Impure World Reincarnation

Chapter 19: Shuriken from Eight Hundred Miles Away!

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In the Land of Fire, within the village of Konoha, the matter of the First Hokage, Hashirama Senju, emerging from the reanimation jutsu did not spread widely. In fact, very few were aware of it. The Third Hokage convened several meetings in succession. Eventually, it was decided to remain silent and observe, as they didn't fully understand the reanimation jutsu and its potential time constraints.

If they were to overreact, by the time they acted, the reanimation jutsu might have already been dispelled, and Hashirama Senju would not have reappeared. That would have been embarrassing! It was precisely due to this strategy that the Third Hokage issued a strict order of silence to everyone who had witnessed Hashirama at that time. Each person remained tight-lipped, never bringing up the matter again, pretending ignorance.

After the battle between the Hidden Leaf Village and the Hidden Sand Village, a ceasefire agreement was quickly renegotiated. The reason was simple: the body of the Fourth Kazekage was found! Suddenly, both the Leaf and the Sand villages understood that this was a scheme orchestrated by Orochimaru. All the blame fell on Orochimaru.

As time passed, Orochimaru and his group drew closer to their northern base. Kabuto's injuries had significantly improved, thanks to his expertise in medical ninjutsu. After continuous consumption of soldier pills to replenish chakra, his body gradually regained enough strength to not rely on Orochimaru's support.

Once Kabuto could walk freely, he immediately kept a subtle distance from Orochimaru. But Orochimaru was too observant! He noticed the change and it vexed him terribly!

Hours later, as the setting sun painted the sky in hues of red and orange, Orochimaru and his entourage arrived at the edge of a cliff overlooking tumultuous seas, marking the northernmost border of the Land of Fire.

"That's the northern base ahead," Orochimaru pointed towards a hidden structure nestled amidst the mountains. The design of the base was cunning; without specifically looking towards the cliff's edge, one couldn't spot it.

"Lord First Hokage," Orochimaru began, "there are some things I must address beforehand. The northern base serves as my laboratory for human experimentation. Aside from developing Hashirama's cells, we've also conducted experiments on cursed seals. There are numerous experimental subjects scattered within. I hope you won't be offended."

Orochimaru didn't bother to restrain the human subjects of his cursed seal experiments; they were expendable, often either killing each other or falling prey to his experiments. Furthermore, these subjects scattered throughout the corridors of the northern base also served as a defensive measure, eliminating intruders.

"I understand," Hashirama nodded, offering no further comment. He had seen such scenarios in anime, but witnessing it firsthand invoked a different feeling. Moreover, the cursed seal technique wasn't much of a secret to him; it was just another form of Sage Mode, albeit more akin to a mountain hermit. It didn't scare him or pose a threat.

"Let's proceed," Orochimaru flashed ahead, leaping down the cliffside with chakra emanating from his feet, walking vertically down the sheer cliff. Kabuto followed suit, mirroring Orochimaru's movements effortlessly.

Watching the two navigate the cliff with such ease, Hashirama suddenly remembered: ninja all undergo basic training. He, however, hadn't undergone water-walking or tree-climbing training; everything came from his maxed-out talent points.

Absolutely, let's expand upon it:

Give it a go! Let's hope this endeavor doesn't derail into chaos!

Emulating the fluid motions of Orochimaru and Kabuto, Hashirama boldly leaped off the precipice, skillfully manipulating his chakra to adhere to the cliff's face and descend gracefully.

In an instant, Hashirama found himself firmly planted on the sheer surface, effortlessly traversing without the slightest hint of instability. It was as though he was born to navigate such terrain flawlessly, a testament to his unparalleled mastery.

This was the epitome of being maxed out! Hashirama swiftly caught up with Orochimaru and Kabuto, his movements seamless and assured.

Neither Orochimaru nor Kabuto expressed surprise at Hashirama's feat, considering it a basic skill for any seasoned ninja.

Before long, the trio reached the Northern Stronghold. Spread out before them was a sprawling expanse, the building ahead bearing numerous weathered markings.

These markings, reminiscent of claw and sword imprints, spoke volumes of the perilous nature of this place. In modern times, it would undoubtedly serve as a captivating location for outdoor exploration, drawing in scores of eager spectators.

At that precise moment, as if orchestrated by fate, a rusted shuriken hurtled towards Hashirama from the tumultuous sea below.

The sight elicited gasps of disbelief from Orochimaru and Kabuto, their eyes widening in shock. Who in their right mind would dare to launch such a brazen ambush against the legendary First Hokage?

Though their keen senses detected no intruders, the arrival of the shuriken left them feeling unnerved, a testament to the gravity of the situation.

Orochimaru and Kabuto exchanged puzzled glances, silently questioning the identity of the assailant and the motive behind the audacious attack.

To execute such a precise and calculated assault without detection spoke volumes of the assailant's formidable prowess.

But even as confusion lingered, Hashirama remained composed, effortlessly snatching the incoming shuriken with a casual flick of his hand, thereby completing the mission objective.

Mission accomplished, and reward secured!

Hashirama couldn't help but feel dissatisfied with the rather unorthodox method of reward distribution, but alas, there was little room for complaint.

"Lord First," Orochimaru began, his complexion visibly pale with trepidation, "Allow me to clarify..."

However, before Orochimaru could elaborate, Hashirama interjected with a calm assurance, "It wasn't you."

He understood Orochimaru's concerns all too well. The shuriken was undoubtedly the handiwork of the Ying Ying, and Orochimaru was merely a bystander in this intricate game of shadows.

"It wasn't you," Hashirama repeated, his tone reassuring as he sought to alleviate Orochimaru's apprehensions.

"Do you have any inkling as to who might be behind this?" Orochimaru inquired, his serpent-like gaze narrowed inquisitively, yearning for answers amidst the swirling uncertainties.

"Hmm..." Hashirama mused thoughtfully, his mind racing through the labyrinth of possibilities before settling on a plausible scapegoat.

"In a world where only one person possesses the audacity to hurl a shuriken at me from eight hundred miles away..."

(End of Chapter)

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