I'm the Slit-Eyed Character at the Academy, but I'm not the Mastermind

Chapter 61

Chapter 61

"Suddenly, I had this thought. That someday, I might have to kill someone."

"Hmm~ What's with the serious worry all of a sudden? That's quite admirable."

Luna stroked my head.

For a kid, she's quite good at acting like an adult.

Well, if we're talking about experience with murder, Luna is the adult here.

"Don't worry. It's not as big of a deal as you think. If you were to kill, there would be a significant reason for it."

"What if it's not a personal vendetta?"

"Hmm... That's a bit tricky. It goes against my principles. But have you come to want to kill someone?"

Well, it's not that I want to kill someone; it's more like I have to.

From Luna's perspective, it's all the same.

"Keke, are you disappointed?"

"Huh? What? There really is no reason? I don't want to be friends with a murderer without a cause."

"It's not that extreme. But it seems like the situation might lead to that."

"...What are you even talking about?"

Luna grumbled.

But I had no choice.

I have to kill because I accepted the quest.

- That's not something I can just say.

"Well, he is contracted with a demon."

"What! Then it's natural to kill! Why are you only telling me this important part now!"

Luna smacked me on the head.

Ouch, I just remembered it myself.

And then,

'From Luna's point of view, it's natural, but from mine, it's not.'

In this world, demons are quite restricted.

It's easier to understand if you imagine them being bound by numerous chains when crossing over from the demon world.

A demon bound in chains upon arrival would be easy prey for humans, so no demon would cross over forcefully.

However, there are three exceptions.

First, a contract.

A demon offers a 'Demon's Contract,' and both parties write their conditions and agree to it.

The demon must fulfill the human's request, and the human must fulfill the demon's request.

If any party fails to comply with the contract, they face a corresponding penalty.

Mostly, it ends in 'death.'

But this is the method humans choose the most.

Second, possession.

A human lends their body to a demon.

Depending on the abilities of the possessed human, the demon can use up to 50% of their power.

The 'mind' is basically human's, but not many can overcome the demon's spirit.

It's a gradual consumption by the demon.

That's why almost no one chooses possession.

Third, descent.

An offering of a living being is made to summon a demon fully.

They can exert the same power as when they were in the demon world, making it a ritual humans must stop at all costs.

Of course, it's not easy.

To summon a mid-level demon or higher, you need at least a large village as a sacrifice, which humans won't just let happen.

A large magic circle, various materials, and a human sacrifice.

It's a complex process, so even black magicians rarely use it.

'Why am I explaining this all of a sudden?'

Because contracts and possessions are impossible without the sorcerer's consent.

One must sign the contract, and possession requires a mutual agreement process.

In other words, anyone who has contracted or been possessed by a demon can be executed immediately without issues.

'That's why Luna reacted like it was natural.'

Killing someone linked with a demon is a matter of course in this world.

The problem is, for me, who came from Earth, it's not so obvious.

'Lérang de Fleur made a contract with a demon.'

Fooled by the demon's trickery, he's gradually being consumed by it.

But Lérang, both body and mind, is still human.

It wasn't an easy task for me, who had never killed before.

Luna sighed in relief and said,

"The most important thing when you face such a situation is not to hesitate."


"Yes, a single moment of hesitation, and someone precious to you could die."

Luna's eyes hardened with resolve.

"If we ever find ourselves in a situation where we must kill each other, don't hesitate. Do it. That's how you keep the people beside you alive."

I see.

So, it's not about killing for my survival, but to protect my comrades?

Thinking this way, I felt a bit better.

"Keke, thank you, Luna. That was helpful."

"Didn't I tell you? I'm a god when it comes to counseling! Though, I'd prefer it next time if it's about love and not such a gloomy worry."

Luna laughed heartily.

Not only did she provide a sense of reliance and trust as a friend, but she was also helpful.

From her perspective, she couldn't help but feel good.

"And remember, I'm always by your side. I'll do it for you."

"Excuse me?"

"I'll kill for you. Just tell me. Who is it? The one who made a contract with the demon."

Offering to kill for me.

Is she in her right mind?

When she showed her palm, claiming to have killed five people, I saw it.

Luna's face, as if she was about to cry.

That's why I had to ask.

"...Why would you go that far?"

Because I know the secrets of the Lester family?

Because of what I said about having similar targets for revenge?

Or just out of pity for me?

Surprisingly, Luna's answer was much simpler.

"Because we're friends."


"If a friend is struggling, it's natural to help, right? You'd do the same, wouldn't you?"

No, it's not natural at all.

Killing someone for a friend, taking on their burdens and struggles.

That was not a natural thing at all.

So, I shrugged my shoulders as a response.

"Well, I'll think about it."

"What! You're supposed to say, ‘Keke, of course’ here to look cool!"

Luna laughed brightly.

Seeing her, I made a resolution.

'I won't pass this on to Luna.'

I'll do it myself and overcome it on my own.

These situations might happen frequently in the future.

'Because we're friends.'

I won't pass the burden onto Luna, my friend.

'How could I treat such a kind person like a beast.'

Maybe the beast was me all along.

Realizing another truth of life.

Then, I heard Luna's murmur in my ear.

"...So that's what it was."

"Excuse me?"

"You were pacing outside last night, right? Were you pondering over this? Well, it's worth a long thought."

There were two inaccuracies in Luna's words.

First, I wasn't pondering over murder; I was revisiting my conversation with Caron.

Second, it wasn't night but dawn.

"Keke, that's right. A walk is the best way to refresh the mind..."


Something was off.

"...But how did you know about that, Luna?"

"Huh? Of course, I know. We're friends, after all."

Luna smiled widely, as if it was nothing.

That made goosebumps spread across my body.

'No, even friends shouldn't know that!'

Are you some alien life form?

Connected by emotional-sharing tentacles?


"Yes, yes?"

"It's natural because we're friends, right?"

"Ha, haha... Yes, of course."

But despite my words, why were my feet involuntarily stepping backward?

Luna slowly approached me, seeing this.

"Oh dear, looks like you're lost in thought again. I'll pray for you to have a good night's sleep."

As she passed by, Luna whispered.

"Let's have fun together again tomorrow."

With those words, Luna left.

Or did she?

Was she still nearby, secretly watching me?


Maybe Lérang de Fleur was a very trivial problem after all.

* * *

"Zero, I'm going to give you a penalty point."

After assigning the penalty, Lérang de Fleur pushed up his glasses.

What's this? A ceremony to celebrate success?

"Me too, please!"

"...Disrupting the class. I will also assign one penalty point to you too, Luna."

Luna smiled upon receiving the penalty point.

All I could do was be astonished.

No, Luna. Don't share things like this! Just accept it, accept it!

"That will be all for today's class. Goodbye."

Thud, thud.

As Lérang de Fleur left the classroom, sighs of relief erupted from various corners.

"Phew. That's a relief. Most of us managed to avoid penalty points today."

"No, it's more like we don't need to worry about getting them anymore. They've been wiped clean a long time ago."

"The good thing is that Yuridia de Rownter managed to avoid them today..."

From the conversations, it was clear that Lérang's penalty point bombardment had continued today.

To think Luna would voluntarily take penalty points that others tried to avoid.

"What shall we do for fun today?"

...Definitely a stalker.

"What's with that look? Is it because you got penalty points? I got them too, so what?"

"Keke, please don't do that next time."

"Why? Wouldn't sharing penalty points feel somewhat better?"

No, it wouldn't. That's just accumulating two penalty points.

Luna, you don't understand addition?

"But why does that teacher always give you penalty points?"

"...You still don't know why?"

"Ah, I got it!"

Oh, has she finally caught on?

That it's because the Teron faction bribed him?

"It's racial discrimination! Right?"

No!! And racial discrimination?

I am human, human!

‘How can you be so perceptive about my feelings but so oblivious here?’

Are you only looking at me? Is that it?

This won't do. At this rate, I'll become one with Luna.

Today, I must stay away from her.

I slightly bent over, clutching my stomach.

"Luna, suddenly, my stomach hurts."

"Do you need to go to the bathroom? Let's hurry."

...Why does 'let's hurry' come up here?

Don't people usually say to hurry back?

"Cough! I, I feel like I'm dying! It must be the bread I ate this morning."

"What? Get on my back! Let's hurry to the nurse's office!"

"There, there's no need! Medicine, medicine should be enough."

I buried my head on the desk, lying face down.

Luna, concerned, would surely dash to the nurse's office now.

‘Has she gone?’

That was my wishful thinking.

Turning my head, I met Luna's gaze, who was staring right at me.

Finally looking this way... no, wait!

‘What, why hasn't she left?’

Me, lying on the desk.

Luna stood up and whispered in my ear.

"Stay here quietly."

Huh? My stomach hurts, so I should be able to go to the bathroom at least...

"If you need to, just do it there. If you get up from there..."


"You'll die."

Luna left the classroom with a chilling warning.

I had no choice but to become one with the chair.

She seemed like she might actually kill me.

‘Becoming one with the chair.’

A state of oneness with the object.

Am I the chair, and the chair is me?

Could I be the chair?

As I was moving towards another enlightenment,

"The seat is empty."

A low but powerful voice.

And the dark shadows enveloping around me.

Without looking, I knew who it was.

"May I sit?"

The leader of the Teron faction and the heir of the Vyuern Ducal family.

Teron de Vyuern.

He had descended before me.

--TL Notes--

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