I'm the Slit-Eyed Character at the Academy, but I'm not the Mastermind

Chapter 52

Chapter 52

The morning after returning from the anthill.


I continuously sighed as I looked at the status window.


Because the results of my gamble on potential were glaringly evident.

'It wasn't a dream.'

[Hyper Sense S]

Yes, the unexpected level-up had granted me 100 points.

As soon as I returned to the dormitory last night, I poured those points into my potential stat and took a gamble.

And that gamble resulted in [Hyper Sense].

'With Divine Imitation, I don't need ordinary attack skills. I did want a support skill, but...'

[Hyper Sense] is a kind of perception detection skill.

A passive skill that detects hidden individuals nearby and also functions in detecting traps.

It's not bad. A skill that helps me escape assassination threats.


'I can't say it's a great skill either!'

Skills like [Divine Power], which allows manipulation of holy power, [Upfire], which applies five times the damage for fire-based skills, [Berserk], which prevents health reduction for a certain period, and so on.

This game has a variety of skills, some of which could be called overpowered.

But [Hyper Sense]! After [Clean], now [Hyper Sense]!


I couldn't help but sigh.

In a nutshell, the [Hyper Sense] skill can be described as.

'An ambiguous skill.'

I put on my uniform and stepped outside.

When feeling drained, it's best to eat.

I stepped out of the dormitory and had just taken a step when...

"What's wrong? You seem a bit down today. Something happen?"

It was Luna.

Sure, something had happened. But before that...

"Keke, were you waiting for me?"

"Me, waiting for you? No way. I just happened to bump into you on my way to breakfast."

"...Just happened?"

Let me point out one of the rules of Annwood Academy.

- There is no discrimination in food.

Anyone can eat as much as they want.

The cafeteria is a fair place for everyone, regardless of age or gender.

And this applies to the 'location' of the cafeteria as well.

What do I mean?

The dormitories for teachers, male students, and female students.

The distance from these three places to the cafeteria is exactly the same.

Centered around the cafeteria, the male and female dormitories are situated completely opposite each other.

And yet, Luna says she 'just happened' to run into me.

That's nonsense.

'How long has she been waiting?'

Since 6 AM? 7 AM?

Or did she keep watch over me all night?

As I thought this far, I couldn't help but shiver.

"What are you doing? Let's go eat."


But there was nothing I could do.

I had chosen Luna as a companion, after all.

And it's not like there was no solution.

'I just need to recruit more companions.'

A companion who could befriend Luna.

As the party grows stronger, it could slightly reduce her obsession with me.

By the way, I haven't used the skill rank up point I received as a quest reward yet.

It's most efficient to use it to upgrade an A-grade skill to S-grade.

'F to A can be achieved through effort.'

But S-grade is different.

Owning a chain skill, suitability, interaction with specific NPCs.

S-grade skills can't be obtained just through effort.

This is where the cheat-like value of the skill rank up point comes in.

It allows for skill growth without the aforementioned conditions.

Meaning it can upgrade an A-grade skill to an S-grade skill.

'So I have to save it.'

Among the skills I currently possess, the only non-S-grade ones are [Ominous Aura], [Eye Opening], [Rapid Regeneration], and [Space Domination].

Excluding Ominous Aura, they are all F-grade.

It would be a huge loss to use the skill rank up point on those.

Especially for a skill like [Eye Opening].

"Oh, this spot seems good. Let's eat here."

Luna, who had found a seat, smiled sweetly.

But I couldn't smile. Something felt off.

"Luna, I have a question."

"What is it?"

"...Why are you sitting next to me?"

A typical table for four.

Normally, when there are two people, they sit facing each other.

But Luna was sitting right next to me.

"It's too far."

"...Too far?"

"Yes. That side is at least two steps away, you know?"

Jesus Christ.

Was her statement about not even taking a step away from my side not a joke?

'...This is serious.'

Is she really a stalker?

My companion being a stalker is problematic in many ways.

I could hear whispers around us.

"It's about time."

"She's totally smitten, totally smitten."

"How romantic. Love really can overcome appearances. The proof is right there."

"He must be something special!"

...Whatever 'special' means.

The children's excessive attention was a problem, but the biggest issue was the restriction on my activities.

It's fine now, but after Chapter 1, there will be more places to visit.

There are places where I need to move stealthily, and I'm supposed to take troublemaker Luna?

It was bound to lead to disaster.

Beep- beep!

"Unhealthy opposite-sex relationships are a reason for demerits... Huh?"

Rodelin, as usual, was busy guiding the students.

As she approached us, she tilted her head, noticing something different.

"Keke, hello, senior."

"Yes, I heard there was an incident. Both of you were not on the injured list. That's fortunate."

"Does it seem that way? I'm not unharmed at all."

"What do you mean? Are you injured?"

"Keke, something scarier than a beast has latched onto me."

A beast by the name of Luna.

With a characteristic of biting people if she's in a bad mood.

Yes, just like now.

"...It hurts, Luna."

"Of course it does. I meant to bite you."

Luna, who had just taken a bite out of my head, resumed eating.

Rodelin chuckled.

"You two seem closer than ever today. Probably because of the battle experience together? Comradeship is like that. It's nice to see."

In Rodelin's eyes, we appeared like close comrades who had overcome death together.

This won't do. I need to cheer myself up by teasing Rodelin.

"Keke, senior, there's something I've been curious about."

"Hm, what is it?"

"You say unhealthy opposite-sex relationships are a reason for demerits... What about healthy relationships?"

"Of course that's fine. Studying together, comforting each other, moving forward. If they get married and have children, that's contributing to the empire's development. A fine example of an imperial citizen."

Thinking about the empire's future. A typical Rodelin answer.

Now, let's ask what I'm really curious about.

"Keke, then what's the boundary between healthy and unhealthy?"


"Holding hands or hugging might be fine, right? But to have children, like you said, that alone wouldn't be enough..."

"That, that is..."

Huh? How far is allowed?

What exactly constitutes unhealthy behavior?

Just to be clear, I'm asking out of pure curiosity.

The curiosity of a greenhorn just entering the academy.


Something seemed to explode in Rodelin's head, and her face turned beet red.

Oh, she must have thought of something.

The boundary between healthy and unhealthy. Or the end (?) of unhealthy behavior.

I was genuinely curious.

For the record, my idea of the end of unhealthy behavior is holding hands.

These kids, not even nineteen, daring to engage in romance...

"De, demerits!"


"Unhealthy thoughts are a reason for demerits!!"

Rodelin quickly pulled out her notebook and gave me a demerit point.

Then she disappeared into the distance.

What? Why am I getting demerits for her having unhealthy thoughts?

I was genuinely puzzled.

"Tsks, change that perverted personality of yours. If you weren't my friend, I would have given you a good beating."

Luna, isn't it you who's the pervert, not me?

Nobody would call this kind of relationship a friendship.

'Sigh... But it does make me feel a bit better.'

The failure of the potential gamble, Luna's obsession, and the kids' misunderstanding.

The stress had been piling up.

"Let's go get more food."

"But I'm full?"

"You promised not to leave my side. Follow me."

"Keke, a one-sided declaration is not usually called a promise..."

But I had no choice but to follow Luna.

Not because she bit my ear. It's just that I'm too kind.

"That happened? I'll keep it in mind."

"Yes, senior. And..."

I saw Rodelin, Alex, and Raymon having a pleasant conversation.

Honestly, I was envious. To be with such normal kids.


That's when it happened. A strange sound echoed from my neck.

It was because Luna had twisted my neck to make me look at her.

"Don't look at him. Look at me."

Taken out of context, the line could be terribly romantic.

But knowing the reality, it was not.

'She must have mistaken me looking at Raymon.'

Luna, with her friend-obsessed personality.

Raymon, with his title of 'Best Friend,' must be an eyesore to her.

"Oh my, did you just hear that?"

"It's so hot."

"Even amidst war, love prevails. Why are there so many couples since yesterday?"


A morning where the snowball of misunderstanding kept growing.

* * *

"Don't even look that way."

Just before the morning class.

That's what Luna, sitting on my right, said.

By the way, Raymon was on that side she referred to.

'As if I can look at anyone else but you.'

Ever since Luna twisted my neck, something went wrong with it.

My neck was now stuck, twisted 90 degrees to the right.

'I tried asking for Luna's help, but...'

She seemed quite pleased with my state of always facing her.

Since I couldn't find a solution, I had no choice but to enter the class like this.

"I wonder how the evaluation will go?"

"Teron will obviously get full marks and extra points!"

"Didn't you see Yuridia's magic? She slaughtered five creatures at once. They should have seen that!"

"Yuridia will definitely get the most points!"

The classroom was busier than usual.

It was time to evaluate yesterday's events.

A time for rewarding or punishing based on achievements.

'Allocation of rewards and punishments based on contributions.'

It's not just for emperors and nobles.

It's also part of the academy curriculum.

Reward points for those who did well.

And demerits for those who did not.

This is Annwood Academy's way of allocating rewards and punishments!

'Even in the game, we had these sessions after every battle.'

But the only things to be received were points and demerits.

Isn't that too stingy?

Not really. In 'Hero of the Academy,' points and demerits play an important role.

'They add up to the scores of midterms and finals.'

If you perform well in each exam, you get a title.

Like the one I currently have, [He Who Vanquished a Demon with a Mop].

'The problem is the opposite case.'

If you don't do well in exams, you might get a title that decreases your stats.

So, today's evaluation was quite important for me too.

"Caron is coming! Everyone, take your seats!"

"...I'm already here."


Caron kicked a student who was on lookout as he entered.

His gaze swept the classroom and then fixed on me.

"Zero, what exactly are you looking at?"

Exactly my point.

My body is definitely facing you, but all I can see is Luna's face.

"Keke, I was attacked by a ferocious beast."


Crack- crackle-.

Caron twisted my neck this way and that.

Oh, it moves.

Only then could I see Caron's face.


Luna clicked her tongue as if it was a pity.

Hmm, I've decided. I need to recruit a new companion.

Someone robust enough to survive having their neck twisted in my place.

"First, I'll say well done. Surviving in any situation is an achievement in itself."

Caron returned to the podium.

He faced us and said,

"Now, let's begin the evaluation."

--TL Notes--

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