, including Rage of the Sky from the Sorcerer, Blink from the Arcanist, and Wrath of Nature from the Druid. Also, whatever skill I may have with the Tactician.

“Mm… The thing is. What can I do right now to haste my power increase?” I rubbed my chin while thinking.

I pondered for a bit until something finally came to my mind.

“Right! How could I forget! There’s a freaking basilisk living in this place. There’s no way I won’t get a lot of points from that thing. And what’s more. Maybe I can tame it!” I muttered to myself, before asking the System if it was possible.

[No. It isn’t.]

“But then how I’ll be able to have a familiar? I thought that by summoning some creature, but you denied it. And I’ve had Muninn for a while now, and still, he doesn’t appear as a familiar. That leaves taming. But you’re telling me I can’t tame the basilisk, so?”

[Think about it for a moment. You’re talking about taming a basilisk. Not any basilisk you found in the woods or that you hatched from an egg. You’re talking about Slytherin’s basilisk.]

“Oh, right…”

[And that’s not all. You forgot a small but really important detail. You’re not a parselmouth, and the basilisk can literally kill you with its eyes. Not even taking into account the fatal venom to which you have no antidote. Anything else?]

“No. Thanks, I already understood it.”

[Oh, and if you thought about summoning a serpent to control it through parseltongue, forget it. Maybe if you were the one to hatch the egg, but not the thing that’s sleeping under the castle.]

*tch.* Fine! That leaves me killing that thing. I’ll go see what I found about it.” I rolled my eyes while walking out of my room.

Today, my friends aren’t in the common room, so I guess they’re either in their rooms, in the Great Hall, or the library, maybe somewhere else. I thought about going to the library at first, but that would imply that I have to look for the books myself, but then I remembered that I could simply go to the RoR and ask for any book that had information on the Basilisk, which would make things easier.

With that thought in mind, I quickly made my way to the Room of Requirements, where I asked for books with information about the basilisk.

Once inside, I found some books, not as many as I thought, but still more than a few. Starting to read through them, I found history about the basilisks, Herpo the Foul, Dark Wizards and Witches that hatched basilisk, and a few more interesting facts about that giant snake.

Reading through a few of those books, I found something a way to easily kill it. Two in fact, but it was better to use one of them.

“So… Do I just need to summon a rooster? That’s easier. And here I was, thinking about how the hell takes its eyes off. I just have to summon some freaking chicken and that’s it!”

[Didn’t watch the movie?]

“Dude. Would you believe it if someone told you that one of the most dangerous monsters in existence can be killed by some rooster’s crow? That’s insane. And yes. I remember they said it was fatal for it, but… I just thought it was something like the thing would run away like a little worm from it, not having a seizure or some stroke.”

[Well, they do run away from it.]

“Oh well, that leaves me just two things to do.” I nodded. “One. I go in there with the help of a summoned snake, and two, summon roosters to kill the thing.”

[Don’t forget to go blindfolded.]

“That’s what worries me. What if that thing is somewhere in there and because I’m going blind, I don’t see it? That would be stupid.”



[Nothing. You just never stop amazing me.]

“I’ll let go of the slight sarcasm in that message. Either way. I’ll guess I’ll just summon a creature to go in first and check every corner. If it dies, I’ll know that thing is around.”

[You tried hard on that one.]

“Shut up. Utevo Res Rooster” I incanted, and right in front of me, what is probably the biggest rooster appears.


It was a meter-tall rooster, it was almost like having a freaking child-sized bird.

“If this is a rooster. I already want to see the freaking snake I’ll be able to summon.” I smirked to myself. “Okay, look. I need you to close your eyes and keep them closed until I say you can open them. Understood?”

“Coo.” The rooster nodded and closed its eyes.

“Perfect. That way you won’t die before the freaking basilisk is dead.”

“Coo…” The rooster nodded again, before tilting its head.

“Now. To be sure. Sing.”


“Perfect. This is an easy mission! How the hell did I forget about that thing.” I rubbed my chin.

[You’re not exactly the smartest guy in here. If it wasn’t for your innate curiosity, your unique abilities, and the fact that you have a slight knowledge about this world, I wouldn’t even know how the hell you would be sorted into Ravenclaw.]

“Thanks for your support. I appreciate it.” I rolled my eyes. “Now, I just have to find the goddamn bathroom. I’ll guess I just have to look for Myrtle. If I remember correctly, it should be the second floor’s lavatory, if not, I’ll just have to ask.”

[Are you going right now?]

“Are you insane? In the middle of the day? What if someone sees me?”

[Yeah, because that has stopped you so many times before.]

“This is different. I’ll be summoning a freaking snake inside the castle, and from experience, I’m not expecting anything small.”


“Oh well, I’ll just go to see what the guys are doing. I’m not really in the mood to practice anything.”


After walking out of the RoR and checking no one saw me, I used my find person spell to look for William, after all, the chances of him being with Rogers were quite high.

The spell led me towards the library, where I actually found both William, Roger, and Lyra, but they weren’t the only ones in there.

“Hello, Logan!” Tulip, who was there too, greeted me.

“Oh, hello Tulip. Guys. How are you all?”

“I’m fine, I thought you were hiding in your room.” William answered first.

“Yeah, man. We didn’t see you in the common room.” Roger also nodded.

“Where were you?” Lyra tilted her head. “I didn’t find you in the Great Hall either, and when I got here, I only found William and the idiot.”

“Hey! I heard that!”

“Of course, you did.” Lyra rolled her eyes at Roger.

“Haha, I was just talking to Professor Dumbledore, I had something to ask, then went to my room.” I shrugged.

“Oh, what did you talk about-” Lyra tried to speak but was interrupted.

“Hey, Logan. Do you have a moment?” Tulip asked with a smile, making Lyra frown.

“Mm? I guess I have, why?” I answered. {Why do I have the feeling that it has something to do with those three?} I thought to myself after answering.

“Great! Follow me then!” She said with a smile.

“Sure.” I shrugged and then turned to the others. “Wait for me here guys, I’ll come back.”

“Hump!” Lyra crossed her arms and averted her eyes.

“Sure, I still have some homework to do.” William said while giving an awkward glance at Lyra.

“Take your time, Logan!” Roger said with a smirk, before whispering to don’t let Tulip hear. “You already have her crazy for you.

After walking out of the library, Tulip started to speak.

“So, well, I have some friends that want to talk to you. I was looking for you around the castle, seeing that you weren’t in the common room. Gladly I found you soon.” She smiled.

“Yeah, I was quite busy.” I shrugged.

“Doing what? You’re just in first-year. It’s not like you have a lot of things to do.” She smirked.

“You would be surprised, actually.” I rolled my eyes. “So, who are these friends you talked about?”

“Oh, right! My friends! Well, do you remember this guy that I talked about? The one that actually solved the curses in the castle the previous years?”

“Mm? Yeah, why?”

“He’s the one that asked me to look for you. He told me he has something to talk to you about.”

“Really?” I lifted my eyebrow. “Do you know what he wants to talk about?”

“Not really.” She shrugged. “He didn’t tell me when I asked, still, he’s not a bad guy, so don’t worry. His name is Andrew Nolan, by the way.”

“Noted.” I nodded.

“Well, here we are!” She said while pointing to the classroom of DADA.

“Defense against the Dark Arts classroom? Why here?”

“Well, we actually use this room a lot, whenever it is empty. Some days we even have classes with a friend of ours that was a student the year before, Bill Weasley. I think he has brothers in your year.”

“Really? Haven’t heard about the guy. Either way, should I just go in?”

“Yes, come on.” She smiled while opening the door.

In there, I could actually see four students. Rowan Khanna, Merula Snyde, Ben Copper, and Andrew Nolan. They were talking about something before they noticed us.

“Oh, hi Tulip!” Andrew and Rowan stood up to greet her, while Merula only frowned at me, the same as Ben.

“Hey, Andrew! Here I brought him. Logan D. Taylor.”

“Logan D. Taylor? What’s that? It sounds funny.” Merula smirked at me.

“Mm? You think so? I quite like it.” Tulip said while rubbing her chin.

“See. That’s having a great taste in names. Merula.”

“If you say so.” She rolled her eyes.

“Do you know her?” Tulip asked me with a confused face.

“Oh well, let’s say we’re acquaintances.” I shrugged. “We met shortly this week.”

“Really?” Tulip asked Merula.

Merula only snorted while averting her eyes.

“Come on, guys. Be calm.” Andrew intervened. “Thanks for bringing him, Tulip. But, well, I would like it if you could leave for a moment.”

“Um…” She looked a little reluctant, glancing at my side.

“It’s okay, don’t feel forced to stay here because of me.”  I shrugged.

“Okay. I’ll be waiting in the library then.” She nodded and went out after saying goodbye to the others.

“So, what was it that you three, or well, four want to talk to me about?” I sat on one of the chairs while looking at them. “Also, I’ll take a guess and say that you already told her. Right?”

“She was there last night…” Andrew started to speak, but was quickly interrupted.

“Yes. I also w-wanted to t-thank you for saving me back there in the Forbidden Forest.”

“…” I nodded at her. “Sure, it was no problem, really. Also, does anyone here knows how to conjure an anti-hearing charm?” I asked.

“Yeah, I can.” Andrew nodded, and understanding what I meant, he started to conjure some charms, locking the door, making it impossible to hear from the outside, and a few more. “Done.”

“Nice. I’ll add those to my least of spells to learn.” I looked at the door, thinking about the number of charms that I could be practicing to increase my ML and that would also be handy.

“Well, turning back to the main topic.” Andrew spoke.

“Which we haven’t talked about.” I nodded at him.

“Argh. Can you just stop interrupting?” Merula said.

“Sure, go ahead.” I shrugged.

“Well, as I was about to say, we thought about what happened last night.” Andrew said seriously. “And as you said to Dumbledore… If it wasn’t for you, one of us would be dead, probably everyone would be dead…”

“…” I just looked at him, not sure about what he was talking about.

“Also, we discovered that there was no way for us to actually fight R… It’s not only Rakepick but R. An entire secret organization, which we know basically nothing.”

“Okay…” I frowned, knowing less and less about what he was talking about.

“So…” Andrew said, pausing for a moment, but before he could speak, Ben stood up.

“We thought, well, I thought I was ready to fight her and whatever Dark Witch and Wizard stood in front of me…” He said before looking down. “But that almost cost me my life. You were right. I shouldn’t pick up fights with Dark Wizards if I’m not strong enough.”

“Okay, at this point I should say that I’m not understanding anything.” I tilted my head.

“Argh! These guys.” Merula then walked to the front. “We want to create our own secret organization and train enough so we can be prepared to face R whenever they appear!”

“Okay. That’s easier to understand.” I nodded. “But I still don’t know what the hell do I have to do with any of this.”

“Y-You… You’re strong, right!?” Merula said, stuttering at first. “You defeated Rakepick easily, something we couldn’t do anything about.”

“Well, stop right there.” I put my hand up. “I might have defeated her, but it was mostly a surprise attack, and most of it was out of anger. The fight would be harder if she knew I was coming.”

“But still! You won.” Ben said.

*sigh…* Right.” I rolled my eyes. “But that doesn’t explain why I’m here.”

“We…” Rowan spoke. “We want you to train us. To help us become stronger.”

“Oh…” I nodded. “No. Thank you.” I shook my head.

“Why!?” Merula asked.

“I won’t be training anyone. I have a lot of things to do myself. And that doesn’t include training four guys that wanted to play the secret organization.” I furrowed my brows.

“But!” Ben tried to intervene, but I stopped him with my hand.

“No. I really don’t want to do that. *sigh…* Look, I know you want to become stronger. But that’s not something that you will be able to do with me. You would be better sparring among yourselves, learning new spells, and testing new ways to use them. I won’t of any help.”

“You know how to fight.” Andrew said. “You can teach us a thing or two.”

“No. Look, whatever you’re thinking about doing, I don’t want to-” I was about to deny them and leave the place, but a message appeared in front of me.

[A new quest has been generated! Access your quest interface!]

“Wait a moment.” I made a thinking face, rubbing my chin, while I accessed my quest’s interface.


New quests!

- A new organization shall be born! Help the students of Hogwarts build a new organization so they can defend themselves and the castle against ‘R’. (Chain Quest. You can reject the quest.)]

{Chain quest? That’s new. System, what’s that?}

[To make it short. As its name implies, a chain quest is a special type of quest that constantly generates new quests depending on the situation. It’s a long type of quest that can also link to another Chain Quest, or have multiple hidden quests apart from the normal quests.]

{A jackpot, then?}

[A jackpot.]

“So…” I nodded at them. “Let me see if I understand this. You want to create a secret organization. And want me to teach you how to fight?” I sounded as uninterested as I could.

“We already told you!” Merula growled at me.

“Merula, calm down.” Andrew awkwardly smiled at his friend's temper, before looking at me. “Yes, kind of. We’re still planning what we want to do, but for now, we just want to be stronger, and we could use your help for that.”

“It would be only you four?” I lifted my eyebrow.

“No. We’re planning to invite some other students. But don’t worry. We won’t reveal your secret to anyone.”

“Mm? About me killing Rakepick?”

“Yes.” Andrew nodded.

“Okay. I’ll accept.” I said sternly. “But with one condition.”

“What condition?” Ben asked.

“I will teach you how to fight. But not charms or curses. I don’t know that many actually.” I shrugged. “Though, if I can I’ll see if I can actually teach you a thing or two.”

“Then, I guess you’re in?” Andrew smiled.


[Congratulations! You’ve accepted the Chain Quest ‘A new organization shall be born!’, from now on, new quests will be generated under this Chain Quest, remember to always look for possible hidden quests and other linked quests!]

{Jackpot indeed.} I thought while looking at the new message that just appeared.

“Perfect!” Rowan said.

“Now we’ll be ready for when R decides to attack.” Ben also nodded while clenching his fist.

“So, we’re five co-founders?” Andrew smiled.

“Don’t count me in as a founder. At most as a founding member. But not a founder. I’ll just be teaching you how to fight.” I shrugged.

“Don’t be shy.” Merula smirked. “You’re a founding member.”

“Whatever. I’ll leave. Look for me whenever you have sorted things out.” I said before leaving the place.

On my way to the library, I started to think about what was going to come.

{Okay, this changes things a little bit. First, I’ll take care of the basilisk tonight. Then, I’ll have to see what I can get from that Chain Quest, probably I’ll get points from training them, but I wonder if teaching them new spells will help me win more points.}

I rubbed my chin while thinking about it. While I’ll not be able to teach them spells from my vocations, not yet at least, I’ll be able to teach them charms and how to master them.

{Meaning. I’ll also have to work on the number of charms I know. That way, I’ll be able to teach them more, and win more points from that. Okay. I’ll start to learn new charms and curses tomorrow, I know I said I wouldn’t teach them those things, but points are points.}

With that thought, I went back to the library, where I would talk a little with my friends before the night arrives.

“Tonight. The myth of the monster in the Chamber of Secrets will become just that, a myth.” I smiled to myself while muttering.

[Such a lame joke.]

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