Impure World Reincarnation

Chapter 6: Between the Pillars!

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"Not... not..."

Under the overwhelming pressure by the Hashirama, Third Hokage involuntarily took a step back, cold sweat streaming down his face.

"I didn't mean that."

Third Hokage hastily explained, still holding great respect for the First Generation in his heart. His earlier actions were merely driven by the fear of Orochimaru escaping.

"I understand your intention."

Hashirama's tone was indifferent, he glanced at Orochimaru who was watching the show next to him, and said coldly: "As long as we are still in this ninja world, no one can escape from my grasp!"


In an instant, Third Hokage and Orochimaru both took a deep breath.

That was quite a domineering statement!

Third Hokage had never heard the First Hokage speak like that before. He had always thought of him as humble, but now it seemed that his demeanor had changed significantly after his death.

As for Orochimaru, he was reconstructing an image of the First Hokage in his mind.

The myths and legends were all lies!

Was the First Hokage really this intimidating?

Orochimaru felt like he had summoned a super villain...

"Release the seal."

Hashirama stared at Orochimaru with his dark eyes, and there was an undoubted command in his tone.


Orochimaru immediately complied, refraining from any further reckless actions.

Orochimaru looked towards the four people of Otogakure, and his eyes fell on Kidomaru.

"Release the barrier!"

Orochimaru felt quite uneasy. This plan to destroy Konoha had become extremely passive due to a small mistake.


The four members of Team Otogakure responded simultaneously, ceasing their chakra manipulation.

In an instant, the Four Crimson Flames Formation surrounding the rooftop disappeared.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

As the seal was released, ANBU ninja flickered into existence behind Third Hokage.

Two of them supported Third Hokage.

The leader of the ANBU in white stood beside Third Hokage, using his body to separate Hashirama.

Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish!

At the same time, the four members of Team Otogakure appeared around Orochimaru, forming a protective stance around him.

"No need to be so tense."

Hashirama's gaze swept across the four ANBU ninjas and Otogakure.

From his perspective now, these individuals were like children playing with water guns.

There was simply no threat!

"If I wanted to kill them, they wouldn't be alive now."

Hashirama said in an understatement. From the tone of his voice, it sounded like he had said something very easy and simple.


Such words sent shivers down everyone's spine, making them feel extremely uneasy.

It's important to note that among those protected individuals, one was the highest-ranking Hokage, and the other possessed the strength of a Kage and held the title of Sannin.

If he wanted them dead...

You would die.

Such words wouldn't startle lower-ranked ninja, but for these two, it weighed heavily on their hearts.

The ninja world hadn't seen such a formidable presence in a long time!

"Third Hokage, lead the way."

Hashirama ignored the surprise of these people, and even ignored the ongoing war around him.

The situation here has nothing to do with him.

Right now, the most important thing for him is to retrieve the cells of Hashirama as much as possible and restore his own body.

Although the Impure World Reincarnation is known as the technique of immortality, no one would enjoy having a body without a heartbeat or warmth.


Only being alive can put his mind at ease. If he remains in the state of Impure World Reincarnation indefinitely, he fears he might lose himself one day!


Third Hokage nodded in agreement, gesturing towards the direction of the Hokage's office with his hand, indicating the general direction, then said, "Follow me."

Immediately after.

Third Hokage leaped up suddenly and dashed towards the direction of the Hokage's office, with ANBU ninja closely following by his side.

On the other side.

Orochimaru conscientiously followed, while the four members of Team Taka faithfully guarded him.

Hashirama followed last.


Hashirama was not accompanied by a guard, but by a cute little elf who was flapping his wings and blinking his big eyes.

The little creature was still stunned just now.

It hadn't expected to have mistakenly bound the chubby otaku.

He didn't look like this in the coffin.

The moment he stepped out of the coffin, his entire aura changed!


"It seems there's a demon in everyone's heart after all!"

"Weakness is their cage!"

"When they break free from the bonds of weakness and possess terrifying power."

"The demon will sing the bloody hymn and descend upon the world!"

The little creature didn't know why it had such sentences in its head. Perhaps when it was struck by lightning, a part of the system core seemed to be missing.

As an intelligent system far superior to ordinary systems...

The little creature gradually accepted the reality of becoming a loser!

A few minutes later.

The secret storage room beneath the Hokage's office.

Several people walked in one after another.

These people belonged to two different factions, but they were all awed by the power of Hashirama Senju.

Third Hokage led the way at the front.

He was the only one who truly understood what was happening here.

They continued until they reached the end of the secret chamber.

Sanda opened a hidden stone door, revealing a refrigerated safe inside.

This scene struck fear into everyone's hearts except Orochimaru's. What they witnessed could be considered one of Konoha's deepest secrets.

Standing before the safe, Third Hokage performed a series of complex maneuvers before finally opening it.


With a rusty sound, a layer of white mist emanated from inside, followed by rows of glass test tubes coming into view.

Inside these tubes was green liquid.

There were dozens of such test tubes, all containing cells of Hashirama.


The little creature Yin-Yin's eyes lit up suddenly, flapping its wings and flying over. It keenly sensed the vitality contained within the test tubes.


"These are all cells between the Hashirama!"

"Hurry, absorb them!"

Yin-Yin urged eagerly. It couldn't wait any longer. For some reason, it had a very special feeling.

It seemed...

After the host absorbed this energy, the system would also experience a certain degree of recovery.

"I understand."

The Hashirama responded to Yin-Yin in his mind, his gaze fixed on the test tubes without wavering.

These test tubes gave him an unprecedented sense of familiarity.

This feeling was inexplicable.

As if they were a part of his body.

At this moment...

Under the trembling gaze of everyone present.

The Hashirama stepped forward, walking all the way to the safe. He reached out his hand, full of cracks, towards the test tube containing the green liquid.

(End of this chapter)

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