Immortal of the Ages

Chapter 756: Milk World?

"Huh, the smell of make-up?" Yun Xiao sniffed the air, but detected nothing. His nose was nowhere as keen as that of the little black beast.

"I still need to get the Six Paths Heaven Heart…"

His body double Moon Fairy was near the Soul Refining Cauldron at this very moment. With the gates to the Six Paths of Reincarnation in chaos, it was the perfect time to slip in unnoticed.

"What could the Six-Eyed Pandemonium be planning by taking my senior sister to the Grand Assembly of Myriad Sects at the Heavenly Deity Stellar River?"

Yun Xiao actually preferred his true self to chase after the Grand Assembly of Myriad Sects.

Now, possessing the Immortal Asylum and considerable resources, Moon Fairy could embark on the journey without him.

With such a body double, Yun Xiao hoped to maximize the benefits.

If not for the War Princess' unreliability, Yun Xiao would have considered assigning her out.


Despite her imposing stature, the War Princess was still a young girl at heart. Seeing the starry tunnel for the first time with Yun Xiao, her crimson eyes sparkled with fascination at the bizarre changes around them.

Her slender fingers gripped Yun Xiao's hand tightly, never letting go.

"You know, I hate to admit it. But maybe you really are starting to grow on me," Yun Xiao said amidst the twinkling stars, suddenly gazing into her eyes.

"Stop it, you're just lustful and possessive," the War Princess retorted with a huff, her cheeks tinged with red.

Yun Xiao resided in her heart; he could feel her heartbeat, her emotions—none were hidden from him.

"Everything about you is soft, except for your stubborn mouth," Yun Xiao chuckled.

"Well, you've never grown on me! You're all bad habits—greedy, and volatile," the War Princess declared.

"Is that so?" Yun Xiao didn't deny it; he accepted his imperfections and faults. Without another word, he simply led her through the endless stars, toward their final destination.

"It feels like we've broken through a barrier."

"Indeed," Blue Star nodded from Yun Xiao's robe.

"Do you know what sort of barrier it is?"

"It's a peculiar one, likely one set up by you in your past life. No wonder the Great Dao Celestial Realm is so secluded," Blue Star remarked.

"Are you saying that the entire Great Dao Celestial Realm is just a tomb set up by the Creator Immortal?" Yun Xiao was astounded.

"It appears that way," Blue Star said earnestly. "Two Dao Sources and the Immortal Asylum here are no coincidence."

"Why does it seem like you never know anything?" Yun Xiao said, exasperated.

"I'm literally a coffin that's degraded to this!" Blue Star retorted with a string of curses.

"Alright then!" Yun Xiao had just come to understand; after so much turmoil, he had finally emerged from the tomb set by the Creator Immortal.

This was actually a good thing. It meant he had laid enough groundwork to finally step out from the safety designated by the Creator Immortal, leaping into the broader expanse of heaven and earth, free to grow!

"Not bad, the fledgling leaves the nest," Blue Star remarked with a click of the tongue.

"The other nests are in for it now!" Red Moon cackled.

"Let's devour the grass at our own nest first!" Blue Star said with a sinister grin, looking at the War Princess.

"That's half a body double of our bro, reserved only for consoling himself." Red Moon laughed too.

"Both of you hurry up and die." Yun Xiao grabbed their necks and shoved them deep into his embrace.

BUZZ! As he spoke, at the end of the starry tunnel before them, a dazzling light suddenly appeared.

Yun Xiao knew that after surpassing that unknown barrier, the end was finally in sight!

"Six Paths of Reincarnation, here I come!"

Youthful spirit surging, he pulled along the taller Yin Devil girl, charged with vigor, and plunged into the light.

BOOM! As the light swirled, the War Princess screamed, and Yun Xiao instinctively held her.

Due to the height difference, though he held her waist, his face had to bear the brunt of her considerable elasticity, sinking into it somewhat.

In her panic, she also inadvertently wrapped her arms around Yun Xiao's head.

CRASH! THUD! Lacking the elegance of others' teleportations, Yun Xiao and the War Princess were literally flung out, bumping several times along the way.

If not for the buffering, they would have been a mess.

BOOM! Finally, he burst forth from the starry tunnel, all pressures of the body suddenly lifted.

Yun Xiao had been thoroughly emptied by Cao Shuo before departure. So, as pleasant as the experience just now was, he didn't make any moves. After realizing the journey was over, the two quickly separated.

"That was scary..." The War Princess' chest rose and fell like ocean waves, panting for breath, taking a moment to collect herself while straightening her clothes and casting a reproachful glance at Yun Xiao.

"Are you alright?" Yun Xiao asked casually, turning to look behind him where a shimmering spatial rift was slowly fading away. They could no longer return to the Great Dao Celestial Realm through this pathway.

The way home was cut off—a piece of bad news.

"I'm fine," the War Princess realized the gravity of their situation and asked, "Didn’t you say when Moon Fairy reached the Six Paths of Reincarnation, the ground below him was made out of formations powered by Celestial Sourcecores?"

"Yes, that’s right." Yun Xiao was puzzled as well.

Behind them lay an endless expanse of stark, hollow blackness, a stark contrast to the star-filled sky of the Great Dao Celestial Realm, where countless celestial bodies were embedded like jewels in the sky's canvas.

Here, in this pitch-black void, there were no boundaries, no walls—just endless darkness.

Yet there was light. The light came from another direction.

Yun Xiao and the War Princess turned towards it.


Their young faces were immediately illuminated by the light.

Yun Xiao felt as if he was seeing the Great Dao Celestial Realm for the first time all over again, equally awestruck by its vastness and grandeur.

This time, the awe was magnified a thousandfold.

Fortunately, he had already witnessed the Six Paths of Reincarnation; otherwise, it would take a long time to digest this sight.

"It’s too beautiful," the War Princess murmured, seeing such splendor for the first time.

Her lips parted slightly, her long, serpent-like tongue coiled inside, glistening, barely visible.

This Yin Devil’s tongue, stretching a good six inches out of her mouth and another two when unfurled, was a rare sight indeed, unique to Yun Xiao’s company.

"This Celestial Sourcecore is 1,000 times the size of the Celestial Court!" Yun Xiao, overwhelmed by its vastness, made his estimate.

This was a world almost as vast as the Six Paths of Reincarnation itself, although the latter was a Sourcecore Sanctuary and this was a pure Celestial Sourcecore!

The Six Paths of Reincarnation, shaped like a rectangular coffin, was about four times the size of the world before them.

It was indeed beautiful!

Before them floated a pink and white Celestial Sourcecore, with waves of the same hues swirling about it. It resembled a crystal ball filled with misty stardust—dazzling, utterly breathtaking.

Compared to it, the Great Dao Celestial Realm seemed as rudimentary as a mere stone.

But the problem was—

"Where's my Six Paths of Reincarnation? How did I end up here?" Yun Xiao lifted up the little black beast.

"I have no idea!" Blue Star retorted, wide-eyed.

"Why do you always have no idea?!" Yun Xiao asked, exasperated.

Blue Star didn't reply, but Red Moon excitedly interjected. "I know! It smells wonderful, so fragrant, this is a milk world! Brother, let's go in, our haven awaits!"

Yun Xiao paused. He sniffed the air; the pink and white world indeed carried a fresh, natural fragrance... It was truly extraordinary!

A whole world, sweet and fragrant like a chunk of milk?

"It does smell nice, but what place is this exactly?" the War Princess curiously asked.

"Let's go down and see," Yun Xiao took a deep breath.

Although he had left the Great Dao Celestial Realm, his expression was not optimistic, troubled by thoughts of his senior sister.

But he soon came to terms with it.

"Though we didn't reach the Six Paths of Reincarnation, at least we're out of the tomb. This milk world... cough, might be part of the Samsara Galaxy. It's so dark around, and inside this world, there might well be a teleportation formation leading to other worlds. Even if it doesn't go directly to the Six Paths of Reincarnation, reaching the Grand Assembly of Myriad Sects in the Heavenly Deity Stellar River would be even better. And perhaps this is the Ancestral Land. If we blend in, we might even return to the Great Dao Celestial Realm."

With that thought, Yun Xiao decided to first explore this milk world thoroughly.

"Hopefully, the protective celestial formations here aren't activated, and there's no place like the Ascension Pool."

On this, Yun Xiao could only gamble. He exchanged a glance with the War Princess, and side by side, they approached the milk world…

The closer they got, the more awe-struck they became!

They were gradually enveloped in the misty pink and white fog, their vision filled not with stars but with pale waves of pink and white.

"It's so cold." The War Princess' eyelashes and black hair quickly frosted over, forming tiny pink and white crystals, her skin as cold as snow.

"This Celestial Sourcecore is all of icy attributes, the opposite of the Great Dao Celestial Realm," Yun Xiao observed.

Where the Great Dao Celestial Realm was a world of fierce fire and thunder, this place was an ocean of icy cold.

It was truly beautiful!

The white spirals and waves atop this Celestial Sourcecore were all icy tides, while the pink was a deadly chill. Together, they mingled into a torrent of pink and white that swept across the world.

"It's too cold. If the Great Dao Celestial Realm were moved next to this milk world, it would extinguish like a candle flame in an instant," Yun Xiao remarked.

"I reckon any cultivator who hasn't undergone the Third Dao Tribulation wouldn't stand a chance of surviving here," the War Princess shivered as she spoke.

"Indeed," Yun Xiao continued, "However, the icy Celestial Sourcecore here is exceptionally condensed and of high quality. Achieving the third tribulation here should not be difficult."

"Are you suggesting newborns here go straight to the Third Dao Tribulation?" the War Princess asked, astonished.

"There might be some greenhouse protection," Yun Xiao suggested.

"It's so cold." The War Princess' face turned slightly pale.

Yun Xiao casually took her by the waist to draw her close; his Primordial Void energy was more yang in nature and could dispel some of the chill.

Due to their height difference, their closeness always seemed somewhat comical.

"Let me hold you instead, shorty," the War Princess huffed, embracing Yun Xiao and moving forward, which looked more harmonious.

In this unfamiliar place, their affection for each other grew warmer than ever. Though they spoke little, heart pressed to heart, even their heartbeats began to synchronize.

"By the way, do you have any goals in life?" Yun Xiao suddenly asked.

"I only wanted to stand out initially, to earn respect from my father and my clan. Now that I've exceeded those goals, I don't really have any," the War Princess replied.

"No wonder you're so lazy," Yun Xiao scoffed.

"You know nothing. I'm enjoying life. Who wants to live like you, always tense, wishing to stretch an hour into ten years?" the War Princess retorted.

"Our fates are different. I chose a path with greater pressure," Yun Xiao reflected.

"So your fondness for love-making is also a way to relieve stress and soothe your mood?" the War Princess looked at him queerly.

"Ahem. Indeed." Yun Xiao hadn't expected her to think that way and hurriedly continued, feeling awkward, "I can't help it, the pressure is too great. If it's not vented, it builds up inside, and I might go mad."

"You do have it tough..." the War Princess mused, suddenly realizing that with no Cao Shuo, Zhao Xuanran, nor even that little white tiger around, his stress must be overwhelming. What could be done?

"Why is your heart racing?" Yun Xiao asked.

The War Princess bit her lip, stammering, "I'm worried about your stress."

"Haha." How had Yun Xiao never noticed before how adorable she was?

"Don't overthink it. Let's just survive here first..."

Yun Xiao looked out at the endless pink and white icy fog of this Celestial Sourcecore, so vast it was suffocating, yet his eyes ignited with a fierce blaze.

"The grander the world, the more opportunities there are. For us, fortunes are everywhere! Freed from the tomb of creation, no matter what world lies before us, it's just a stepping stone for our rise against the heavens. Since you've no goals left, then fight wholeheartedly alongside me. I spared you at the beginning, and I'll never treat you poorly from here on."

Hearing his fervent and assertive words, the War Princess was initially moved, but she quickly scoffed, "A playboy's word is as good as a turd. I'd be a fool to trust you. Who knows when you'll use me up and leave me a drained, dry husk."

Yun Xiao just smiled, offering no rebuttal. They continued onward!

"Lucky us, no obstacles. We've reached this milk world," Yun Xiao noted.

"Why call it a milk world?" The War Princess found the name odd.

"Doesn't it taste a bit like it?" Yun Xiao glanced at her. "But not as sweet as you."

"Get lost!" The War Princess glared at him.

She still harbored some reservations, and Yun Xiao was not one to force matters. Whether it was Zhao Xuanran or Divine Dawn, circumstances and fate had played their parts, while Cao Shuo had quite literally forced herself on him…

So, he respected the War Princess' feelings. Matters of the heart needed to develop naturally.

"Is that land over there?" Soon, within the vast pink and white mist, she spotted a critical location.

"Yes. It's vast, endless."

In this world, 1,000 times the size of the Great Dao Celestial Realm, even a single floating landmass could be 100 times the size of the Heavenly Palace. On this floating continent, the two of them were but specks of dust, descending unnoticed.

They descended from the sky, landing in a forest. The trees here soared hundreds of meters high, most with white trunks and pink canopies, resembling a pink ocean. The branches bore fruit, each like a crystal of ice.

The ground was covered in white snow.

Looking out, it was a translucent, pink and white snowy land.

"What a beautiful world."

Even the War Princess' youthful heart throbbed with excitement here.

"It's beautiful, sure, but if the whole world is just this color palette, it’s rather monotonous. A world should be vibrant and colorful." Yun Xiao felt less impressed with the tender, pink world.

"Yes, after all, it clashes with your straightforward masculinity," the War Princess teased.

Yun Xiao was about to respond when he suddenly tensed. "Someone's coming."

Hearing this, the War Princess’ expression turned serious.

Being new to this land and knowing nothing of this world, they definitely needed to interact with the locals to understand it.

First contacts were crucial!

Yun Xiao thought to hide and observe the newcomer secretly, but he felt immediately targeted.

It was as if the eyes of heaven had locked onto him!

"This power... It's somewhat like the Divine Imperial Son’s halo?"

JustLivingJL's Thoughts

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