Immovable Mage

Arc 01 Character Glossary

New Named Characters

Terry: human man, our protagonist, major aspect impairment

Samuel: human man, Instructor at Arcana Academy focusing on spellwork research, former Guildhead and famed dungeon expert, Terry’s accepted Uncle

Brynn: human woman, Instructor at Arcana Academy focusing on mana crafting and constructs, Terry’s accepted Aunt

Pelliana: human woman, Instructor at Arcana Academy, Terry’s former mentor

Ser: human man, Instructor at Arcana Academy

Isille: dwarven woman, Guardian instructor specializing in bounty hunting and dual short spears, external mana control impairment, Terry’s accepted mother

Bjorln: dwarven man, Guardian instructor specializing in medicine and unarmed combat, fire- and ice-aspected, Terry’s accepted father

Olgorn: deceased, dwarven man, fire-aspected, brother of Bjorln, accepted brother of Samuel

Florine (Lori): dwarven woman, earth-aspected, Terry’s accepted sister

Jorgen (Jorg): dwarven man, slight external mana control impairment, Terry’s accepted brother

Sigille (The Divine Hammer): dwarven woman, Guardian, external mana control impairment, sister of Isille

Emaldine: dwarven woman, external mana control impairment, daughter of Sigille

Matteo: human man, possessed by elementals, accepted son of Sigille

Ben: human man, Guardian

Leah: human woman, Guardian

Calam: elven man, force-aspected, Terry’s first Guardian companion

Nassim: human man, light-aspected, Guardian candidate whom Terry and Calam rejected as a companion

Siling: elven woman, mage proper gifted in the spirit aspect and focusing on soul spiritualism, Terry’s third Guardian companion

Alrik: dwarven man, mage proper, Lori’s first Guardian companion

Elena: human woman, blood-aspected, Lori’s second Guardian companion

Gellath: dwarven man, water-aspected, Jorg’s Guardian companion

Miguel: dwarven man, coldfire-aspected, archer, Jorg’s Guardian companion

Khaled: human man, Guardian instructor specializing on mana cursed

Verecund: human man, Guardian instructor specializing on dungeon work

Mirabilia (Mira): human woman, Guardian instructor, friend and former Guardian companion of Isille

Mercedes: human woman, researcher that studies mana cursed

Kimutai: human man, manaless engineer

Tiana: human woman, external mana control impairment, specializing in switching weapons according to the situation, Terry’s third Guardian companion

Daiyu: elven woman, Guardian, Siling’s mother

Chadwick: human man, lightning-aspected, Arcanian soldier, Tiana’s brother

Tamar: human woman, Guardian

Dwayne: human man, Guardian

Javier: Guardian

Roy: elven man, Guildhead, dimensional mage

Mia: elven woman, Guildhead, dimensional mage

William: Guildhead

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