I'm playing cards in Duel City

Page 3

"Huh? Have you drawn a rare card?" Pandora snorted, seeming to have noticed the change in his expression, "Then let me take a good look at your rare card!"

You Yu gave him a blank look.

"Okay, then let me show you, the strongest monster in my deck!"

He drew a card from his hand.

"Come on! Elemental Hero Electric Man!"

Countless electric currents burst out, strong light appeared from the ground, and a slender hero wearing a dark blue mask leaped out. The countless blue electric currents wrapped around his body were beating endlessly like elves.

[Elemental Hero Electroman, attack power 1600]

Pandora was stunned.He straightened the mask under his hood, blinking his eyes as if to make sure he was right.

"This monster... is your trump card?"

"Yes, yes." You Yu nodded seriously.

You Yu said that he was honest and trustworthy but did not lie at all.The Elemental Hero Lightning Man was originally the most powerful monster among the four useless heroes, with a terrifying 1600 points in RBI. It is not wrong to say that he is the strongest monster in this deck.

The Electro-Optic Man on the field seemed to understand that Yuzhu called himself a trump card, and his whole aura suddenly changed. He puffed up his chest and his whole body was jumping with electricity, showing an invincible aura.

"Come on, Electro Man!" You Yu pointed to Killer Tomato, "Attack Killer Tomato!"

The face of the little tomato changed suddenly, and the green leaves on its forehead were about to fall off in fright.I saw Electron Man jumping high, and with his right palm out, a bolt of blue lightning pierced Little Tomato's body through the air like a javelin, and the latter was wiped out on the spot.

【Pandora, LP 4000→LP 3800】

Pandora was expressionless, pulled out the card deck from the duel board with one hand, unfolded the deck and began to rummage through the cards, while explaining darkly: "The monster effect of Killer Tomato. When this monster is destroyed by battle, it can be removed from the deck. Special Summon a dark attribute monster with an attack power of [-] or less.

What I'm going to summon is another killer tomato. "

He found the second Killer Tomato from the deck, put it back on the dueling board, shuffled the cards, and inserted the deck back into the dueling board.

[Killer tomato attack power 1400]

"My turn is over."

You Yu announced the end of the round, but Pandora was not in a hurry to draw cards, but glared at him gloomily.

"You kid... don't you have a rare card?"

You Yu spread his hands together: "I never said yes."

Obviously, when you see the dueling disk in my hand, you will assume that I have a rare card, but I'm just a poor ghost who uses mortal bones, can't I?

Pandora's face became more gloomy, her eyes seemed to pierce You Yu.

You Yu can actually guess his mood. His psychology is roughly similar to that of a snitch who climbed walls and knocked on windows to run to other people's houses, but after rummaging through boxes and cabinets for a long time, he didn't even find a P, so he left angrily "" Made poor ghost" mentality.

However, You Yu said that I am poor, what should I do?

Blame me for not being able to use rare cards?

"If that's the case, don't blame me." Pandora put her fingers on the next card in the deck, and said grimly, "New rules, if you lose, I will take away your entire deck... and your Duel board! It's my turn, draw a card!"

He added a new card to his hand, raised his eyes and stared at You Yu.

"Just let you see it, the highest-level magician in the dueling monster world, a top-level monster that a third-rate duelist like you may not see in his entire life!"

As he spoke, he raised a card in his hand exaggeratedly.

"...Come out! My most powerful servant - the black magician!"

The Killer Tomato and the Resentment Doll disappeared from the field as beams of light, and a blood-red mist rolled up out of thin air like a whirlwind.

With a red tall hat, armor-like robes, and a dark green wand, the top magician emerged out of thin air with the swirling blood mist, suspended in front of Pandora, and held the wand in her arms with her arms folded. With a cold and confident smile like his master, he looked at the enemy in front of him.

[Black magician, attack power 2500]

This is the ace monster held by Pandora and the legendary black magician in the world of duel monsters.

It's just different from the black magician held by Muto Yuki. His black magician is dressed in dark red and has dark skin.

You Yu even thought boredly that the black magician held by Wang Yang (that is, Dark Game) is the reincarnation of an Egyptian priest, so the black magician held by Pandora may be the chief of some African tribe in his previous life...

"Black Magician!" Pandora yelled, "Smash that trash fish monster for me!"

Chapter 5 has a strategy!

"Dark magicians attack!" Pandora waved her hand, "Dark magic!"

The red black magician flew up in the air, and the green wand waved in the air.The fluctuation of magic power poured out from the end of the staff, like a black mist condensed into a sharp bayonet, flying towards the opposite field with a winding current.

Electron, with an attack power of only 1600, obviously couldn't withstand the black magician's blow.The dark magic pierced his body easily, and the warrior of light let out a miserable groan under the mask. Electricity from his whole body overflowed like a flood, and his body was instantly shattered under the impact of magic.


You Yu raised his hand to protect his body, but he still couldn't stop the impact of the drop in health.The pain made him half kneel on the ground involuntarily, sweating profusely all over his body, feeling like he just finished running a marathon.

【You Yu, LP 2400→LP 1500】

"Sure enough, he's just a lowly weakling." Pandora snorted disdainfully and shook her head, "I don't know how a weak duelist like you got the duel disc, but meeting me is the most unfortunate thing in your life It looks like your duelist career is coming to an end."

He took out another card from his hand and inserted it into the slot in the magic trap area of ​​the duel disk.

"I put a card on the field, and the turn is over."

You Yu half-kneeled on the ground, and heard the hot and cloudy panting from his nasal cavity.

On the opposite field is a black magician with an attack power of 2500—it doesn’t sound very high, but for You Yu’s initial deck, where Electron is the upper limit of RBI, that is already an insurmountable peak.

In addition, his side of the arena is now empty, his health points are still 1500, while Pandora's side is almost unscathed.Although according to the standard practice of Yu-Gi-Oh, it is not enough to meet the blood lock conditions, but this is already disadvantageous enough.

However, even in this seemingly fatal situation, You Yu couldn't help showing a smile.

At this point, his tactics are already half successful.

Of course he knew that it would be almost impossible to beat Pandora with this whole whiteboard initial deck.Although he was mentally prepared to "accept even if the mission failed", it was impossible for him to rush over to deliver food without making any preparations.

To put it simply, the task of confronting Pandora actually has a strategy analysis in the forum.All the player needs to prepare in advance is one card, a key card that is crucial and can directly turn the situation around in this duel.

Of course, Youyu prepared that card in advance, but it's a pity that he hasn't been able to draw it yet.

This is not surprising. There are forty cards in a deck, and the probability of drawing a specific one of them is actually not high.

Not everyone can smoke whatever they want like a king, they are simply fake Africans.

But it doesn't matter, because although players can't draw, they have their own skills given by the system——

——Destiny draws cards.

Destiny draws cards, commonly known as "D draws" by players in the linked world.It can only be used once in a duel, and it can only be triggered when your HP is extremely low or the difference between you and the opponent is huge, and the situation on the field is extremely unfavorable.

In the next card drawing stage after the trigger conditions are met, the player can choose to activate the skill "Destiny Card" when drawing cards, and can lock and draw the "Destiny Card" that was set in advance when building the deck.

It is worth emphasizing that this skill can draw only the cards set by the player in advance, so when setting the fate card, the player is often more inclined to choose a more general-purpose powerful card, which can be turned over in most bad situations. kind.

Take, for example, the sublime power of Hanno...

(Trap Card, Holy Shield - Mirror Power, when the opponent declares an attack, destroy all face-up attack monsters on the opponent's field)

However, cards like that must be top-level rarities, and You Yu's initial trumpet definitely doesn't have them.

What he set was another card, a strategy card specially prepared for this mission.

"Draw a card!"

You Yu only glanced at the card after drawing it, and added it to his hand.

"I summon the elemental hero, hot girl!"

A ball of flames was released in the field, and the tall and fiery long-haired heroine leaped out.

[Elemental Hero Hot Girl, Attack Power 1200]

"Huh? Didn't choose to strengthen the defense, but took the initiative to attack?" Pandora began to chant tactically.

"If you don't attack, you won't be able to smash your flat face."

Emmm... Why does this conversation seem familiar?

(Note: The voice actor of Pandora in the Yu-Gi-Oh DM animation is Takeshi Yasuhito, who is the same as Dio Brando in "JOJO's Bizarre Adventure")

The corner of Pandora's mouth curled up, she smiled contemptuously, and then pressed a button on the dueling disk.

"Although I don't know what you want to do...but at this moment, I activate the magic card-waving to the darkness!"

I saw the cover card on Pandora's field stood up, and it was a green magic card... There was no quick attack sign next to the words of the magic card.

Nani?Activate a magic card during the opponent's turn? ?

According to the orthodox rules of Yu-Gi-Oh, magic cards can only be activated during the main phase of one's own turn, and only quick-play magic cards can be activated during the opponent's turn.

...Oh, this is the era of Yu-Gi-Oh DM, sorry to bother you.

In the DM animation, Wang Yang can also activate brainwashing, heart change and resurrection of the dead during the combat phase of the opponent's turn.

Thick black clouds began to appear over the field, accompanied by scarlet lightning.The devil's giant claws protruded from the depths of the cloud, and he couldn't help but grab the hot girl on You Yu's field, dragging her into the depths of darkness.

"Hahahaha! Beckoning to the Darkness is a magic card that can drag a monster on the field into the dark abyss, so your field will be empty again!" Pandora laughed triumphantly, "Whether you It's useless to think about anything!"

You Yu was thoughtful.

After thinking about it, he also inserted a card into the slot in the duel disk's magic trap area.

"Then I set a card and the turn is over."

"Sure enough, I'm just a low-level duelist, so there's nothing I can do? Well, but it's only natural to face my black magician. It's impossible for an ordinary duelist to win me."

Pandora became more arrogant and complacent, seeing that her nostrils were almost turned upside down.

"My turn! This is your last turn too!"

After he drew the card, his whole body became more and more floating.

"Hahaha let me show you, what is the ultimate magician driver!" He held up the card he just drew, "Let you see the magician who can call the most advanced magician at this moment!" Powerful card!

What I want to activate is the magic card - Curtain of Black Magic! "

A dense white bone appeared on the field, with a six-pointed star emblem on its chest, and the dark and floating curtain under it was windless and automatic.

"This card can be used to special summon a 'Black Magician' from our deck by paying half of the life value! Come out, Black Magician!"

【Pandora, LP 3800→LP 1900】

Bone stretched out his scrawny arm and lifted the curtain under him. A red figure flew out of it, deftly flipped in mid-air, and landed in a half-squat.

[Black magician, attack power 2500]

You Yu was "shocked": "The black magician...has two!?"

"Hahaha, that's right, I have three of the top rare cards like the Black Magician in my deck!" Pandora continued to expand, "Cards are the source of power for duelists, and this is what you and I have. The biggest difference between low-level duelists!

Come on, black magician!Dark magic! "

The total attack power of the two black magicians is [-], but there is not a single monster that can only act as a wall on Yuyu Field.

But instead of being panicked, he showed a successful smile at this time, and even wanted to say "that's not sure" to brush off his fashion sense... But considering that he is not the protagonist, let it go.

"Don't worry," You Yu raised his head and smiled strangely at Pandora, "Before your black magician attacks, I have to activate this card first...

...Open the cover card, Magic Card - Witch Hunt! "

Chapter 6 No Comments?

"... Activate the Magic Card - Witch Hunt!"

You Yu pressed the button on the duel board, and the cards covering the field were flipped over.

It was also a normal magic card. Katu was a wooden cross, a weeping woman bound by a rope and kneeling on the ground, and an executioner wearing a golden helmet and holding a long knife.

Witch Hunt is not a rare card.According to the link world, cards are divided into N cards, NR cards, R cards, SR cards, UR cards according to their rarity, and USR cards with the highest rarity.

And the magic card of Witch Hunt is only N in rarity, which is the most common and lowest-grade flat card among all cards. Eighty.

Although You Yu didn't have the initial card group, he exchanged it with the coupons that came with the system when he created the account in advance, and the purpose was to deal with this hidden task specially. (Anyway, the novice card coupons given by the system do not seem to be redeemable for other useful things)

However, it is this ordinary N card that players will dislike if given for free, it is indeed a fatal killer for Pandora's deck.

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