I’m on TV! (Showbiz SI)

Chapter 28: It’s Pronounced PHO

Chapter 28: It’s Pronounced PHO


Three bricks up and two across. July 2007.

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You are viewing: Red Carpet Megathread


~ Topic: Order of the Phoenix Premiere

In: Boards > Movies > News > RedCarpetMega

Admin: Blog_Beetle

Posted on 28 June 2007

It’s that time of year again, fellow Potterheads! Who else is ready to tune into Wizarding Wireless to catch the latest red carpet event for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix?

Too bad the floo isn’t available to us lowly muggles spread out all over the world, but never fear! With the generous work of @MadEye_Trudy and their resourceful journalism, we have a compilation of some of the best red carpet moments. The videos will be embedded in the thread, but please feel free to also check out their Youtube channel for more!

A quick reminder to all members to please stay on topic. We’re still a growing website and aren’t as big as Mugglenet or The Leaky Cauldron, so everyone please be on their best behavior - we have precious few admins to police all our active threads as it is. Pretend we’re on the red carpet ourselves if that helps!


> MadEye_Trudy (House Elf)

Replied on 28 June 2007

Video embed [ OoTP Tokyo RC 06-07 ]

Permalink: https://www.youtube.com/watch/7Hpy4d...ootp_tokyo_rc/


>SkrewtOnTheBarbie (Hufflepuff)

This is so unfair! Y r they going to Japan of all places!? Come to oz first you drongos =( 


>Kimmy_Con (Gryffindor)

Any witches or wizards from Japan here? How'd you like the movie?


>GoldenBitch50 (Slytherin)

Don't bother, they're all on Yahoo. I managed to catch the preview screening in March. I can tell you that it's the best one yet.


>FabePrewVit (Ravenclaw)

Srs? Topped GoF? No way. 


>Kimmy_Con (Gryffindor)

Exciting to hear! I'm so looking forward to it. @GoldenBitch50 what makes you say that? You know that azkaban and goblet have won like Oscars yeah? 


>Bookworm/notale (Ravenclaw)

Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban nominated for Best Art Direction, Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Visual Effects. Won: Best Adapted Screenplay.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire nominated for Best Art Direction, Best Cinematography, Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Visual Effects, Best Make-up and Hairstyling. Won: Best Visual Effects and Best Cinematography.

Plus like all the other random awards but those are all small time.


>Pr0fV3ct0r (Hufflepuff)

OUR MOVIES SHOULD HAVE WON THEM ALL!!1!1 who even cares about gay cowboys and geishas?


>Kimmy_Con (Gryffindor)

It better damn well have won screenplay at least. 3 and 4 compared to the first two kept in a lot more it was like reading the books sometimes.


>GoldenBitch50 (Slytherin)

I don't really know about all the awards and stuff, but if I had to put into those terms Order wasn't as faithful. They tweaked a few small things but kept in the important stuff as far as I can remember from the books. GoF had better like action stuff - specially the dragons and the tourny and the graveyard. Order is slower that way but the da meetings and the ministry raid were pretty fun too. Dumbledore versus Voldemort and the aftermath will make you shit. I promise. 


>Accio_Bum (Gryffindor)

Do u think they'll sell diapers at the concession stand?


>GoldenBitch50 (Slytherin)

Where order really shines is the acting this time. Like seriously the adult actors brought their a game. Even the ministry six kids were phenomenal. Luna stole my heart. I’ll never hate anyone as much as Umbridge. Harry is on another level. 


>Pr0fV3ct0r (Hufflepuff)

Are we looking at a Best Actor nomination for our Bas?! I was BAWLING at the end of GoF T_T


>GoldenBitch50 (Slytherin)

You'll need tissues 4 order 4 sure. It's rough. Bas is gonna make you feel things.


>Lady$Milfoy (Slytherin)

Oh he already does mmm


>Blog_Beetle (Head of House)

Warning to @GoldenBitch50. Appreciate your insight but I feel we're getting too close to spoiler territory. Let's let everyone watch when the movie is in theaters and then we can discuss on the appropriate thread. 


>ButterBeerBelly (Hufflepuff)

Not a chance @>Pr0fV3ct0r. The academy nevr gonna give dat to someone so yung.


>Trollina_2-2 (Death Eater)

They shudint ether! Base Rice is a shite actor. He sucked in love actually. Couldn't even speak American in that stupid car movie. I'm betting thas why he in Japan. Probs a filthy weeb. Makes sense if you think about it he even likes Ching Chong Cho Chang in the fifth book. Probably method acting - biggest sign that an actor sucks.


>SkrewtOnTheBarbie (Hufflepuff)

What are you even on about? He's literally done press tours all over the world. He was on several US talk shows and events, not to mention he did that cracking tv spot with our very own national treasure Steve Irwin.


>Trollina_2-2 (Death Eater)

Your just defending him cuz you think he's hot. Man can't act just face it, the only reason he has a career is because of you horny bitches.


>Lady$Milfoy (Slytherin)



>Kimmy_Con (Gryffindor)

Of course we like that he's handsome. He wouldn’t be a fucking movie star if he was ugly now would he? And he very much can act. It's why he inspires so much jealousy from you. 


>Blog_Beetle (Head of House)

@Trollina_2-2 First and final warning to keep it civil. Stop insulting fellow members of this thread and I've redacted your racial slur. I'm changing your flair to Death Eater. This is your last chance.


>Pr0fV3ct0r (Hufflepuff)

Check it out everyone, there's a troll in the dungeon!


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> MadEye_Trudy (House Elf)

Replied on 3 July 2007

Video embed [ OoTP London RC 07-07 ]

Permalink: https://www.youtube.com/watch/Jfc22tr…ootp_lond_rc/


>MmeMalkin (Ravenclaw)

Woah even JK Rowling came out this time! I don't think I've seen her since the first or second movie.


>Kimmy_Con (Gryffindor)

Inb4 people start trying to get more movie deets. Anyone else salivating over the book release in three weeks? It's turning out to be a very very good month for us Potterheads!


>Pr0fV3ct0r (Hufflepuff)

I have a thermos full of caffeine, a wallet full of $, and a tent /\ ready to pitch out in front of the nearest Barnes and Noble.


>GoldenBitch50 (Slytherin)

I heard that Rowling's written a pretty special dedication this time since it's the last book.


>FabePrewVit (Ravenclaw)

More like she's out on the prowl. Her and Bas are looking mighty cozy together.


>Kimmy_Con (Gryffindor)

Wow guess the face of the franchise can't even take an innocent photo without you troglodytes throwing around this crap.


>Pr0fV3ct0r (Hufflepuff)

She's married and like 25 years older than him… EEWW!!!


>FabePrewVit (Ravenclaw)

There's something to that though. Hasn't he been seen with a few older women over the last couple years? Someone back me up with some stats.


>Bookworm/notale (Ravenclaw)

Bas Rhys’s known entanglements -

Gemma Arterton (GoF Durmstrang extra) four years older than him. There was a backstage pool party photo of them but plenty of people were around as well. Was his date for the GoF premiere.

Keiko Kitagawa (Tokyo Drift) costar. Again all we have is some photos of them close together but always around other people. Also four years older than Bas.

Léa Seydoux (Fleur Delacour) was his date to the Tokyo Drift premiere which sort of put the theory about him and Keiko in the fridge. Five years older than him. 

There seems to be a clear preference visible. Don't crucio the messenger.


>Lady$Milfoy (Slytherin)

So you're saying there's a chance?


>Pr0fV3ct0r (Hufflepuff)

OH C’MON! By that logic just because he posed with Nat Tena (Tonks you nerds) he banged her too?


>ButterBeerBelly (Hufflepuff)

Who whoa whoa who said anything about banging? He's still underage.


>FabePrewVit (Ravenclaw)

Depends what country.


>Accio_Bum (Gryffindor)

@Pr0fV3ct0r  i ship it


>ButterBeerBelly (Hufflepuff)

@Accio_Bum stop trying to make ‘ship’ happen. No one's going to use it just use pairing like the rest of us degens.


>Trollina_2-2 (Death Eater)

Good! Lettim at those old hags. He just better keep his hands off my Hermione! Emma's way too good for him.


>SkrewtOnTheBarbie (Hufflepuff)

UR Hermione LOL!


>SkrewtOnTheBarbie (Hufflepuff)

Is this guy watching the same videos we are? Emma Watson's not exactly making room for Jesus. She's not the only one either. All the other girls seem pretty comfortable using him as a jungle gym.


>Accio_Bum (Gryffindor)

A lil bit of Hermione in my life ~

A lil bit of Ginny by my side ~

A lil bit of Luna’s all I need ~

A lil bit of Tonks is all I see ~


>xXxHadrianBlackxXx (Gryffindor)

@Bookworm/notale you forgot one. Bas also whisked Tom Felton away and stuck with him that one time. He's older than Bas by a couple years too.


>Accio_Bum (Gryffindor)

I ship it. I ship it all. Rainbow harem is go


>xXxHadrianBlackxXx (Gryffindor)

@Accio_Bum I might have a fanfiction youd be interested in. DM me.


>Trollina_2-2 (Death Eater)

Gawd it's even worse when you people spell it out. If this pussy hound is so comfortable being such a huge pervert to these famous girls, can you even imagine how disgustingly he probably behaves with his fans? Fucking gross!


>Kimmy_Con (Gryffindor)

Now w8 just a dam minute! I've met Bas in person and he's an absolute sweetheart. The only reason he kissed me - on the cheek mind you - was because I begged him to.


>FabePrewVit (Ravenclaw)

Pics or it didn't happen


>Lady$Milfoy (Slytherin)

He gave my daughter the sweetest little autograph as well. It's a polaroid of them together and he wrote it out like a Hogwarts express ticket. It's literally framed and hung above her bed. That was how well behaved he was when he must've been like twelve. @Trollina_2-2 doesn't know the first thing about Bas Rhys 


>Pr0fV3ct0r (Hufflepuff)

Just ignore him. That's s000 sw333t what he did for your daughter. Couldn't be more jealous. And before anyone gets on my case about having a crush on a teen boy, I'll have you know I'm a straight married man.


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> MadEye_Trudy (House Elf)

Replied on 8 July 2007

Video embed [ OoTP LA RC 07-07 ]

Permalink: https://www.youtube.com/watch/p3rv5...ootp_Cali_rc/


>MmeMalkin (Ravenclaw)

OMG they all look so cute! Emma's dress is gorgeous.


>ButterBeerBelly (Hufflepuff)

I hope none of that cement or clay or whatever it was got on their clothes. That said, I can't wait to check out their hand and wand prints when I get the chance!


>Trollina_2-2 (Death Eater)

@SkrewtOnTheBarbie I've scrolled through all the pics and videos we have on this thread and I noticed a funny detail - all his clothes are tailored by Uniqlo a Japanese company. I told you that guy is a weeaboo! 


>SkrewtOnTheBarbie (Hufflepuff)

He's sponsored by them you dropkick.


>Lady$Milfoy (Slytherin)

Someone's forgetting the very nice and very affordable hp merch we've been getting recently. But go ahead and cry some more.


>Trollina_2-2 (Death Eater)

What's that arsehole got to do with it? He just flogs his face on it.


>Pr0fV3ct0r (Hufflepuff)

Again with this pr1ck :o


>Kimmy_Con (Gryffindor)

It's an open secret that Bas helped broker the deal between WB and Uniqlo. 


>Trollina_2-2 (Slytherin Death Eater)

Bullshit rumours.


>GoldenBitch50 (Slytherin)

I'll give you another one. I have a buddy who's working on set as part of Emma's new movies. Bas had been spotted visiting her and the crew there a bunch of times. Apparently he always brings donuts for everyone too. Maybe there's some credence to them dating. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 


>Trollina_2-2 (Slytherin Death Eater)

Sure guy. And I have an uncle who works at Nintendo.


>MmeMalkin (Ravenclaw)

It's funny how you think he's such a bad guy when Rupert's literally wearing a shirt with Bas’s face on it. 


>Accio_Bum (Gryffindor)

Another redheaded one for your harem fic @xXxHadrianBlackxXx


>Kimmy_Con (Gryffindor)

@GoldenBitch50 Oohhh I hadn't heard she was doing a non HP movie! What's it called?


>GoldenBitch50 (Slytherin)

Cloverfield. Think Blair witch project meets Godzilla. At least that's how it was described to me.


>Trollina_2-2 (Death Eater)

@MmeMalkin so what? Probs just Hollywood shilling. But credit to him and the rest of the cast tho. At least they're looking good in blazers and dresses. Not like Base Rice. Fucker looks like he's going to clown school.


>MmeMalkin (Ravenclaw)

Everyone looks nice, but no one there can compete with Bas. He’s pairing old money cuts with bright oriental accents. Light mandarin shirts with dark academia trousers. This is high fashion. If we end up seeing him on a runway soon I wouldn't be surprised.


>Trollina_2-2 (Death Eater)

Clothes can't hide his ugly.


>Lady$Milfoy (Slytherin)

Embedded Image [Bas Rhys burning hawt]. This was him in Florida earlier this year. Now let's see you.


>Trollina_2-2 (Death Eater)


User has been sent to Azkaban. Posting privileges have been rescinded for a period of 30 days. 


>Blog_Beetle (Head of House)

I can't control your fanfics, but please don't sexualize the actual actors here. Especially the minors. There's a reason those legal age countdowns don't exist anymore.


>Pr0fV3ct0r (Hufflepuff)

Ye lol cuz Bas ripped that E! perv a new one. 


> MadEye_Trudy (House Elf)

Replied on 12 July 2007

Just got back from watching Order of the Phoenix. Wow. 

New discussion is up here: Boards > Movies > Release 

Also by popular demand, we have opened a new thread: Boards > Misc > Creevey’s Catalog for all your thirst quenching needs. Share your personal interactions with the stars of Harry Potter. Creepshots not accepted.


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