I’m The Pitiful Villain (Editing)

Chapter 43: Ja-Young

Chapter 43: Ja-Young









Alfonso's POV

As my last memory resurfaced where I was left sleeping in the middle of the forest surrounded by illusion barriers. I realized that I'm now floating from a place filled with nothingness.

As if my consciousness was drifting apart.

However, as I stared at the empty white space. A face suddenly descended above me.


A playful voice resonated reminiscent of that of an ancient.

My brows however quickly furrowed when I saw a youthful appearance of a girl with large, sparkling eyes that reflected the mysteries of the cosmos.

"In what place am I?"

I asked as I tried to move but all I felt was my body floating as if there was no gravity.

"Hhmm... You're in my realm. No to be precise I went inside your consciousness nyahaha" she said while giggling.

Seeing her act like a playful child I could not help but think how much of a weirdo she is.

Yet without uttering those words she quickly retorted at me, "Hey there! That's quite rude, well considering you have merged with Alfonso I understand"

She then soon flicked her fingers.

Suddenly, I could feel my floating body fall as I tried to quickly compose myself in response.


My foot's drop echoed from all over as I maintained a graceful stature when I fell. Looking at the empty space that seemed to have an invisible floor, I could not help but frown even deeper.

I then gazed at the loli... I mean the girl's sparkling eyes wearing flowing robes adorned with intricate patterns symbolizing various desires and origins.

One question then came to my mind when I saw her full view.

"State your identity."

I coldly muttered.

"Curious aren't ya? Hmm~ hmmm~" she whispered while nodding.

"My name is Aurithia, the Goddess of Desire and Origins. I'm the one who merged your soul into Alfonso"

She continued while maintaining a wide grin, she proceeded to strike a power pose, placing her hands confidently on her waist.

Hearing her, my thoughts were inwardly surprised of course. I've also never heard of her as one of the Goddess and Gods, perhaps she was unknown?

"Interesting" in return that was the only response I could utter.

"Ehhh... That response feels quite anticlimactic. Could you perhaps react with a bit more enthusiasm? Maybe something like, 'Wow, seriously?' or along those lines?" She pouted, emphasizing each word dramatically with her gestures, but that changed soon after Aurithia started to float before resuming her speech. "Anyway, To be exact, an individual desired your presence, and I could merely transmit your essence. Pondering upon it, her affection for you appears to surpass even a mother's."

"Pardon me?"

I hastily interjected, only for her to gesture once more. "Nevertheless, I must offer you guidance," as our environment transformed into a celestial expanse resembling a galaxy.

"Alfonso... Wait, no— Blake, seriously, if this keeps up, you're heading straight for disaster. And I absolutely won't stand by and let that happen. Have you ever considered the odds of taking down that demon? Let me spell it out for you: a mere 20 percent chance of success. Even though I can't predict your future because you are an unknown variable, however, I can tell that you'll perish without my guidance at this point. But hey, I get it, I see why you're determined to finish him off. If you leave that demon behind it will only get stronger"

She said, her tone now sounding sophisticated and serious.

I questioned how she knew my past life's name but I soon shrugged it off thinking because she's a Goddess.

Realizing that what she is saying seems to be grave, I listened to her carefully.

It wouldn't hurt to hear her out if it's for my being. Unbelievable things like transmitting my soul have already happened so I'm not going to be surprised if she is truly a god.

But before hearing her out, "What do you want?" I questioned.

"Surely, you're not doing all of these without something in exchange?" I followed as she nodded cheerfully at my response.

"Straight to the point aren't ya?"

She then floated again as she approached my face with hers closely before speaking.

"Guess what, I'm the genius behind that amazing ability you've got – the [System] It's all because of where your soul hails from! Now, here's the scoop"

Spreading her arms.

"I've got a little favor to ask in return for this ability and my guidance. I'm on a quest to make sure everyone out there knows I'm here to rock their world. Can you help me unleash my awesomeness across the land?" She then continued with some gestures along the way to convert her message playfully.

Frowning at her words, she continued nonetheless.

"I think it's a win-win for us~ you just need to spread and let people know my existence and you'll get to keep your abilities and my guidance as an extra. Considering the body you possess is cursed to be untalented with swords and magics you'll die if you reject my offer."

Hearing her, I inwardly agreed with her. But I had a question...

‹Why is she a not known goddess?› However, she disrupted my thoughts when she finally uttered a word again.

"Anyway, Blake, this is my guidance for you..."












After a few exchanges.

"Anyway that's all, I hope you succeed" Aurithia spoke while grinning.

But my cold gaze persisted as I simply nodded in response to her.

In an instant, my vision suddenly went dark and a sensation of fresh air struck my nose. The soaring smell of the forest and the irritating urge of disgust spread all over me.

Slowly opening my eyes, I saw the bodies of those I killed being eaten by beasts who lurked for food.

Suddenly the system rang in my ears but I quickly disregard it:

Important quest, kill the summoned demon. Reward: 20,000 points. Difficulty: HELL, Failure: Death and doomed ending

I then moved my body only to realize that I have quickly healed from my past battles. One reason I recovered so quickly was probably because of the Goddess.

As my frigid demeanor remained unwavering my eyes soon shifted skyward, registering the blazing sun's persistent radiance. It dawned on me that I must have succumbed to a brief slumber, a mere blip in time for one of my stature. "I still have time" I whispered.

Though my physique remains in its prime state thanks to the marvel of Regeneration and the help of the Goddess, my mental equilibrium however has been grievously unsettled by the repugnant essence of my enemies' blood, an odious intrusion that has marred both my corporeal sanctity and inner tranquility...

With a frown, I prepared my sword to launch an attack with only one thing in my mind. And that's to change clothes and clean myself.

It didn't take long before I could kill all the beasts and immediately went to the town and bought new clothes while taking a bath with the remaining money I had.

While buying clothes, I didn't let the peasants touch me, and the clothes I bought. It was a hassle but after I was done, my mind quickly regained its peaceful state.


Taking a deep breath, I soon strode toward a shop once again. With enough money from the beasts, I killed and sold, including the money that the demon worshippers carried which I smuggled.

Setting inside, I immediately bought the thing I needed.

'A magic Quill'

A quill imbued with magical properties. This can be either used to write using mana as an ink or to inscribe the intricate runes onto your sword or other items.

It's quite expensive, this item costs about 1 gold coin though it's considered cheap since not many people know how to inscribe runes using this. However, if people knew, this item's price could have skyrocketed.

How did I know? As I've previously mentioned, I delved into the intricacies of the in-game runes. Interestingly, there's a remarkable character – a heroine –

'Elara Ravensong'

Who employs this technique, and the game developers ingeniously compel players to grasp the mechanics and significance of these runes to enhance her prowess within the game world. The runes themselves, which are to be committed to memory, are conveniently presented in your own language. Having memorized every letter of these ancient inscriptions to memory, because of the ability [Memorize] I now possess the talent to seamlessly translate the corresponding English versions of the essential words, guiding the engraving process for the swords. It's worth noting that only a handful of individuals have ventured to play using the heroine I have mentioned due to the perceived challenge of memorization. However, I find myself distinct in this aspect, as my affinity for the game has led me to embrace the character and her unique abilities without hesitation.

But, my guess is, she must still be developing this kind of technique right now and studying runes.

Thanks to it, a method she used can be beneficial to me.

Now all I need to do is inscribe the runes with full concentration and without any mistakes.

Though, doing this is easier said than done. Now it really makes me want to go back to my past life where I can just click stuff and there's already a fucking inscribed runes on my sword.

Soon I Shook my head from thinking useless things and quickly went on to inscribe runes on the sword I have bought after I went into a quiet place.






With relentless determination, I embarked on the arduous task multiple times until triumph finally graced me. The outcome, while not flawlessly etched like the heroine's runes, bestowed upon my blade enhanced resilience and a host of other potent effects.

I was proud of my progress nonetheless because doing this shit was hard. Surprisingly, I seem to have the talent for it. I only noticed it now but I excel in a lot of things except for swords, magic, and other combat-related.

Without further ado. The sword, an extension of my icy demeanor, cleaved through the air as I cast my gaze upon the heavens, noting the arrival of dawn.

"The Goddess herself played the role of informant, unveiling the hastened hour of summoning. Could it be that my noble stature aroused suspicion, thus prompting this unexpected revelation?"

In a seamless display of grace, I strode deeper into the town, my sword ablaze with the ethereal blend of mana and aura that I had meticulously infused within it.

As the sun descended in a blaze of hues, oblivious onlookers cast perplexed glances my way, yet their idle curiosity was swiftly thwarted. A valiant knight dared to challenge and seize my weapon, only to be thwarted by a jarring reverberation emanating from the depths of the forbidding forest.


Collective brows furrowed, the eerie sound striking a chord of familiarity among the assembled crowd. This spine-chilling shriek was the harbinger of an impending bestial onslaught, an ominous foreshadowing. Visible in their faces, I could guess that they suddenly remembered the beast's wave that happened fifteen years ago.

In the midst of their petrified stupor, I strode forward, a sight of unwavering poise amidst their burgeoning panic. Amid the chaos, I stood apart as the solitary figure advancing, a lone sentinel against the encroaching tide.

Barely a moment passed before the cacophony of beastly roars and the thunderous stampede of countless feet erupted, instigating pandemonium amongst the spectators.








Ja-Young's POV

With my head bowing in front of the statue of a goddess named, 'Aureon' I once wholly voted myself again in worshipping her nonstop.

There was a saying that 100 years ago, a prophecy revealing that the church of 'Aureon' was wiped out because of a witch and will also destroy the world spread.

Despite the prophecy being known, the witch managed to nearly obliterate 'Aureon,' leaving almost all the churches, the pope, nuns, and priestesses in attendance turned to dust.

Rumors also say that she is the daughter of the demon lord and could kill the demon lord in just a flick of her hands because of how much of a monster she is.

Until now... That witch still inflicts terror among the people. Including the most terrifying mist ability that almost halved the lives of the population. Since almost all of the people at the time were in the religion of Aureon lots of them were killed by her. This resulted in people moving to other religions to not be chased by the witch.

Witches are what you would call naturally born talented in magic. They can do unbelievable things beyond what an archmage could do. Even an archmage could do nothing to them if a witch decides to. They are also known as part of the demon king's army which contains, goblins, orcs, dark elves, and more races including beasts.

That's how witches are seen. Though... I wonder if they also feel the same as me.

Since everyone is feared by the witch... Does that naturally mean that being is lonely?

Since I'm a demon... A monster even... I think we'll get along...


I then soon realized that my thoughts are once again filled with meaningless musings.


Loneliness has led me down this path of trivial contemplation yet again.

With a sigh, I lowered my head, acknowledging this shift in mindset.

Time passed swiftly, and soon the break of dawn arrived, as indicated by a glance at my pocket watch.

Tick tock!

Tick tock!

Tick tock!

I observed its slender hand descending to the 5:00 position.


The hand moved, marking the end of my prayers as the clock struck 5:00.

However, unlike the usual days, a sudden and jarring noise pierced through the silence, disrupting the tranquility.


It was coming out of the church.

I tried to get up and check where only to witness that the sky has turned red.








Mary's POV

The night was slowly approaching and Lord Alfonso was not yet to be seen. While watching the sunset, I couldn't help but get worried.

But he ordered me to wait for him. He didn't even utter where'd he go.

"I hope you're okay my lord..."

I uttered a soft prayer, my heart yearning for his safety. Lost in contemplation, I allowed myself to delve further into my inquisitiveness.

Alfonso, my beloved, underwent an enigmatic transformation, shrouding himself in an aura of mystery. Every time my eyes meet his, I feel like I'm gazing at someone who sees something I cannot.

Like he is so far ahead which I could not comprehend.

Lately, I could not even understand how he is thinking or what he is planning.

His indifferent expression didn't also help from distinguishing it easily.

It's like... He is carrying something burdensome.

"I wonder what is it that you are so bothered?"

Even though I get a hint that he seems to be aiming in destroying the assassin group. I get the feeling that he is aiming for something higher.

But as I dwelled deeper in my thoughts, a flocking mana resonated through my ears.

No to be precise it pierced my ears because of my enhanced hearing. For normal people, it could have been just some normal breeze of mana resonating but for me. It was like screaming through my ears.


I tried to cover my ears as I gazed out the window.

Only to be greeted by the sky which was slowly turning dark suddenly turning to red. Within the forest, a persistent glimmer of red light danced and shimmered, casting a warm and protective aura amidst the encroaching dusk.

Making weird noises.


After observing it more carefully-


My eyes widened in horror.

"Why is a demon summoning happening here?"

In this realm, various races coexist harmoniously—Elves, Dwarves, Humans, and Demi-Humans—excluding only demons. Furthermore, deities also reside within this world.

9 Gods that randomly give you power or gift.

And if there are 9 Gods then there are also 7 demons.

"The seven deadly sins"

If you could make a contract with the gods and demons. You could also either worship a divine god or worship a demon. Each side has pros and cons.

And to summon a demon, human lives are a must for sacrifice.

But then suddenly—


A howl of a beast that came from the forest echoed all over the place, piercing every ear that was present in the town.


Only to be followed by a hundred footsteps that shook the earth.

"—It's a wave!!!"

One man shouted, outside, near our window's inn.

"—Gather the kids and elderly to a safe place"

As I observed the unfolding scene, my mind was consumed by one pressing query: "Where could my lord be?"

But as I questioned that, a familiar figure of a boy suddenly caught my eyes and stood tall in front of the upcoming disaster.

Sorry if there's not yet smut. I might remove that tag for the time being because I'm focusing on the story currently and some world-building. (I also can't draw anymore because my computer is broken... Some stuff happened) Btw I want to know if my series is getting better or not and the grammar too of course. So far? What do you guys think? I hope you guys be honest. Anyway, thanks for reading my work, I appreciate it. For all the people that still stayed. Thank you! Btw you guys can point out some plot holes if there are any, it would greatly help. Like maybe ask questions too

Jesus, I'm starving lmao, I might get depressed at this point again lmao. Btw guys, once I'm finished with this current arc I'm gonna edit the earlier chapters and correct some grammar soon and input some information along the way too. It might be better to read my novel all over again for better immersion but... I'll just put some not that major of a change. And... I might not upload the chapters this following week since I'm gonna try and stockpiles chapters while editing some earlier chapters hope you guys be patient lol since my school is near again I won't be able to write that much again and I'm gonna need to finish the current arc as quickly as possible.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.